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THREAD War & TerrorismThe Israel Palestine Debate
2 Posts • 2426 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Let's hear your views. This is an opportunity to speak openly and boldly on an issue that epitomizes many key concerns of mine personally. It is widely known, to one degree or another, and...
THREAD GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's a matter of less corruption and ignorance, more on the side of ignorance If you feel ignorance is the bigger difference, isn't curruption still the bigger issue? Socialism is dumb...
THREAD RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14514 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
The answers within a normally distributed population will be: Is it just for fun? depends on the relationship at a specific time Does it mean something to you? for most, yes Do you feel it is to...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34215 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Are you questioning if public education was used to mobilize us for the first and second world wars? I can quote from books if you like? It was the focus of the 1917 National Education Conference. Pic...
THREAD Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6122 Views
Art Forum
This issue has been a very controversial one purely because no one knows for sure the truth surrounding the events. Some call it an urban legend. Some say its a waste of time. Alot argue that any pict...
THREAD What Borders?
24 Posts • 8656 Views
Talk Talk
U.S. flag stolen, Mexican banner raised in its place – residents angry TCPalm.com / KIT BRADSHAW | April 2 2006 It took a few days, but the flag of the United States of America once again is...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityDoes meaning come before awareness?
5 Posts • 2941 Views
Philosophy Forum
Does meaning come before awareness? I imagine that somewhere way back in time sapiens came to a conclusion that was driven by their deep and strong urge to live forever. Because sapiens are aware o...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21664 Views
Religion Forum
OKcitykid? What happening? Rather a long list here to enjoy reading (I am still reading) but I think Strongclad has a valid point. When I read a book I read the introduction as well as the Table of Co...
THREAD War & TerrorismThe Zarqawi Invitation
4 Posts • 2813 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
412. Zarqawi hoax (6/10/06) 1. Zarqawi was dead two years ago. He was revived by Pentagon and intelligence because they need an excuse to remain in Iraq. They need a puppet enemy image for Iraq...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2985 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is a fairly recent philosophical tradition the main feature of which is that it posits a gulf between "truth" and "reality", but your ideas would seem to occupy a very strang...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14384 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
well, i can personally say that what teen says about weed is true but only at first and as long as you don't do it too much too often, then the issue of tolerance comes into play. LSD and shro...
THREAD EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10009 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The first videos were difficult to follow Understandable, given some unecessary technicalities that exist to convolute the subject, given an attempt to simplify those technicalities, and perhaps an...
THREAD Sentience vs. Sapience
7 Posts • 29307 Views
Philosophy Forum
Adam, I actually don't mind you as a member of these forums, so instead of reply to your post by pulling apart every sentence, quoting it, and tearing it to shreds, as most people tend to do on...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTruth, reality and the meling pot
13 Posts • 2985 Views
Philosophy Forum
good reply. 1st my assumptions: 1. Reality is all that is. 2. Absolute determinism does not exist; i.e. one does have the ability to change things. If evil forces create truth and truth has...
THREAD SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3589 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To further address your concerns and elaborate on that which indeed helps simplify this complexity that does exist. There are basic concepts that are imperative to the foundation of any education s...
THREAD Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12893 Views
Talk Talk
Protesters: GOP, police went too far in New York BY COLLEEN MCCAIN NELSON The Dallas Morning News (KRT) - They were captured in nets, handcuffed and thrown into crowded jail cells. ...Th...
THREAD GovernmentBush Flipping the Bird at his Christian Base?
2 Posts • 2471 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Book: Bush Aides Called Evangelicals 'Nuts' LA Times / Peter Wallsten | October 13 2006 A new book by a former White House official says that President Bush's top political adviso...
THREAD EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
623. Embedded program (1/31/2010) Decade ago, I have read a news said that there was a secret team which design special program embedded in electronic chips so in emergency, Pentagon could activate...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views
Religion Forum
"I can't believe that the morals we have come from emotions. Is it genetic that our parents have been raising us since birth to be morally sound? How could it be if the choice to raise your...
THREAD Life & DeathWhere did 'mid-life crisis' come from?
7 Posts • 4100 Views
Philosophy Forum
Marshall McLuhan 'The High Priest of Pop-Culture' in the mid twentieth century was the first to announce the existence of the 'global village' and to express that 'we become what we behold'. McLuhan s...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views
Talk Talk
Most women would think it more sexist to do things the way you are suggesting than to have a separate set of bands for men and women. It would be like letting fully able bodied and disabled athletes c...
THREAD Rush & the King of Pop: Two Peas in a Pod!
1 Posts • 3346 Views
Talk Talk
Rush doesn't like drug addicts. Jacko doesn't like child molesters. HELLO! Eldred Rush Limbaugh AP story: By JILL BARTON, Associated Press Writer WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Authorities...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8404 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with what you are saying here. Maybe I haven't been clear about that but what you have said makes allot of sense and I can now see what you were trying to say from the start. I have a...
1 Posts • 2311 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
A short narrative about an antisocial, I think. Rail The evening sun hung half over the horizon, slowly sinking below the thin thread. She wondered if it was the sun sinking below the line, or w...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3833 Views
Religion Forum
I don't hate Muslims. I don't hate Christians. I hate religion, because that's what the problem is. I hate Islam and I hate Christianity. To hate Muslims is stupid. I've had a few...
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