Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
I never called anyone a greedy whore. I wish you weren't so offended so as to see these things.
I said they were after power and money, just like everybody else.
I don't know them pers... |
SocietyWill the Downfall of Society Save Us?
2 Posts • 2651 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think society as it stands today must fail in order for a new one to take its place, yes. There are too many people afraid of change, who will suffer through depression just because of the familiar... |
GovernmentPolitical Views, Obama, Glenn beck, Palin, Alex jones
10 Posts • 4171 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Politicians are controlled by intelligence
Quote, 'Case Study 14 : "9/11 Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura," TruTV, Premiere December 9, 2009
TruTV is an American cable television n... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
I think it's unfair and a sign of your own insecurities, awakenedwraith, that you afford me no charity for the things I do not say.
This was what I said a few posts ago:
"To your defen... |
Emotions & FeelingsGags with every breath / This world brings me down / I'm looking forward to death
8 Posts • 3402 Views Psychology Forum |
Life does not have to be depressing... and you don't have to run or delude yourself of anything to do it. I was depressed about 4-5 years ago. It's hard for me to say how depressed I was. I... |
What did you do today?
31 Posts • 9838 Views Talk Talk |
i just got done rubbing my eyse for like ten minutes strait. it really hurts. today i took a shower. my hair always feels really nice after i do that. i then went downtown with my freinds. while at wa... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6376 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Unkle. Rabbit in your headlights.
You may recognize Toms Yorkes voice as the singer.
http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=noExWvmqaec
Thi s song and video to me is a metaphor for those who walk a di... |
SocietyThe New World Order: The Final Showdown for America
7 Posts • 2705 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ron Paul - The American Power Structure (1988)
Revealing interview from the August, 1988 broadcast of Frank Morrow's "Alternative Views" found at archive.org. It cements Dr. Paul... |
A very good night
6 Posts • 3000 Views Talk Talk |
first of all, i'd like to welcome myself back after almost 4 years away. and to say hola to Mugen, its been a while my freind.
next I would to say that while reading the first of most recent pos... |
War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah. Now you see Chained Wings if I showed this video clip to my Dad, he would go ape. He already thinks most Americans are stupid, but man! these are grown ups and they don't know shit about anythin... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Bush's grandpa is a nazi therefore Bush is a nazi"
And thats fine, regard it as opinion and move on right, take whats important and factual and throw out the trash.
The only thin... |
Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10959 Views Talk Talk |
Ok i have played videogames since i was 10 or even younger. I was even called a gamefreak. I have played all types of games from the extremely violent Mortal Kombat to the Very Emotional Addictive fin... |
Bush Nazi
0 Posts • 3704 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum | n/documentaries/s/smedley_butl er.rm
A link to audio including General Smedley Butler himself describes the Fascist Plot to overthrow the American Government that Presc... |
Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm.. let me see if i get this right..
you are tired of being forced into accepting that she (the bithcy hoe) is actually what you want?
heres something that may come to a shocker to you jacker... |
EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9651 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm a leftist. I'm also a sophomore in high school. I have high honors grades in AP and honors classes. I'm also holding a job at some shitty video rental place. I work hard. I do it fo... |
Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8038 Views Psychology Forum |
Likewise the response to Katrina
THE RESPONSE, or the media's response, minus the real or not response of Heraldo in referrence to those TRAPPED in the Super Dome, "let them go!"...... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
"What I am wondering is why so many believe that a girl that acts promiscuous in a video is reason for calling her a slut or whore."
Regardless of whether they actually are or not, people... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
Existance is a paradox, that is why it is debatable.
Your notion that nothingness is impossible, the point I take issue with given your self contradicting logic.
Because nothingness is no less s... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotions Journal
7 Posts • 2988 Views Psychology Forum |
ITT I try and track my emotions and personal progress with an online journal.
I feel like I just want to try and be as honest and open as possible about the things I feel here. I am not going to sh... |
BiologyDefense, home team, defense!
1 Posts • 3347 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The cell's natural defense against HIV...
Howdy! Haven't had much time for forums these days, but this article seems relevent enough for me to make an appearance around here...
(From S... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, this is a serious issue correct? I agree. Whether one believes one way or another.
But the most important thing we can do is to educate ourselves as to why we believe what we believe as well as... |
of lovers and mx 6's
1 Posts • 1900 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
this one is really meant to be a performance poem, but i'm bored so what the hell i'll post it anyways. maybe i'll get a video of myself performing it and post it as well.
inside t... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34715 Views Talk Talk |
"I just read your post, three times, and I still don't understand exactly what your perceptive is, although I think I might be in agreement with most of it."
Well if you have a speci... |
11 Posts • 5529 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not positive this is the right forum for this thread but I think any philosopher or pshycologist needs to change his/her reality to truly understand what reality even is. I don't know if... |
Panic At The Disco- Build God, Then We'll Talk
1 Posts • 1869 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Not a good video, funny, but not good.
The song is just so badass. This has got to me in my top 15 songs.
It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Freemont Street... |