Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot - Hugo Weaving as "V"
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THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Moussaoui hoax 911 is a hoax. Many people have realized it was a government inside work. The trial of Moussaoui is only a show. To convince the others 911 attack was done by Al Qaida. Moussaoui...
THREAD StoriesPricks Cunts & Motherfuckers: the Novel about New York City
1 Posts • 3363 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Pricks Cunts & Motherfuckers: the Novel about New York City by Wolf Larsen I was working as a catering waiter at a fashion show in Greenwich Connecticut for the day. The skinny skinny models...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views
Religion Forum
I could argue that because they did trust him they weren't afraid of his warnings they could not even comprehend. Because why would your all powerful creator allow something to harm you, even cho...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82906 Views
Psychology Forum
I recenctly spoke to a woman who I have never met in person, only met her through a cyber social network. During our lengthy phone conversation, she disclosed an experience she had that basically stee...
THREAD Stop Bagging The Whales
1 Posts • 2584 Views
Talk Talk
In 2002, off the coast of France, a beached whale was found to have 800 kilos of plastic bags in its stomach. To keep things like this from happening, my wife takes her plastic bags to the library...
THREAD SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well Decius there was a poll taken that asked who was the most morally sound candidate. It was something like this.... Romney 38% Bachman 11% Paul 9% Perry 9% Cain 8% Paul7% Huntsman 2%...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThis is Religion
2 Posts • 3125 Views
Religion Forum
An Email message I had recelved from a friend *This Magic Moment* By Jennifer Anderson It was like many Maui mornings, the sun rising over Haleakala as we greeted our divers for the day's...
THREAD Creative Musingsin light of death and argument
1 Posts • 2290 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Last night I wrote a letter to my family, in response to one my mother wrote. I took a pill that is supposed to cure the confusion. I stepped outside to smoke a cigarette and the wind was empty, it bl...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat defines life
63 Posts • 18447 Views
Philosophy Forum
And, my friend, what is the point of not 'anthropomising' life when those that judge life and write it down and think with their minds are themselves not human? In order to understand the...
THREAD PoetryJust a poem i thought up last night
20 Posts • 7101 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
the rest i just finished writing now All these thoughts are yet to be said "Why am I up? I hould be in bed" But I sit and think about myself Staring only at a vacant shelf So empty,...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73109 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I think the OP is basically correct. Sexual preferences are not choices. There are some limits on this, however. It is possible to encourage and discourage your sexual preference. For example: no o...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Indeed, the laundry list of lies and criminal acts grow with every word they speak, act they execute, and seeminly every breath they take. It's no different than when any politician speaks in...
THREAD ElectionsFit For Presidency
12 Posts • 3296 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Fit for presidency. The president of the most powerful nation on earth to date, the president of a country facing histories problems again, who is fit and why? If you are looking for the answer, then...
THREAD Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15679 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Hi there I just began reading this forum and have found some very interresting statements being made. I only got as far as the middle of the first page and already you have struck a chord for me! :)...
THREAD GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14846 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"However, the Japanese are some of the most racist and xenophobic people on the planet." Having lived in Japan I can competently say you are indeed and ignorant and judgemental ass. Like...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7019 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The poor girl was clearly in a sever state of shock and as I started to lead her back to the house I saw her gaze drift upwards and I followed her line of vision, she seemed enthralled by the moon....
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views
Religion Forum
I have read all versions of the bible from cover to cover, and not a whole lot of people can say that. I am still, however, agnostic. I don't disbelieve there is a chance of there being a god...
THREAD SocietySouth Park & Censorship
2 Posts • 2175 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Alright, I am not sure how many people knew this, but this week on Comedy Central they were supposed to show an image of Mohammed on the show known as South Park. There was a lot of build up on whethe...
THREAD GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12652 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
From Political Animal: A CONSERVATIVE TAKES ON WAL-MART....Stephen Bainbridge makes the conservative case against Wal-Mart today. You should read the whole thing to get a sense of his argument, but...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
I know you are correct that if someone does not know, then they are not judged by it. Idol worship was not something Mother Theresa did. Idol worship is in fact, a completely different thing tha...
THREAD ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12478 Views
Religion Forum
Is this of any relevance in the light of what happened in Asia on the >26th of December? Independent of any creed or Religion, it is better to >be prepared and be in good terms with GOD, tho...
THREAD God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3606 Views
Religion Forum
Preator; I am trying to understand; or to be mopre precise; comprehend the scientific knowledge we have and tie this is with how we operate as humans; and as far as is plausible and rational; what...
THREAD StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7130 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Anton looked at his Rolex for the third time and sighed. 12.01 They were late. It wasn't enough his boss, Darwin, took on people who were totally unsatisfactory for this line of work but t...
THREAD HomosexualityGay Marraige, For or Against?
32 Posts • 16757 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Allowing same sex marriages will inevitably open a can of worms. Allowing the rights of same sex marriages will ultimately lead to the allowance of polygamy and at some point lead to the acceptance of...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIntelligence and value
6 Posts • 2985 Views
Religion Forum
Strange thread for a religious forum? This is between people. I have to pick one first. Ok here goes general perception: 1. The *supposed* intellect bashes the *supposed* religious person using...
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