32 Posts • 9057 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jacker people will always lack understanding of what is real and true and I believe that you seem to think you have gotten some where with your little thoughts and ideas. I'm also willing to step... |
Sexual PsychologyLoss of Virginity
33 Posts • 15325 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
that's quite true, but if it became enforced practice to wait until marriage, it would happen.
I suppose it would then be time to get the guiliteen out from the mothballs |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41998 Views Religion Forum |
Hmm . . . awareness of the true nature of self, we separate ourselves from GOD so it is written. As we come toward oneness with all things, we become aware of our connection to (plural) GOD. |
Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9268 Views Religion Forum |
Petesmith what leads you to beleive that Christianity is the only true religion? Love Jesus, but always have an open mind. |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29264 Views Religion Forum |
The ONE True Religion is that Man is God. Science has proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Your only obstacle is your ego and your incapacity to correctly understand that YOU ARE GOD. |
Writing AdviceCan you guys please write me a song about being...
60 Posts • 26351 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
So back to New Zealand from New York? that is quite a change of venue wow! So is the origional post a true part of your experience? |
War & TerrorismNews From Iraq
14 Posts • 4295 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Fair enough then, from the news it sounds like the US doesnt have much control over certain parts of the cities, IE that there are loads of no go zones, this true? |
Science vs ReligionDoes a grain of sand have a soul?
9 Posts • 2634 Views Religion Forum |
I've come across some ideas with respect to the idea of infinity of the small, that is, infinitely small space, the idea that a grain of sand may contain an infinity of spacial "depth"... |
Keeping Up - My Cell to Your Cell
5 Posts • 2326 Views Philosophy Forum |
When a cell is transformed by an experience, the cells related to it, and the cells beside it, need to adapt in order to keep up with it.
If this is true, then do all the cells in the body need to k... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24612 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have to agree whole heartedly with lastresort. if you have no knowledge of religion you dont think that good things, that there is some supreme being controlling it, you think its good luck, or that... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40997 Views Religion Forum |
"DT... So we are it? There is nothing more than us or beyond us, wiser than us? We (us and the world that surrounds us) are as good as it gets?"
Just because we are the most wise, doesnt me... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57892 Views Religion Forum |
"I will not debate any more for the reasons I have stated."
" It is because of the total denial in front of me..."
Denial? Denial of what? Of the subjective proof? You have plent... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad - I correct myself - part of your faith is evangelizing. So I guess if you continue to try to make me believe in what you believe you are being true to your faith. Those who bear much fruit... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is sexist to assume that this would always, and in all cases be true.
Obviously empowering women does not always work. - and, of course doing so can lead to serious disruption to family structures... |
Relationships & LoveThe best way to apologise to a girl
19 Posts • 67842 Views Psychology Forum |
I would suggest you think about why you are saying sorry first. Make sure you really are sorry or at the very least understand why she's so upset. If you can try and see things from her point of... |
Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6635 Views Religion Forum |
for one if a preacher came up to me and ask if i was a christian i would say i was and when he ask me why id say three words:
cause its true
and timmo you can do what ever you want to do but as for... |
ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20109 Views Religion Forum |
in a library you find the bible in non fiction because it' s the true story of the world and in particular of the christians and of the jewish and maybe for ask a question like that you must be a... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceDeja Vu-Theories
74 Posts • 39734 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I had a deja vu dream once, it was wild. I decided to go a different direction because of it because I was afraid it would come true. I'll have to get back and share that with you. but it's... |
One wish...
15 Posts • 4003 Views Talk Talk |
where is the quote function???
Transported to the end of the universe you say.. that is so impractical. You would see nothing but dust and black.
My vote is for true love, hands down. |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55445 Views Philosophy Forum |
ha. ok.
well you've asked me to prove to you something which cannot be proven..
Its not about believing everything is skewed..and theres no way we can know all.(although this is true).... |
to hate a parent
18 Posts • 5593 Views Talk Talk |
thats true but her mom should understand how she feels. she shouldnt try to change her feeling towards her deadbeat dad....But as I said before he's not worth your time and effort, he deserves no... |
141 Posts • 31175 Views Talk Talk |
I am cynical of disgruntled Idealists.
The reality is they're actually Optimists (Pollyanna) because they lack the character
to practice true Idealism. |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10430 Views Philosophy Forum |
thats true but men also want some contadicting things in women.....you seem to want us to be innocent and sweet and slutty at the same time.....a house wife and a whore |
LawThe Doctorine of Pre-emption
3 Posts • 4692 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thank You for this informative post, as I read several strings in the political section. I again feel a vague hope that US may become a true democracy! |
BooksSylvia Browne's "Secrets & Mysteries of the World"
12 Posts • 3528 Views Talk Talk |
That last post made absolutely no sense, can you quote lines from what I said that might prove that what you say is true (assuming it has any meaning to begin with)? |