Tagged > What is emotional freedom technique |
impulses and the ego
10 Posts • 2423 Views Talk Talk |
Should we deny ourselves our own natural human impulses in order to better who we are or does doing this in fact change the purpose of our existence in actual fact does doing this better us at all, wh... |
Musical Consistency
0 Posts • 1814 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm my taste in music has changed. I don't listen to any of the same music as when i was 10-13ish. My style has completely changed. I am thinking this happened because when i was 12 i had severe... |
Habits & BehaviorMy thoughts on Hallmark...not really but they're involved
3 Posts • 2758 Views Psychology Forum |
How long should you save a greeting card?
Do they have expiration dates?
When you give someone close to you a card how long do you expect them to keep it before they toss it in the trash?
O... |
Attolia needs advice
6 Posts • 2768 Views Talk Talk |
I want to study abroad for 5 months or so. But I have a 9 year old brother who really needs me as a friend and sister. My other brothers aren't around either to fill that void. Can you give me an... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9209 Views Psychology Forum |
If your interested in changing the world for the better, go to the 'Resource Based Economy Foundation' web site. Also look up 'Permaculture'.
The re is plenty on this earth for eve... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3773 Views Psychology Forum |
I would like to understand men and women better in regards to being of a different sex.
The physical, biological, mental, emotional differences that are hardwired into us. The things that will make... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12646 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"The more I read your words the more I realize how irrational you are"
That's a subjective statement - try to remain objective - especially since it is your ideas that you are trying... |
How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3919 Views Talk Talk |
emotional breakdowns arent that scary... they feel damn good in fact, like becoming a whole new person. buidling up to them sucks, but once you hit that breaking point you almost feel invincible for a... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32933 Views Philosophy Forum |
Chill out - quit being so emotional. Geez lol
So you believe that religious people cant also want a secular gov't? I disagree and do not make the same connections you do because I am not anti-... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27263 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
because it is not healthy.
What is unhealthy about it, how does it affect physiological health negatively, emotional? How?
What is unhealty is to such a view for no good reason. Why do YOU fe... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34077 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
dood... let's get a few things clear. war is shit, it sucks. plain and simple. but, war is sometimes needed... and i always 'support our troops'... they fight for our 'freedom'... |
Religion & HumanityAn Essay On Same Sex Marriage
4 Posts • 18345 Views Religion Forum |
This is really good. I agree with 100 percent of it.
"Christians are free to believe that gay and lesbian couples should not marry, but their freedom to believe should not tip the scales of eq... |
Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7011 Views Talk Talk |
We remove our emotional reactions from the equation so that we can get the job done so like you said orders from above. But the second part of that is we do it to protect ourselves if we entered comba... |
When I feel pain, I....
20 Posts • 7160 Views Philosophy Forum |
When i feel physical pain.. no matter how bad it may look. I just dont register it as "pain" it's really hard to explain I don't cry or yell or anything... buttt when i feel emotio... |
Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4814 Views Psychology Forum |
rather then revenge on a loved one, I would rather just make them look completely stupid somehow. Like if something came up, and it was the time they needed me MOST, after they had fucked me over, lik... |
IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16000 Views Religion Forum |
Well maybe we all learned something from this. Freedom of speech is important but we do need to respect other peoples beliefs.
People have fought hard to earn that right and as always it is taken a... |
I wish i were dumb
3 Posts • 6550 Views Talk Talk |
Yes indeed I have felt this way roo. I guess if was within you to blindly wxcept your role and how life is defined as it is handed to you - you may be a whole lot happier. So maybe questioning the way... |
68 Posts • 15265 Views Religion Forum |
Ethereal: I presume Chelsea was saying that you could listen to other opinions in a constructive way, instead of always turning a cold shoulder.
Some people live in a world without laws- its known... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57892 Views Religion Forum |
Think, a belief in God negates free will and freedom of choice to a great extent. God is defined as exsisting beyond time therefore he knows everychoice you will make before you make it, you can'... |
Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17071 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok so basically if everything happens based on previous actions then what was the original action? What started the whole action frenzy? The brain can't be calculated. There's too many possi... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Crimson: I'm sorry - I missed something. I never heard of freedom fries and I wasn't aware that it was against the law to poke fun at the holocaust or 9/11.
Never-the-less, SNL is wrong a... |
Child & Family PsychologyInescapable Human Emotion
27 Posts • 6699 Views Psychology Forum |
lol I doubt it, I'm just not being clear enough.
I understand wha tyou are saying about me and my particular emotional issues with my father. That makes sense to me.
But what I'm trying to... |
189 Posts • 73095 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
some people are down playing the effects and brutality of pedaphiles.......excuse this imagery but, think of this .....a 40 year old man forcing his pennis into an 8 year old little girl....he's... |
16 Posts • 6188 Views Talk Talk |
and I'm not saying that they all are angels, And I have had tons Of police encounters myself. And besides the fact that my Father was a police officer.
But what do Police Officers and guns have... |
Society & SociologyBeing succesful and people that try to use you.
2 Posts • 2576 Views Psychology Forum |
First I think that you need to ask yourself the question of whether or not ALL of them are PURPOSELY trying to take advantage of you, or if after a few bad experiences with a few jerks altered your ow... |