Chicken or the Egg
64 Posts • 16756 Views Philosophy Forum |
As <Analylitical29> said on November 18th 2005...
"The chicken was already in the egg, thus they came at the same time"
To put it another way... and to expand:
- Fist of all the... |
Child & Family PsychologyAbusive Mothers
2 Posts • 5291 Views Psychology Forum |
The only way I can describe the absolute hell I've gone through at the hands of my mother is to relate a sharp memory that came up during meditation.
I was 7 years old and my mother was scream... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views Religion Forum |
To xris...how you doin?....
Me answering in english was a truth to you! not absolute truth!
You just jumped the whole topic....I answered I coulda wrote 456546845....It would have been an answer h... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
since i was five years old i have wanted to be a soldier. army special forces most likely (if and when the policy on women in armed services changes). i am only in high school, so i cant join yet. i r... |
Alternative BeliefsAn uneducated view...thrown together
4 Posts • 3520 Views Religion Forum |
The greeks had gods that resided on mountain tops and in the depths of the ocean. The idea that was appealing about this at the time was that no one could go to the top of the highest mountain or to t... |
Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12111 Views Religion Forum |
cturtle is sometimes difficult to understand and I can't always answer his posts, but if you stick around, you'll realize cturtle is just very smart.
The reality is - those who do not bel... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25428 Views Psychology Forum |
..interesting that Feb is a suicide time *roll*
And I must agree with those who say "it's the most selfish act " merely because it hurts, and betrays those left behind who loved you... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I peel the skin one layer at a time. I'm falling apart, at no fault of my own. The floor around me fills up with layers of what used to be me. I'm renewed and refreshed, my skin feels the painful bree... |
6 Posts • 3532 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
so many things were great about this movie, i hardly know where to begin.
you definately have to be comfortable with different ethnicities in order to appreciate the humor. there is one racial ste... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
words cant express
what i feel when i feel like
im apart of you
cant forget
all we did
every bit i put you through
made me a happier person
and now i feel like
im finally learning
who you a... |
Random QuestionsQuestion for all with an open mind!
5 Posts • 4568 Views Talk Talk |
*yuck*Hello everyone, I am very new to this site and I wish I joined a long time ago. I have a question that's been on my chest for a while and I really need to get it off my chest. Every one els... |
I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5668 Views Talk Talk |
You know what most of my problem is, I am not a very fast typer. I still finger type and dont look at the screen.
Hehehe, I can relate!
I never typed in my whole life until I got my PC 1 year ago.... |
Reality & MetaphysicsRunning from Reality
1 Posts • 2222 Views Philosophy Forum |
Reality what is it? Is it something you work to maintain or achieve? Or is it the same for everyone that life and people in general are all the biggest joke of time? These are just some of the questio... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21566 Views Religion Forum |
This agruement over the semantics of beliefs and facts is really getting old.
But I do agree with Strongclad as to why teens you invite to church don't like it. The only thing I can add to tha... |
DrugsBad Trip: The Worst Experience of my Life
0 Posts • 4337 Views Psychology Forum |
I had a similar experience 15 years ago when I did mushrooms for the first, and last time.
I went into it thinking it was going t be mild, but different, like weed was. Your description of experien... |
War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18066 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You may say what you want about me to my "cyber" face or behind my back. I'm giving up for this reason or that... but I frankly do not care one bit. I grow tired of Canadians and libera... |
RIP Nick Desimone
22 Posts • 8575 Views Talk Talk |
He seems to have answered everyone's questions, but was vague in answering yours, possibly due to your seemingly aggressive nature during his time of grief. Is that cause for such harsh criticism... |
Gift for Loved One
6 Posts • 4321 Views Talk Talk |
Lol a second ago, I clicked the links to see what you meant, and then I noticed those were NOT the things I was trying to show you. I'll get the right ones as soon as I get time. And just so you... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views Philosophy Forum |
lastresort that has got to be the most narrow minded conclusion I have ever seen. You're telling me that atoms only came into existence the first time someone saw one? Why do we even have science... |
16 Posts • 15605 Views Religion Forum |
http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/b ibles/about/12.php
the Dead Sea Scrolls was right there in the middle, but here is the site, check it out.
God Bless you all, I have had a great time online. |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15146 Views Philosophy Forum |
Warriors X : Even a computer can learn from past mistakes, can react better when dealing with the same situation a second time.
I wouldn't call it free will. |
Avoid strangers glances and smiles
15 Posts • 3728 Views Talk Talk |
You know that's a good question with most likely many answers. People are probably uncomfortable with it or just fearful. I've noticed it considering I'm the person that will randomly w... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18461 Views Talk Talk |
I don't have better things to do today.
I always take others feelings in to consideration.
I'm not a narcissist, nor would I ever run into my arms if I could.
I love being surrounde... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27098 Views Talk Talk |
Honestly...I really cannot remember where my name came from. I haven't been browsing around on the net for long time, I think I was exposed to all this chat and forum stuff only a few yrs ago..... |
18 Posts • 6469 Views Talk Talk |
well Pugsley Boy.. i say....... its a DATE!!!!!
next weekends gunna be SAWEET!!!!!!!