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Life isn't easy for the people who are not cared for. Seek them out in the biggest of crowds and care for them yourself. No one else will. - last_song
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Tagged > Social media
48yrs • F
I only know I know nothing
Dropping Facebook Shares Reflective of Decreasing Popularity?
2 Posts • 2448 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Was just reading this article about Facebook shares hitting a record low: http://www.theglobeand mail.com/globe-investor/facebo ok-hits-record-low-as-investor s-rethink-love-of-social-media /article448...
It Will Be Hard Work, But He Will Be You Impeached
24 Posts • 7607 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
A) i completely ignore the media unless its music and movies, the only time i pay attention to anything media is during debate when i have to and when going through the media's i can use for deba...
35yrs • M
media is evil it truns the truth into false and false into truth
37yrs • F
"All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth" -George Orwell
Stock market and social security
23 Posts • 8177 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Here is the thing. At one time the media was much more honest then they are now. Because I distinctly remember reading an article about Mr. Bush proposing to a group of investment companiies about his...
35yrs • M
I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs
56yrs • M
\\\"Knowledge may be a social costruction without being a discursive one.\\\"
50yrs • M
a very nice social worker from Belgium
Now She Really Did It This Time - I Guess We'
3 Posts • 2561 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
id have thought that that is what the whitehouse would have wanted from the media, they spent so much of their time bitching about the criticisim they recieve from the media. shouldnt they be happy if...
Gender Psychology
Jeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14996 Views
Psychology Forum
People just get told what to think because they lack proper social interaction. But if we spent less time listening to media and more time with eachother we could solve a lot of problems
Society & Sociology
Media's representation of African Americans
2 Posts • 3839 Views
Psychology Forum
Have you ever noticed how African Americans are portrayed in the media? African Americans portrayals in the media are often times based on negative stereotypes they do not accurately portray realit...
Facts and spins
9 Posts • 3712 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Yes - TV media is - but the point of my response and why I am hopeful is because of the rise of the New Media. Yes the MSM (mainstream media) was owned by large multinational companies but the New Med...
Society & Sociology
Racism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
Oh frikin' give me a break. Yes the media can influence but, ever heard of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? I think you should make an attempt at it some time, it's a life changing experience to kno...
Relationships & Love
What is Love?
9 Posts • 8667 Views
Psychology Forum
Love is something that should be a spiritual connection, but we ordinary people make a mess out of it because we let
social media
and movies confuse our understanding of it. So we end up making many d...
Racial Barriers in Education and Media
1 Posts • 1925 Views
Talk Talk
I am working towards finding all possible information on the subject of racial and ethnic discrimination in America. I have decided to base my essay on two focal points: Education and the Media....
A new path.
6 Posts • 2688 Views
Talk Talk
I used to be shy and somewhat anti-social. Now I realize I want to become socail and what not. I dont know how to becomem mroe social or what to do. My friends arnt very social so i sometimes think ma...
Gender Psychology
HIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views
Psychology Forum
it is possible to ignore the media. does anyone force you to watch tv? does anyone force you to read the paper or listen to the radio, or come online. if we are that bothered about not being affected...
Bush's Actions Fuel Recovery II
10 Posts • 3498 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"The media does not want you to know this." Oh, right, the evil satanist media owned by the rich and wealthy wants us to vote democrat? Why would media tycoons want us to vote for the guys...
Mainstream Sexuality
3 Posts • 3930 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I've had so much sex in my life that now sex to me is like washing the dishes. It's something that has to be done but not necessarily something great (but not bad either). Don't beli...
Society & Sociology
I just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77271 Views
Psychology Forum
i dont defend the media. i hate the media. that has nothing to do with me being liberal.
God in Religion
If god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33990 Views
Religion Forum
but what is a conscience if it is not something molded by the morality of the social engineering of people in power to control people en mass. I mean religion is just an old fashioned word for governm...
Reality & Metaphysics
Questioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36661 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I think in thez circumstances we shud adopt the policy of ''I ll c it b4 I believe it'' The one problem I have with this is that most people aren't actively seeking a...
Gender Psychology
HIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views
Psychology Forum
By making up your own mind. Do you always believe everything you hear? Why is it that the media is the only source that few people think to question? If a guy on the street told you what beauty was yo...
45yrs • M
read the hierarachy of emotion
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