I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder - Beatleboy182
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Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
THREAD SpiritualityI need absolute Proof
26 Posts • 9810 Views
Religion Forum
Stop spouting random statements. It is far more logical, has facts backing it up, then say, some random entity decides to create everything and give us a book with so many innaccuracies and insults it...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
im confused . . . how is invading iraq going to help win the war on terror? in fact, how can anyone ever hope to win a war against an emotion? all jokes aside, really, the only reason people are so gu...
THREAD IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views
Religion Forum
Red berries are righeous viral religions that state "our belief system is the only true belief system. Any other belief system is wrong, and it is our job as people who have the right information...
THREAD EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3807 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
625. Feds start to kill (2/15/2010) In "624. Plot on Chinese New Year Day (2/7/2010)", I said the likely action date could be February 13 the Chinese New Year's Eve and the Feds pre...
124 Posts • 33700 Views
Talk Talk
very true Wyote. people are idiots and i don;t know why but when fireworks get involved their level of stupidity increases. i'm driving home and i see people placing fireworks in the middle of th...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23074 Views
Religion Forum
Around 250 AH, not AD. I'm not clear as to what AH stands for. As far as Mohammed claiming to be Jesus returned. Maby he was accused of that by a Christian historian who wrote the book I was read...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3808 Views
Psychology Forum
Where instinct ends and conditioning begins is only the point at which confusion on the original motivator enters the equation. And though that confusion can be strong to the point of distorting r...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyLight
3 Posts • 3394 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Hey ppl. Well, light is one of the most basic and onbvious things of life, yet it is still a mystery. First of all, experiments have shown that light is made up of both particles and waves, any though...
THREAD EconomyErik Prince, Blackwater: Proof that the Free Market works
0 Posts • 646 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ya, he'd efficiently run his business and fire a nut working for him, but he will also work for any psycho with a paycheck to give. War as business is lunacy and a literal crime outright. If...
THREAD Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15141 Views
Talk Talk
"I'm pretty sure I was either 4 or 5 when this happened. Okay, here's the deal. When I saw The Little Mermaid when I was little the scene where Ariel's voice is taken away by Ursel...
THREAD LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29308 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Hi there, I am new to this forum, but I am doing a paper in Philosophy on Homosexual Marriage and Adoption... My main question is whether Homosexuality is moral or not...? I do not mean to ask whether...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29192 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ah! So we should have left Korea decide its own fate? If the USA had let Korea the freedom of choice, it would today still be a Communist state. Openly hostile to the rest of the world with a stagnant...
THREAD Constituion poorly enforced
7 Posts • 3265 Views
Talk Talk
Ok first off, religion, by default, should not be forced on anyone. So if the parents are insistant about going to church/temple/mousk and their kids are too young to be left at home, they're goi...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21975 Views
Religion Forum
God is definitely the Universe and everything that makes up the universe essentially make up God. I think there's a fallacy in how we try to understand God, though. We try to understand God using...
20 Posts • 6923 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
there are a lot of maybes and excuses for bad things that have happened while bush has been in office. im going to try and be unbiased here. clinton lied, he apologized, he made a few mistakes, like e...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21768 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"I'm pretty sure a majority of Irish in Ulster want British occupation to end." Define "Irish". Do you mean Catholics? Then yes. If you mean all people born in Ireland, prote...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8286 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
now im not a hater but i think y'all are stupid ass hats for doing drugs. drugs are illegal for a reason, not for all you clowns to go around getting high all the time. and all you meth heads hav...
THREAD You know you're a gamer if...
39 Posts • 17494 Views
Jokes & Games
ahoy there every1 Amen to that brothers:D You know your you r a gamer, when you get into a bad situation and think what would Max payne or your favourite WOW account character do. You know...
THREAD to hate a parent
18 Posts • 5592 Views
Talk Talk
you do have a reason to hate him, and i do think your mum is wrong to make you feel terrible for hating him. i dont know the ins and outs, and i know better than to to make judgements with all the inf...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsFears with Aging
5 Posts • 2804 Views
Psychology Forum
I am much older than all of you! My life improved in every way as I got older. My body has not, but even then I still FEEL better about my physical self than I used to. As one gets older one gen...
THREAD How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3918 Views
Talk Talk
emotional breakdowns arent that scary... they feel damn good in fact, like becoming a whole new person. buidling up to them sucks, but once you hit that breaking point you almost feel invincible for a...
THREAD Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13682 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Yes, as Wyote mentioned; assuming humans survive, we will experience a lot of cataclismic climate events, in the next 1000years. Throughout the last 4.5 billion years (age of the earth), the globe...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57864 Views
Religion Forum
What I am tending to sense is a kind of petty defense of religion and then an equally petty defense of science. Is it possible, per chance, that they actually help us all out. I back neither fully...I...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64013 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, You declaring an assertion doesn't make what you assert factual or true. My statement was made in response to what was inferred by Theory; in that he assumed flu viruses ability to a...
THREAD War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15026 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok BMX don't you find it kind of sad that it took 12 years for people to figure out that Saddam needed to be Disarmed? And Well Beside the fact that im glad America is going in to Iraq and Clean...
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