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The Tard Thread.

User Thread
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
The Tard Thread.
Barely a day goes by when Im not amazed at just how stupid humans can be. So I thought I'd start a thread dedicated to the stupidity of mankind.

This is a general stupidity thing. You have a funny anecdote about someone stupid, you have the latest Darwin awards, you hear about a celebrity doing the hilariously dumb, you see something on the net that may be a good laugh, or you know someone in real life that is a total airhead and want to vent it here about them- then use this thread to do so.

I would suggest a good policy to be decided on up front- is that you SHOULD NOT be allowed to use this thread to attack any other members. As tempting as it is when you're arguing with someone who tells you night is day, I feel this would just became a quick and easy means to get back at other people you aren't agreeing with or do not like.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 41yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
A week or so ago I saw a young guy carrying around his guitar for no reason other than the fact that he had a huge ego about the fact that he was a guitar player. Now that's pretty stupid in of itself but the sequence of events that followed is what I found to be particularly moronic. He sat down for lunch and I struck up a conversation with him, and in typical "rocker" fashion he began speaking about parties he had attended and getting smashed and high with half naked women ect ect. A few moments later a woman sat down and inquired about his guitar. His tone and demeanor quickly changed into a cool and collected individual with an air of sophistication and depth. The two had never met before but they left together about fifteen minutes later. Women are retarded, men are jerks.

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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Lol. That was brilliant Wyote.
I love the twist at the end.
You have no idea how many times I have seen that scenario.

This may be quite interesting to Codewarrior, who is having such a hard time understanding about the equality of the sexes and how they should not exclude one another. This is an example of the difference in thinking between the two sexes that cannot be changed at this point.

I just love how to another male, Mr Guitar Hero had to be what he thought another man wanted and expected... but to the opposite sex, he had to be what he thinks females want.

He is not only a jerk wyote- but also an A-class Tard, and a man with a real identity problem who lacks the bollocks to be WHO he really is. If he even knows who that person is.

I know so many men like this, and sadly its these two faced chameleons that end up with the women.

Allot of times I have come second when after a girls affection because I could never change or lie about who I am to suit some preconceived notion of "cool" just to get with a girl. After all she wouldn't really be liking ME would she?

Also, if you look at the personals and websites about what women want in a man, honesty usually comes about first. So why do they go for men who are so conspicuously false ?

Im sure you women out there aren't all tards? But I constantly see these women who consider honesty the number one factor in a relationship go off with Mr Guitar Hero.

My conclusion to your story Wyote: I dont think women are tards. I think they just want a male so good at lying, they dont have to try so hard into fooling themselves that most men arent jerks.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
My tard of the week is a nobody called Kim Kardashian, trying to seek fame a' la Paris Hilton style. By releasing a sextape that of course "was leaked without her knowledge or consent."

Ummm. Where the fuck do you people keep these recordings of your most intimate moments? In a locked safe and only you know the code? Or do you loan them out to every person that wants a copy and then complain that some nasty person with no scruples has just sold it for a million bucks to some sleazy porn company?

But the thing that really gets me is this.

She not only makes a tape with some slimeball rapper in which she does EVERYTHING.

At the end she lets him urinate on her!!!


Where is your self respect girl? How can you be intimate with someone that thinks so little of you they use you for a toilet when they are finished getting themselves off?

It shows how little she thinks of herself and how dumb she is to...

A: go out with someone so disgusting.
B: let a man who has no respect for you put his dick in you.
C: let it be recorded as a golden moment on film.
D: let it get released to the public. (wether by accident or by design to boost your career.)
E: complain and cry, and say its so degrading to be seen this way. And that its embarrassing for her family to have to be put through this kind of media attention.

Well, all I can say is, you are one FUCKING TARD Kim.

You have no self respect. No clue. And no right to complain about the way the world now sees you if you let a man treat you like that and let him film it. And then somehow let something so damaging become public.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
rofl Decius. You mean you have the tape?

I have not seen this tape and apologise if I may have made it sound like I have. Im really not into porn.

I hadn't heard of Kim Kardashian till a few days ago when I saw a story on the news about some socialite friend of Paris Hilton suing some porn company because they are releasing a "personal" sex tape of her.

This is not new in itself. As I said, how is it that all these sex tapes of celebrities are coming out and yet they all claim the tapes have been stolen and put online or sold without permission?

But what got my attention, was the mention of her being urinated on.

This is the part which disgusted me, and I thought how can you let someone do that to you, and how can you have it filmed?

So I took a look around the internet at who this person was and what the video is all about.

It seems that the big hubbub is all about the golden shower in the directors cut that everyone wants to see.

I wont link anything here, but all you have to do is google "Kim Kardashian urinated on" and you will get about 100 places to look.

And even if she wasn't peed on, she is still a tard for whoring herself for a mere 15 mins of fame.

Some people can become well known for some kind of achievement in life. Having sex, in my opinion, is not something to become famous for. After all. Every living person on the planet is a result of two other people having sex.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
 43yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Chained Wings is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
David Hasselhoff was going to get tard of the week this week. Its bad enough he ensured real breasts will die out one day, and even became a rapper called "The Hoff."

And I know rehab and celebrity addictions and personal crises are all the rage for a nice bit of free publicity right now. But really. His performance, lying about, half naked and barley coherent, eating a burger off the floor was worthy of tard of the week.

That was until a certain young lady burst out crying in court when the reality of her retarded behaviour finally sank in as she was sentenced to 45 days in jail.

And why might you ask is she going to jail?

Well, if you drink and drive and get caught, they take your licence. And if they take your licence, it means you are not allowed to drive. At all.

And of course, wouldn't you think being so well known that everywhere you go and everything you do is photographed and under public view, isn't it a little foolish to drive in public when you dont have a licence and are so easy to spot?

And when she gets caught she says that she's sorry and wont do it again.

Ummm. Until the SECOND time she gets caught driving without a licence.

That's not hot Paris. Thats re-tar-ded

But wait. There's more.

When taken to court and faced with a jail term, she tells the judge she didn't know she wasn't allowed to drive without a licence.

Duh! What fucking planet does this bimbo live on?

a: ) Anyone who drives a car knows they NEED a license to drive.
b: ) When she lost her licence for drink driving, Im sure the judge would have told her the consequences of driving while suspended.
c: ) When she was dumb enough to get straight back in her pretty car and got pulled over- what did she think she was being pulled over and given a ticket for? Surely she can add two and two together? Guess not.
d: ) Saying it was "your peoples" fault for not letting you know you couldn't drive must be one of the dumbest sounding excuses Ive ever heard for doing something wrong.

Do "your people" tell you you should wipe your ass after taking a shit? Do "your people" tell you that firing a shotgun into your head will not be benificial to your health? (I wish they hadn't told her that one.)

What sort of retard above the age of 20 needs someone else to tell them they aren't allowed to drive without a licence? Especially when they've been warned already on TWO separate occasions?

The type of retard that is influencing the next generation of children with her airhead antics, indolent mentality and cretinous lifestyle.

Man I wish the rich and pointless weren't in the public eye so much.

Im sure if Bill hicks was alive today, he would nominate Pointless Hilton as lead cheerleader for those "American Gladiators" who keep the masses entertained while the rich and powerful rape the world behind their back.

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"When I was a child I flew! Then as an adult- I watched others soar."
The Tard Thread.
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