If HE is with us, who can be against us? - ailanie12
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THREAD How far will you go for love?
22 Posts • 5691 Views
Talk Talk
Well, mudd, you have to keep in mind and accept that this is not going to be an over night process. This isn't going to be something that's simple and easy to do either. You have to go throu...
THREAD Relationships & LoveChrisD
16 Posts • 6289 Views
Psychology Forum
XG Appreciate the concern, but there is just more too it. I can see how it may appear. I'm fairly certain we do both want respectful and even caring support from them, but we also know that the...
27 Posts • 10724 Views
Religion Forum
If 'God' flooded the Earth during Noah's boat ride, what did all the animals eat when He finally let them back on dry land again? Why didn't all the animals die off after Noah&...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20378 Views
Religion Forum
That example is correct. But ask yourself this. Why was the 14 year old pregnant with no boyfriend? You are simply saying that it is perfectly acceptable for that girl to have gotten pregnant. By al...
THREAD Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23766 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not necesarrily because religion tells you that if you do certain things wrong then your going to hell no matter what and thats scarier than death and TV gives all these images of death and the fact t...
THREAD Tale Of Two Cities
2 Posts • 3323 Views
Talk Talk
I'm sorry if I'm poluting this forum with educational questions... but I'll give this a shot: I'm reading Tale Of Two Cities by Dickens, and I know the French Revolution occurs wit...
THREAD Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12828 Views
Psychology Forum
Cynic-Al, What you have written about Depression is very true - people avoid depression by keeping themselves occupied all the time. I have written about this in my article. As soon as we stop...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsFear IS the problem
10 Posts • 3784 Views
Psychology Forum
Yeah i agree i think that our society is just based on fear. We live in a very capitalistic society that teaches us money is the most important thing and without it you are nothing. So we grow up seek...
THREAD interesting viewpoint about dating
3 Posts • 3132 Views
Talk Talk
from: http://www.friendster.c om/discussion/index.php?t=msg& amp;th=15970&start=120& ; Roland (has a girlfriend half his age) wrote: "What can't you understand, barman? That there...
THREAD Relationships & LoveKnowing/Understanding love
4 Posts • 2329 Views
Psychology Forum
When you are young you think you are in love. As you get older you realize that love does not really exist. Like who really actually loves someone *lol* Becuase, you are older you realize that when th...
THREAD Mental IllnessI think i have ADD
2 Posts • 9378 Views
Psychology Forum
I have two things to tell you: 1. You are not a doctor, and ADD is often misdiagnosed even BY doctors. There could be other underlying problems, i.e. numerous other learning disabilities that are oft...
THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18712 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Went to a friends house warming, his new (previously owned) home adjoins an area being formed into a man-made lake to hold runoff of Wally World's [Walmart Superstore] parking lot. May be the lo...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16779 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I see things shaping up in th next 1000 much like is protrayed in the Asimov Robot series. A world of machines providing labor for a very small population of humans. Human offspring developed in labs,...
112 Posts • 27017 Views
Talk Talk
I'm having trouble with my boss at work. I have to do the same. I have a nice job that doesn't pay too bad, regular hours, and I can read magazines at work - how cool is that. Our company ha...
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4697 Views
Psychology Forum
Alright, after all that blathering, I am going to try to answer this question very succinctly. What do you fear people here will think about you physically the worst? What makes you scared?...
THREAD DepressionLoss of Passion
9 Posts • 7189 Views
Psychology Forum
sounds like she might be likeing someone else. So she's being boring or mean to you. its like she's trying to make the relationship suck cuz she doesn't have the guts to break up with u...
THREAD Relationships & Lovedealing?
3 Posts • 2227 Views
Psychology Forum
What you need to do is become more effective at discovering the real and absolute truth behind the issue at hand. It's easy to waste a lot of time hypothesizing what could be or what might have b...
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 37985 Views
Psychology Forum
You have to think what provocative means. It contains the word provoke, to stir up purposely or to incite. This is a choice thing; to provoke or not to provoke. If you choose not to "stir" t...
THREAD Need to cheer her up and get posotive?
5 Posts • 5922 Views
Talk Talk
Best thing to do is remember why you got together with her in the first place. Find those things about her that make her more special than any other girl you've had or could have. Try something n...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62704 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
(site with free documentaries) http://www.a rchive.org/movies/movieslistin g-browse.php?collection=indepe ndent_news (Direct to free download of 9/11 the road to tyranny) http://www.archive .org/...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24969 Views
Philosophy Forum
It's hard to say whether or not I believe in Karma. Nothing seriously bad has happened to me, yet I've done some pretty mean things. Still, nothing good has happened to/for me when I do thos...
THREAD PerceptionDoes what you want exist?
7 Posts • 3430 Views
Psychology Forum
Al, it might just be me, but by giving up that quest for what you truly want, you have condemned yourself to only achieving what you think exists or what you already see as existing. now I know th...
THREAD FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18438 Views
Philosophy Forum
Crimson, Do you mean for example, a Universe that extends infinitely but at some point is physically finite? That has some very curious implications, it's playing itself out in my head right no...
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7035 Views
Religion Forum
'i mean how and why do you think they came about, anything near mine? im very interested in hearing your opinion. –Fred' Religion, in my views, came about by a need for ancient man to explain his...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31787 Views
Talk Talk
"i just dont see why you think eating plants is any better than animals." I have never said that it is better to eat plants than animals, I have always stipulated that we ought not to eat...
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