As <Analylitical29> said on November 18th 2005...
"The chicken was already in the egg, thus they came at the same time"
To put it another way... and to expand:
- Fist of all the egg and the chicken have the same DNA (so a chicken and it's egg are the same thing, just at different stages in the life cycle. So whatever first resembled a chicken, or an egg, they were the same thing.
- Second, which connects to the first, when is a chicken a chicken and not an egg? (for the answer to this, ask yourself a further question... at hatching, is what you see an egg or a chicken?)
- Thirdly in regards to the idea of mutation... (in addition to <Summit>'s idea of the first 'chicken egg' being from mutation at egg stage, there is a couple of other possibilities...
* The egg may have been fertilised by mutant sperm... and/or
* The mutation may have occurred in the 'pre-chicken' (or 'pre-Rooster'
, meaning they may have started of life as 'pre-chicken' (or 'pre-Rooster'
and ended up '(True) chicken' (or '(true) rooster'
So, without going back in time, or taking the most statistically probable possibility, there could be more than one answer (failing damning proof that could come from (as forementioned in the post) Supernatural power's, or some sort of brilliant scientific study...
(By the way, sorry for making this such a long post...)