War & TerrorismThis Nation is behind its leaders!
10 Posts • 2966 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When I joined this forum I thought it looked like a bunch of people who were speaking out against the US government and its exploits.
There's the anti Bush thread, and others that criticize US gove... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So no one here feels any information from this or any of the number of other private citizen investigations, films, lawsuits, and all of their questions and concerns don't merit some serious inve... |
Ailments & DiseaseHair Regeneration Using Stem Cells
3 Posts • 3455 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Scientists are learning so many amazing things about stem cells and what you can do with them. It's very realistic that within the science of stem cells lies the future of human health.
Scient... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34078 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
(How do you keep the Media subverted on important issues such as the war on terrorism? Don't forget who got some of the Anthrax sent to them from an American military facility, not to mention con... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29265 Views Religion Forum |
Decius--"Again, this is not advocated in the religion itself, but the religion provides the first ten steps. Religions such as Budhism or Hinduism do not provide those ten steps."
Just be... |
ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3394 Views Religion Forum |
Child of light that is very nice copying of a Christian leaflet and all the memory verses are very well ordered and the scriptures are all good scriptures, I know because I've read them. However,... |
Child & Family PsychologyChildhood Outlets
7 Posts • 3200 Views Psychology Forum |
I too daydreamed alot in first grade. I can remember sitting there and realizing that the teacher and class were waiting on me to answer a question and how gnawed my pencil would be. Simple things tha... |
5 Posts • 2496 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Ooops, my bad.
Having a dial up modem makes it very hard to navigate the video threads at 56kbps, so I guess I got a little lazy. Sorry.
But Ive just spent the last hour going through all the mus... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11364 Views Talk Talk |
the impression that i get from decius is that he really thinks he knows whats going on. he used to get picked on in the third grade. one time a kid made fun of his ethnic background and he beat the cr... |
Relationships & LoveI met my boyfriend on the internet..so what!
63 Posts • 44081 Views Psychology Forum |
This is the way the world is moving - If businessmen can conduct video conferencing over the internet and meet for the first time in that way, what makes other fields any different? They just have dif... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
I found this site a month ago when searching for sarcastic quotes on Yahoo.
I'm a 17-year-old high school senior, but I'm also working towards an associates degree at the same time. I ta... |
6 Posts • 2613 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Wow, killer beat! and what a beautiful girl too.
And I would like to play art director here for fun, and get the whole team back to re-shoot. Not because its bad or anything, but this time I would... |
SocietyUF student tazed
6 Posts • 3314 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
police officers really do make me sick. They find the tiniest reasons to relate one's actions to a infraction on the law. Inciting a riot? bull shit is what that is. like he said he was informing... |
nissan skyline gt-r
21 Posts • 12440 Views Talk Talk |
A stock Nissan Skyline GT-R34 Vspec II:
0-60 in 5.2 seconds
Quarter Mile: 13.7 seconds at 103.5 mph
277 bhp at 6,800 RPMs
RB26DETT engine
ATTESA E-TS all wheel drive system
Nissan's Super... |
About the Conspiracy Theory...
3 Posts • 2673 Views Talk Talk |
This is a collection of some threads here
http://www.captaincyni c.com/thread/40077/corruption_ of_power.htm
And this is a site heavy with links to media reports, government documents and sites, a... |
TechnologyThe iPad
2 Posts • 2501 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I came home from classes this morning and my roommates were gnawing over this new piece of Apple ware.
So I read a review and viewed a couple video's of the iPad. The iPad seemed to me like it... |
Gender PsychologyThe Horrific Conditioning Of Female Babies/Children
4 Posts • 5402 Views Psychology Forum |
Females from birth are inundated with false notions and heavy conditioning that shapes, warps and stunts them as whole human beings. If you've ever been concerned about women being superficial, o... |
songs of praise and worship and those that inspire
63 Posts • 12763 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There is a God (Yesh Elokim)
Excerpt: About 12yr old kid's battle against cancer. He loved to sing but one day he woke up and his beautiful voice was gone. A few days later he ... all » was... |
Art AppreciationAn Eerie Structure: The Singing Ringing Tree
3 Posts • 9920 Views Art Forum |
Anyone from or been to Burnley in England? That's where this interesting sculpture is home to. An eerie looking sculpture that makes very eerie sounding sounds. The structure is made from tuned s... |
ConspiracyJFK Assassination
8 Posts • 6656 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Zapruder, Nix, and Muchmore films have always proven Jfk's real assassin was the driver, William Greer
The silly goon who shot jfk is on the right, the passenger in the middle.
[IMG]http:... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15986 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is a fascinating story developing in the run for '08's GOP candidate.
Congressman Ron Paul is taking the debates by storm acting as the only Republican with what could be termed a p... |
Gender PsychologyNew Songs
17 Posts • 6652 Views Psychology Forum |
It appears to me these days that a lot of songs on much music are only about how hot they are. Some women prancing around saying how hot they are and how much you need them. You know I can say with co... |
Re: Chinese People
9 Posts • 2516 Views Talk Talk |
Chinese people are actually bad drivers. One of them even almost killed me with their bad driving techniques and yes this women didn't speak a word of english. I don't care what anyone says... |
God in Religionwhat made God?
32 Posts • 13518 Views Religion Forum |
I cannot tell you the source of the source or god.
But I can tell you that you lines of logic have far too many holes for conlcusions to be drawn.
Your conclusions on what is nature and how natu... |
Human Nature & EmotionHaTe
8 Posts • 5631 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've felt this sort of feeling before as well. I consider this to be a good place to start your life over. Obviously you are not happy with the current state of your existence, and you most likel... |