Tagged > The game that can give you 10 extra years of life |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 41904 Views Religion Forum |
Ah - some people just like to argue.
If you believe something - you go forward with it You don't normally check first to see if everyone will agree first. You don't limit your discoveries... |
51 Posts • 72518 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Do the calculations and you'll find that this discussion is all about something you might do 2500 times in your entire life.
Well, damn... if masturbation counts, I think I passed 2500 while I... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainBrainwashed Youth
27 Posts • 7113 Views Psychology Forum |
Any man willing to put his life down on the line to keep terrorism off our soil should deserve respect no matter his reasons for joining the military. To keep terrorism off our soil? We are the greate... |
13 Posts • 3954 Views Talk Talk |
I am going to be a Grandma (X2) in August and just found out that I am also going to be a Aunt in August. Twins as a Grandma, boy Austin Lynn and a girl Phaedra Lynn. Not sure about the new Neice, the... |
Life & DeathMusic theory to life theory
4 Posts • 3692 Views Philosophy Forum |
One more thing that I forgot to add. Might it be that when we tinker with life, towards the end goal of making something "beautiful and perfect," that we could potentially alienate ourselves... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18626 Views Science & Technology Forum |
http://www.nature.com/news/200 4/040906/full/040906-10.html
Scientists had speculated that the whole ice age might have been triggered by an abrupt temperature change, perhaps when a rapid warming per... |
GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 7000 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Remarks by Georgia Senator Zell Miller at Democrats for Bush Rollout
SENATOR MILLER: Thank you, Marc. I appreciate your kind introduction, and I appreciate even more your efforts to re-elect Presiden... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12166 Views Psychology Forum |
The above post was written in a very emotional and raw state, after I'd just had a negative enounter with my parents.
All day I have been trying to make sense of my feelings and come to terms... |
The number 23.
5 Posts • 2969 Views Philosophy Forum |
ever notice most of the time you walk down the street you live on, nothing happens...?
weird huh..?
there are entire codes built into the qu'ran based on the number 17...
ther... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If you knew what I was refering to, then why did you feel it necessary to "correct" me?
I never knew you didn't know, I presumed you didn't know.
And if your president stands... |
Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20328 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it has something to do psychologically. We as human beings, never have had to experience what it is to not exist or experience absolute nothingness. We're in a constant cycle of life and... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29752 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, so theory goes.
Sense time is a matter of perspective, gravity its self changes your perspective of time. The more you are affected by gravity, the slower you are in comparison with everyone else... |
Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 7969 Views Religion Forum |
he actually says that there is a purpose, a pattern that shows we are not here by random, that life it self shows there must be an intelligent being behind all things, so, as stupid as ID, you can wat... |
Religion & HumanityWhy can we do wrong
23 Posts • 6466 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not sure if any of that made sense or not. Good try though. By the way, wouldn't infinity be the greatest concievable something? Couldn't your definiton of God then be reduced to in... |
Alien Abduction Stories
13 Posts • 2113 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Any comments on these stories would be most appreciated. Do you believe them, that they have been abducted and their experiences are just as real to them as their everyday life or do you think that it... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11418 Views Philosophy Forum |
So why did we evolve brains capable of building technology to fathom the universe, and no other lifeform has our capabilities in that respect? If a life form evolves with only survival survival abilit... |
11 Posts • 5819 Views Talk Talk |
I also think waiting is a good idea, you both will know exactly when the time is right. It will be a wonderful thing, if you allow it. If he hasn't pressured you he probably won't in any ser... |
PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13357 Views Art Forum |
Fact is the climb down was a bit more than the climb up. But as I turned around I found this shot so appealing, I stopped to take it. b&w are scans of prints . . color are scans of negativesSome t... |
Ethics & MoralityCan we connect philosophy with racism?
2 Posts • 2509 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ideology universalizes, absolutises, and reifies (makes an object of) abstract concepts.
that whole sentance is just like a double negative, Universalizes and refines abstract concepts thats just... |
64 Posts • 19184 Views Philosophy Forum |
"He states that He has created the universe when it was not, for a particular purpose, and with all its systems and balances specifically designed for human life."
This is a speci-centri... |
Religion & HumanityReligion?
21 Posts • 7142 Views Religion Forum |
I follow a way of life.
Actions speak louder then words. Being that Religions are nothing more then beliefs passed down from one generation to another, I focus on integrity, equality, and proactive r... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12121 Views Religion Forum |
So when you have people saying that religion is the only way to go. I say, why?
And when people say that there is no such thing as a god?
I say 'can you prove that?'
When people say th... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43734 Views Religion Forum |
"Still waiting for examples of Christian persecution in the States."
Again, for the third time, I said I personally do not believe Xians are being persecuted. But many do: here's a g... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe science of a mother's love
3 Posts • 7248 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is no stronger human-human relationship. The child does nothing for mother until later in life, but she still takes care of her child from birth until whenever. Has science explained this phenom... |
Life & DeathThe meaning of life?
15 Posts • 4496 Views Philosophy Forum |
I am still growing into the idea of what it means to be unique. And I mean absolutely unique. When many numbers of lost lives are trotted out as reason to say, "what a trajedy", I think of e... |