Tagged > The church of the flying spaghetti monster |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24607 Views Philosophy Forum |
You guys are talking about beliefs and ideas but why do you guys believe what you believe. Is it because you were put in that situation from birth. Every person you have ever met has influenced every... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43977 Views Religion Forum |
Actually it says blind faith is good. The term blind faith is not in the bible. The term comes from a lesson that Jesus teaches. Inorder to enter the kingdom of heaven you must believe as a child. A c... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27634 Views Religion Forum |
I am just showing you something if you think so or not is up to you. I am a simple man therefore I like simple things, they tend to be more honest & open in that manner. Like the inipi, it is a si... |
24 Posts • 6599 Views Talk Talk |
fuck having to (at least as they have said) war against a nation to protect, preserve, preverse... our freedoms
and fuck the cause of our assertive action being somebody else thinks they have it fi... |
Movie ReviewCloverfield
10 Posts • 3530 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
What an incredible movie! I think JJ Abrams is a nice and cool guy, but I am not a huge fan of his work by any means... yet I found this movie highly engaging... |
Is it?
21 Posts • 6708 Views Talk Talk |
I believe in life after death as well, and I agree about leaving loved ones behind, and things like that. Its not that I want to die (I dont think anyone does), and its not like I wouldn't fight... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167884 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes I've literally wanted to kill her. Sometimes I cry because the urge is so bad and I know the consequences would be grave if I ever did do it. When I turn 18, I'm 16 now I want to get som... |
ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views Religion Forum |
I had start to make this post earlier in another thread but lost it when I submitted it so this may be a better placee to post it?
They used (abused) Christianity as a Robe of Righteouusness to cloa... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15288 Views Religion Forum |
The church is not an entity which can hold a standpoint, people within do, and when time brings new events not covered in the bible's and traditional teachings they have to make new traditional f... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43977 Views Religion Forum |
An important point IronWood The main lesson Christians have fallen flat on is being wary of false prophets. And many have sold their soul in the ignorant protection of those deemed "evil" or... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14470 Views Religion Forum |
Are you guys serious? Surely you must have done history at school. Its a known full full well that the new testament was written by the Catholic Church during the crusades to give a written scripture... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29261 Views Religion Forum |
The aquarian gospel, IMHO is not valid. IF it states we have several lives. That is a falicy that tears down the ability to try hard NOW for the ultimate goal, being heaven.
I mentioned elsewhere the... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21556 Views Religion Forum |
Teens find church boring because it is BORING!
What is exciting or stimulating about a bunch of crusty old folks listening to some preacher's witless prattle? It is time for the church to move... |
AnimalsFlight Of The Devil Rays
1 Posts • 4897 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Interesting and slightly trippy video (the music doesn't help). |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23081 Views Religion Forum |
But, yes, the religious conservatives and the political conservatives play the same field, and it is because of this, we must uphold seperation of church and state. If by separation of church and stat... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160002 Views Talk Talk |
Let's see...
Random flying objects tend to hit me.
I'm afraid of taciturn people and people who smile ALL of the time.
I don't know how to swim.
I love the rain and dancing in thu... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62329 Views Jokes & Games |
The Priest Lost His Rooster!
A Priest lost his pet rooster and couldn't find it no matter how many times he checked around his Parish. Frustrated, he decided to bring it up during his Sunday... |
17 Posts • 8490 Views Art Forum |
thx1137? do you have a band you jam with? if so what are they called and how did you meet them? also, have you ever made any songs of your own and do you think you could post them somehow? i am willin... |
War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15029 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Patriot Missle System is very complex, it is monitoring everything that is flying in the sky, when it locks on to Frieldly aircraft, either the pilot, or the computer is supposed to send a signal... |
Mental IllnessAre insane people really insane
23 Posts • 9968 Views Psychology Forum |
Think about it... There's people who tell you that they see flying gaint insects or gaint caterpillers telling them what to do. Is this all physcologically make up or is it their perception of th... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49750 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
What kind of monster have I become?
Superficially, I am well.
Skin, hair, everything is fine.
Eyes...windows to the soul within.
What kind of mad vortex spins behind?
Energy crackles, the machine... |
4 Posts • 3509 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
ever seen fist of legend? i normally hate jet li movies also, but as far as im concerned this was the best damn kung fu movie ever made. it was a remake of the chinese connection, a bruce lee classic.... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24280 Views Religion Forum |
I admitted that Catholicism has its huge faults, Azhrei, but no where in the Cathechism does it say that you can only go to heaven if you confess your sins to a priest. Yes, the Protestant movement st... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58959 Views Religion Forum |
Number one...Okcity, you are very stuck on judging others...and this war stance you have.
The war ended, and the only actions are suicide bombers...and insurgents attacking civilians.
JW's ar... |
Random QuestionsRandom Questions
32 Posts • 15120 Views Talk Talk |
What is under ur bed? Monster AARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
Who or what inspires u? Buddhisim, Sufisim
Best advice u ever got? U and the universe are one
whats ur favourite day of the week? Saturday... |