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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD Relationships & LoveSimple Question
10 Posts • 2645 Views
Psychology Forum
Distant relationships just don't usually tend work out, they just don't provide enough substinance for the longing that will persist the heart. thats not entirely true, im in a long dista...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13384 Views
Religion Forum
True, but they may also drop into the depths of dispear, especially if their religion was the only thing keeping them positive by making them feel important. Some people will never accept a truth,...
THREAD Kill Bill
0 Posts • 4037 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
just bought Vol. 2 it has a nifty deleted scene with Bill actually fighting in it! anywho, i heard some rumors about QT making a third movie several years down the road, or some sort of continu...
THREAD ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32177 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It is true, and it is imperfect, its not easy to make a race specific biological agent. They were after the black people primarily on that one, and that is its primary casualty. Don't worry...
THREAD Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27339 Views
Philosophy Forum
True, but battling is also a form of competition which breeds new ideas and thoughts in order to best your opponent. I have no problem with the idea of keeping the peace but i think a useful argument...
THREAD Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23479 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Does the movie live up to you expectations? Most movies made from games, books, TV series etc tend to water down thier content and leave their true fans depressed. Teenagers may like this. Bit I...
THREAD War & TerrorismWeird 9/11 facts
8 Posts • 3249 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'll take the blame here. Oblivion found this article from me, I had got it from a friend on myspace. Rather than questioning any of it, I just kinda took it at true and something merely to laugh...
THREAD Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6376 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Duuuuude! That is one of my favorite videos. I had forgotten all about it. When I first saw it years back, I related to it in exactly the same way you describe here. I think the coat is very symbolic...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views
Religion Forum
Allright, any attempt to say that the there is no truth and the Law of Noncontradiction is false does 2 things. First, it assumes that it is true as opposed to false, and thus gives the Law of Noncont...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsRationalization of my perception
3 Posts • 2992 Views
Philosophy Forum
i m still at the point of my life of finding the niche of my perception though i formulate standpoints of my perception the point is i formulate different standpoints, which contridict themselves...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
deep is the well of thine thoughts, really I read it through three times and I sense the true in your words more than comprehend them *roll* So I will probably return many times to seek the inner mean...
THREAD SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3577 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
you support the welfare od the government and the people. so you do what you think is best for the country. if that means temporerily terring down the government in order make it stronger, if you are...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12467 Views
Religion Forum
How can I experiance my true self if I don't know wheather I exist or not? Well, for a fact I know that I don't exist! I know that 'I' am just an illusion, a product of the mind, a...
THREAD Vigil, Peace Protest, Rally - Whatever
4 Posts • 2483 Views
Talk Talk
There are supposed to be a lot of churches involved in this. The religious community that once supported him are begginning to to see his true colors. As they would say, "satan can disguise himse...
THREAD Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10430 Views
Philosophy Forum
lol - wyote - imagin that. But its often true - ppl that are honest and good often get crap in life and all the mutherf~~~~~~ who steal and cheat get the better slice of the cake that we call life.
THREAD Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9268 Views
Religion Forum
I have had an encounter with God. As real as any other encouter with a human being I never said anything about the existance of God, im surprised that if youv'e truly had an experiance with...
THREAD SpiritualityChruch
6 Posts • 3796 Views
Religion Forum
First, sorry if I confudled anyone, but I have no prob with going to church. Infact, aside from my mother, I am the only one who enjoys going. And secondly, Dreamer, you seem to have a great amount...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24428 Views
Religion Forum
The summit of pseudo-religous as well pseudo-scientific babble? Oh, I just reading thru the thread & was noting the use of logic => I think it was the Mr. Spoke, who said something to the natur...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views
Religion Forum
Universal truth is an empty abstraction. If your truth must account for all the facts, and if accounting for all the facts results in inconsistency; only the most empty abstractions can be true. Our o...
THREAD ElectionsLet Nader Debate!
5 Posts • 3699 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
There will be three televised debates this fall, and right now only Bush and Kerry will be allowed to participate. Without Ralph Nader's inclusion, the critical issues facing our country-includin...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29264 Views
Religion Forum
If there is no right answer to any one person's belief, then all would be right. But, if any one person had the belief that their faith was the only true faith and that all other faiths were wron...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9268 Views
Religion Forum
petesmith-Every single thing you said is what almost every single religion says. Jesus is unique. He was either telling the truth, He was crazy, or He was a liar. But since everyone agrees that Jes...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34207 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
A true democracy doesnt just lie in media i also think the public have an effect on a True democracy. I do have respect for those who chose not to vote as a political statement but for the majority o...
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14241 Views
Psychology Forum
I have two main theories on dreams and lucid dreaming... post if you agree with either one, have a different one, or have something to add. 1. Our brain is the most powerfull calculator that will...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43048 Views
Religion Forum
They are sinners because they are only devoted to themselves and refuse responsibility. it's perfectly possible to be responsible without having childeren to oblige your god. if that wern't...
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