Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3406 Views Philosophy Forum |
To the chaining of the wings -
To Zyphon -
Essentially this "thread" is Ego... It is my view... and therefore comes out in my own way...
And as you bo... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122973 Views Religion Forum |
patape : : 21yrs
why do you believe in god?
what is good reason to believe "god" exists..
il try to show how its not a good reson and even how that reason could support... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30367 Views Religion Forum |
*roll* Thot we went thru all of this....
Look, the time is near but not because of a certain leader or two, but the leaders are 'products' of their times.
For instance Nostradamus, alt... |
SocietyDropping Facebook Shares Reflective of Decreasing Popularity?
2 Posts • 2448 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I generally grown to dislike social medias... so I rejoice in the falling of Facebook.
Although.. then I realize, that by falling it just means that Zuckerberg and the rest of the top people at FB... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41116 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
amazing cast, i was in awe the first time i saw the trailer. honestly i had never heard of the comic before this, but when i saw the trailer it just oozed with a comic book feel. Bruce already has Unb... |
Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19680 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I didn't draw that, I wish I could, I'm less artistic than a 6-year-old kid *roll*
This drawing is from one of the cartonists of rocktoons.com, I wanted to see more ... |
TechnologyAnti-Matter Engines
7 Posts • 4829 Views Science & Technology Forum |
yeah but i am talking in the future when we might hypothetically be able to make 1 kg of anti mater or something in that order and i think that would be enough to destroy the earth.
and if you didn... |
8 Posts • 3567 Views Philosophy Forum |
I had read some time ago that smells are produced from oils in the air- there was a fantastic article in Nation Geographic many years back that talked all about smell it was very fascinating- it might... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 34003 Views Religion Forum |
It's interesting how seemingly different questions like this one are really just different versions of the same question--just worded differently. Oh, well. I think each of us live in a personal... |
Why do boys fall in love with girls ?
15 Posts • 68186 Views Talk Talk |
creativity is better than intelligence. Its good to see some freshness here. Education in some ways dulls the mind but it does allow you to have a thought and then reject it. Thats what I would say to... |
Habits & Behaviorcan't cry anymore
12 Posts • 32387 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm sorry. I honestly don't know what to tell you. When I was a little kid I used to cry a lot, I cried over everything. I hated that and I got teased about it a lot, so by the time i hit hi... |
A Real 30 Year Old Virgin
19 Posts • 7812 Views Talk Talk |
wrong on the rent front, my mum said if i come back home after uni before finding somewhere to go, then i would have to pay rent.
the others are benefits but on the other hand you lose a lot of the... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132048 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with your cow theory, I mean every time a cow farts it weakens the ozone layer, thus destroying the world very slowly, whats the difference between that and what humans are doing? Yes, our car... |
The greatest flaw in relation to science
8 Posts • 2350 Views Talk Talk |
I don't think there is anything wrong with hypothetical untestible theories. science-fiction is creating them all the time (I have a few of my own in unpublished sci-fi novels)! Many a good scien... |
Let it go anywhere
38 Posts • 8423 Views Philosophy Forum |
something greater than all humans.. in my beliefs, he is the creator...
of everything on earth and also whatever heaven is
i also had the thought that instead of judging us all individually... |
Love Vs Friendship
10 Posts • 8296 Views Talk Talk |
stella is right
only it works if you alredy know they want to be more than friends .. if they don't you just make them feel bad by doing all these nice cute little things to them ....
plus i... |
Relationships & LoveEvaluative Discussion: Awakend & Hedgehog
19 Posts • 5142 Views Psychology Forum |
Btw, loving friend who I want to share with, hedge said that maybe if she didn't have to sit at the computer all day writing papers she might do it, but the end of the semester is coming up so sh... |
4 Posts • 2930 Views Talk Talk |
ive been having a horrible time with food lately. i am insane, everything i do is insane and i guess so is how i eat |
Best Friend=Nightmare
31 Posts • 8847 Views Talk Talk |
Ok well here's the news. Last night he made her cry, because he told her he wasn't her friend anymore and that he hated her. He's done this multiple times before too. He's just no... |
Life & DeathLife
15 Posts • 4285 Views Philosophy Forum |
I find that what I am doing in life to be the right thing for me, I have set a few goals for myself that are realistic for me to achieve. My problem is what good will it do? if I achieve everything I... |
Workout RoutinesBenefits of Body building...
2 Posts • 2508 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
One of the drawbacks to bodybuilding, however, is that the person expends his energy on lifting weights which takes away his time and energy to lift his understanding of himself.
Bodybuilding is a... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20409 Views Religion Forum |
Is it right or wrong to bring a baby into this world given the circumstances?
This question tends to justifies people who want abortions. It is an excuse for poor parenting. If people actually inve... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
Hello everyone im little gnome, this person im standing on is seeking answers, she has questions that have no answers, she is posting this because she thinks it might be fun and cathartic. She is happ... |
2 Posts • 2881 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I have a problem I yearn to follow a specific not so 'coacher' religious spiritual path it calling me it has been for some time now and I fear for my friendships if I choose to follow I know that... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43059 Views Religion Forum |
so once he found out that it is hard to be a human (god incarnet means god himself as a human) he said "shit maybe im wrong". as such, maybe its tim for another resurection, dontcha think. m... |