Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10375 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I'm really interested in Plato's Theory of the Forms. I could tell you alot about my thoughts on his theory, but that would take a long time. But I am writing this paper for a philosop... |
42 Posts • 10551 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
How old are you Kg? Your poetry seems much more mature than a 14 year old would write. I like them they are honest.
I know poetry doesn't have to rhyme, but I've just got into a habit.... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29210 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Most indignous tribes lived in a harmonious relation to their environment. Depleting a resource by killing off of large mammal (any animal) would be inherently wrong to them."
I'm not... |
Exsistential Angst
7 Posts • 3759 Views Talk Talk |
The only reason why you can not understand non-existence is because it simply isn't real.
That's part of the truth as well as the fact that very definition of existence and reality is quest... |
Life & Deathdeath lives through us
3 Posts • 2882 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have a theory and id like to share it with you. last january i was walking with my boyfriend. we were crossing the street and i was walking a little farther ahead of him.well he was too slow and got... |
GovernmentHumpty Nam Kerry Dumpty fell off the wall today.
13 Posts • 4384 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As a veteran I always pay attention to how a presidential contender will lead as the Commander in Chief. I give credit to Navy Lt. John Kerry for his Vietnam service ... He stood for his beliefs in Na... |
SocietyPolice should go where they are needed
2 Posts • 3620 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i live in West Brighton. We had a fire department separate from the Brighton Fire Department until recently. As West Brighton is underfunded, the our department was largely volunteer based. Our Town S... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views Religion Forum |
The words degenerative and regenerative explain the essence of good and evil better I think because they actually explain the nature of the entity and how it behaves. It starts with intention. Anger,... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30359 Views Religion Forum |
Well, it appears you do NOT know Nostradamus predictions.
One, he said THIS very war would last 27 years. *roll* He also said millions would die.
He also said eventually America would win, and R... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Two weeks with nary a sight of the angel
who ducks behind clouds and plays beyond eyes
day in and night out, she toils loyally
walking the golden paths to the stone where she may engrave her name,... |
27 Posts • 17668 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Im not saying that homosexuls and paedophiles are the same, dont get me wrong Decius.
The mentality, and actions of a homosexual and paedophile are completely dissimilar.
But im saying that the s... |
Society & SociologyIs Jail a mild form of torture
35 Posts • 11428 Views Psychology Forum |
Chained wings, shame on you!
Time to wake up from primitive tribal slumber.
No you won't find this story on CNN. Yet this is not something new. The Dutch, the Quakers, and post-structuralis... |
Playstation 3 VS Wii
0 Posts • 1085 Views Talk Talk |
allrite decius i respect you that you give us some titles that you enjoy.
But saying you disslike n64.... thats just down-right crazy
But staying on topic, you listed a bunch of systems that yo... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views Religion Forum |
I am sorry if i sound like a bible thumper
Are you? Why is that?
but what I said is true.
What you said was nothing, what you referred to was a passage from the Bible, which unless Go... |
Gender Psychology15 Year old girl hangs herself... for being a girl.
0 Posts • 4971 Views Psychology Forum |
A similar story is about Amanda Todd you can have a look at the video which you've probably already seen.
But my real opinion is that it is not really a tragedy. If she wanted to kill herself w... |
Bush Nazi
0 Posts • 3704 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum | n/documentaries/s/smedley_butl er.rm
A link to audio including General Smedley Butler himself describes the Fascist Plot to overthrow the American Government that Presc... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views Philosophy Forum |
I know you won't agree with me and you'll prolly think i'm crazy......that's o.k tho, my name's 730 it means crazy..:)
Now I've come to the conclusion that before all... |
Gender PsychologyHigh Heels, Loub Jobs and Toe Shortening
4 Posts • 17042 Views Psychology Forum |
All women who have ever worn a pair of high heels, know that they are not comfortable. Any woman who has spent more than an hour wearing and walking around in them, knows that high heels are painful.... |
189 Posts • 73109 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Both are biologically somewhat unnatural (you can't really reproduce and create a family with a member of your own sex or a small child).
They are not unnatural. They perfectly fit into the un... |
Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9565 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Umbilical Town
I hear you've got a pocket full of words
That you keep in the garage
Together with the feather and the fireworks
A surftown hero who's got one foot in the garden
Where... |
The Tard Thread.
6 Posts • 2671 Views Talk Talk |
Lol. That was brilliant Wyote. :)
I love the twist at the end.
You have no idea how many times I have seen that scenario.
This may be quite interesting to Codewarrior, who is having such a hard... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousConsciousness is just the tip of the iceberg
24 Posts • 12883 Views Psychology Forum |
I have searched many sites, but none seem to address this question.
Anyway, I 'd like to recommend a fascinating book I have come across, 'The Power of Now'. I have only read a few p... |
GovernmentIt's time for Kofi Annan to resign from the U
14 Posts • 5947 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is on topic, of funding terrorists, I'm sorry if its too distracting or not as important to you, but let me remind you for the second time that you asked me a question, I still haven't re... |
PoetrySecurity in lies
33 Posts • 9137 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Simple kids sitting in a bar on stool thats crooked on the right side
I sat there for my high school years
Drinking myself away
A tab under different names for a man brushed in black and white
Liv... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: NYPD Officer Heard Building 7 Bombs
"The whole time you're hearing boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think I know an explosion when I hear it"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Pla... |