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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16750 Views
Psychology Forum
True, pot isn't very addictive. I had given it up for a few months until quite recently and didn't find it difficult at all. However, cigarettes are a completely different ball game for me....
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42000 Views
Religion Forum
Original Post The Problem of Evil If God exists, and God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect, then why did God create the world with physical and mental anguish (evil) in it? Was God p...
THREAD Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59352 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ok. First of all for people who are inherently unpleased with the answer that Life is an end unto itself need Truth. Not relative or personal truth but a more prevalant and universal Truth. This must...
THREAD Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29870 Views
Jokes & Games
your wish comes true, your significant other is then stolen by the illuminati and used against you as bait. you are lured into one of their many lairs, where they then mind control you and force you t...
THREAD Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4864 Views
Psychology Forum
Chained wings makes some very good points. You've just got to think of ourself wether its what you want or not and if your generally happy and if your not, do whats best for yourself, I've b...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScientific Skepticism
11 Posts • 3394 Views
Religion Forum
decius KGB never said that he was fooling us, he just said that back then people were less skeptical and would actually accept that miracles were miraculous rather than derren brown holding things up...
THREAD Last Concert You Went To
15 Posts • 4233 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Iron Maiden_ Maybe 6 months ago? I was actually in the front row and Bruce Dickenson sang Children of the Damned with me. He REALLY did. (I know you don't believe it but its true, i swear) Aft...
THREAD Bookswhat about books?
3 Posts • 3186 Views
Talk Talk
that is so true. the reason why i have not been on this wonderful websie for such a long time, is because i made a vow on my 15th birthday to but away all electronics in order to better myself intelle...
THREAD ?????
2 Posts • 2880 Views
Talk Talk
growing up is all about becoming comfortable and confident in yourself. those who stand in your way must be overcome. those who simply follow you must be shown their own path. those willing to journey...
THREAD Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8054 Views
Religion Forum
I do good because I want to do good, not because an invisible man in the sky tells me to do it. I think that's something to remember, why you're doing it. Some people are simply just scared...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10986 Views
Religion Forum
Yes, all emotions can be explained by evolution, but there is one particular thing that surpaces ordinary emotion, that is, true love. Not love as in loving your girl friend, but love between you and...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAlthough I'm not religious...
13 Posts • 4064 Views
Religion Forum
Anything you say here is a waste of everyone's time. How about instead of insulting them, you flip that mental swich of yours and think for once. No where did anyone say that it was true. They si...
THREAD What is Love
25 Posts • 7362 Views
Talk Talk
True love is when one endures the pain of the present, keeps it and gives all they can so that the future may become better. The feeling of love that occurs that most of us feel with another human is...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsJust Want Some Questions Answered
3 Posts • 2965 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ive always wondered about the existence of life and try to expand my knowledge with every possible moment I can and just had some ideas I wanted to get answered or put out. Im not that educated but th...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55450 Views
Philosophy Forum
Ha. 730...your interpretation of my perception is extraordinarily scewed. This was not "evil"..this emptiness was associated in no way with my acceptance of evil. and everything wasn...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13277 Views
Talk Talk
love is mainly the one true thing that a person would sacrifice his life for, the second thing is our beliefs and perceptions, dying for what we believe in is believing in what's worth dying for
THREAD Why ask why?
11 Posts • 6579 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is it really the why that drives science or the seeking of waht is true (truth), which lies in all of us, that drives science and brings us where we are in our growth process of today?
THREAD TechnologyTeleportation
15 Posts • 5607 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Those are interesting ideas. But before I go that further, I would like to know your opinion on matter and energy. That is, do you think that matter and energy conversion is a good candidate for true...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24614 Views
Philosophy Forum
science has actually never proven the Christian faith to be wrong. And there are so many gaps in scentific theories and such that none of the ones that contradct the christian faith could possibly be...
THREAD SpiritualityRandom quotes from a friend (long)
10 Posts • 4313 Views
Religion Forum
I've always felt that I've needed a guide or something to validate my thoughts and actions, but the only thing you can hope to guide or save you is yourself. so true...
THREAD myspace peoples
19 Posts • 7584 Views
Talk Talk
this is true but I've actually reunited with old friends from grade school and some new 'friends' that were in my school that I didn't even know existed through myspace it's p...
THREAD GovernmentThe Peter Principle
16 Posts • 6249 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's true, promoting people who are good at their job and giving them a different job is not always a good thing. Would you rather people who have proven incompetent at their current job to be...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, I have been sharing, you're just not open to the possibity of absolution. It seems you're only open to bits and pieces of fragmented knowledge and believe nothing is ever truly...
THREAD your purpose
48 Posts • 13717 Views
Philosophy Forum
purpose.. to find purpose? how about this. none of us know what our true purpose is our purpose is always changing.. instead of asking an unanswerable question we should just live, realize that...
THREAD ArtworkWorks in Progress
19 Posts • 7866 Views
Art Forum
I hardly ever color stuff so i threw this in cause it has pretty colors, that and it truely represents what most of my stuff looks like, unfinished and a true work in progress, though can't say m...
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