first of all... good point in your first paragraph except we will be able to travel into different dimensions soon enough...
so that will prove our theory of god wrong... then the crazy religion folk will say "nono hes in an unreachable different dimension..."
another point... intelligent design and yes, im not kidding... ITELLIGENT FALLING... the theory that gravity doesnt exist, god just keeps pushing us down. so now, ask me this... what if someone, just for now lets say ME... invented anti gravity, that means that god cant push us down... therefore the religious folks would be wrong again, but being the creative dodgers that they are, they will say that antigravity is like saying antichrist because gravity is jesus, but just earlier they said gravity doesnt exist so there they contradict themselves... anyway, they will say the devil will be pushing us up...
the whole point of this is STOP FUCKING CARING. the religious folk will always make up ways around any proof that god doesnt exist because thats what they're good at... making stuff up.