Conscious and Sub-ConsciousConsciousness is just the tip of the iceberg
24 Posts • 12881 Views Psychology Forum |
I have searched many sites, but none seem to address this question.
Anyway, I 'd like to recommend a fascinating book I have come across, 'The Power of Now'. I have only read a few p... |
36 Posts • 10483 Views Religion Forum |
I think that the antiChrist would be some sort of powerful group or organisation(s?), that is misleading many many people, that claim they're true, but that they'll be exposed through their... |
ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14537 Views Religion Forum |
true, i've never thought of that, everyone always comments on jesus being depicted wrong, but no-one ever stops to think that every other character in the bible is wrongly depicted in most of our... |
ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6804 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thanks for posting that. It was definantly worth the watch.
If all of that were true, is there actually something we can do to prevent the "New World Order" from becoming a reality?... |
Life & DeathLife Accomplishments
18 Posts • 5450 Views Philosophy Forum |
To keep my family happy and to die without regrets.
That is truly a good accomplishment.
If I may add to that is to be true and honest with everyone in my life. To be open-minded and self-aware... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46370 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
etherealmeekle- you are blind because you have been brain-washed by the biased christian viewpoint. Unfortunately you cannot make value outside your 'christian' moral framework. One may refu... |
GodMy theory(s)
8 Posts • 4610 Views Philosophy Forum |
That's why I don't dwell on theories anymore like I use to. It only makes one crazy.
Now, I know the facts and my mind stays quiet. Like the fact that there absolutely is no God. I know t... |
Society & SociologyRacism in today's society and the impact of modern hate
7 Posts • 5068 Views Psychology Forum |
very very true but im not just talking about black on white, im talking about all racism in general that is just a focal point to the debate as a simple retort to those who read anddo not understand t... |
Raison d'Etre
10 Posts • 7443 Views Philosophy Forum |
live to eb the best. live to retire as early as possible.
with all the free time 24 hr a day, then life really begins.
marragie and family are shackles, trust me. selfisness and self benefit is th... |
ElectionsNow I Don't Have To Throw Away My Vote
9 Posts • 2661 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As usual she is a human and I have dissagreements with her from time to time, but my trust in her runs far deeper than anyone running today and her general aims are right in line with my own.
She w... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36652 Views Philosophy Forum |
what is reality? its wat our sense tell us is round about us, true. Our senses have desieved us at least once in our lifetime and it not right to trust something that has willingly decieved us in the... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31954 Views Psychology Forum |
Skin tight jeans do it for me, shows off the Natural Booty more. Another thing that I find extremely inviting....umm, atractive is the lounge/pajama pants, shows off the true shape.;) |
You know you're a gamer if...
39 Posts • 17497 Views Jokes & Games |
If your true love has a pixel count.. holy shit that's funny.
You know you're a gamer if your conversation starter at a party is "Anyone play Worlds?"
(seen it too many times, se... |
Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17740 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't believe in soulmates or fate. I think the whole conception of everyone having a soulmate is just a way for people to be reassured that we all have someone in our lives so we don't di... |
War & TerrorismNeocons or al-Qaeda - Who Are the Fanatics?
8 Posts • 3465 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It's all about the bottom line - prophet. This is not a true democracy. Money rules, he who has the most is the leader. So we will make sacrifices to make that profit, even sacrafice our pride.... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39734 Views Science & Technology Forum |
would someone please translate that into english ?
i don't know, maybe it's just our brains, because we still don't know a lot about our brain .... and don't rea... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59365 Views Philosophy Forum |
but careing, yeah i see why you would say that.
You only care because it has an impact on YOU. That is selfish if you cared so much about the hurting people that you allowed yourself to be hurt... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6589 Views Philosophy Forum |
AgainstTheGrain posted: I honestly think when you die , things will be the same for you as the time before you were born...
If the above were true then that means there is nothing that can say you... |
God in ReligionLoving, Kind, Forgiving, Blessing God?
35 Posts • 9772 Views Religion Forum |
One might say that there is a double standard because God is perfect and man is not. If that is true, then God should be held to a higher standard of moral perfection, not a lower standard. |
SocietyPolitical Compass
17 Posts • 7379 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Greens are like greens everywhere else... They want social equality and a safe environment. They are not off topic, although according to the chart the greens would have a similar economy the neo-fasc... |
When is it OK to say "I Love You"?
20 Posts • 25961 Views Talk Talk |
When is it ok to say I love you?
There is no time limit; there is no too early, or too late. There is no pressure. There is no lying. There is no tryin... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"This war has been brought to you by terrorists."
In a sense yes, Bush could never have gone through with this war without 9/11 and the fake Al Quaeda/Saddam link.
"Whether you agr... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16244 Views Religion Forum |
Good for you, seriously, i never doubted there was substance to you but I feared I was losing another good mind to sheepish tendencies.
And that you recognize an event of such obviously letting you... |
Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7482 Views Religion Forum |
*lol* your funny. This is not a sarcasm contest however. Your whole last post, although is assumed true, you have digressed. You have provided new material into the discussion. Why? because you misint... |
SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7992 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ignorance is a tool used by the rich and powerful to control the masses.Most of the worlds population has been propagandized into believing things that are just not true. What country you were born in... |