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THREAD Relationships & LoveConfusion mixed with some more confusion. Please help.
4 Posts • 2321 Views
Psychology Forum
Thing is she isn't ready for a relationship, being that she is just out of one. I really respect her and understand her situation there for I am not trying to convince her to do anything she isn&...
THREAD Closeness
16 Posts • 4988 Views
Talk Talk
The most outstanding of individuals will say completely absurd things when caught off guard. People who exude confidence in social situations simply do so because they have experienced more awkward mo...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsUniversity life not going as I would like it to go...
6 Posts • 2858 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't know if I would call this a regret, because I didn't have a very good support system from my family, but for pretty much the whole duration of my time at uni I had a boyfriend - and...
15 Posts • 3823 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It is well known that liberals control the media.... I'm fairly sick and tired of this right wing left wing labeling crap. It distracts from the reality of the situations whose importance i...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19112 Views
Religion Forum
Well, that is dependent upon whose Traditional accounting you are want to discuss?These quotes are from the linked site provided by OkCity. Our souls have traveled throughout the cosmos from the beg...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat Is Wrong With Being A Slut
37 Posts • 15047 Views
Psychology Forum
Attolia - thanx. *lol* I agree with you as well. Not because you're a girl, but you use the utilitarian view in regards to the biological perspective. If they think that there is a reason to...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39619 Views
Philosophy Forum
PS- I don't go to church. I don't associate with Christians much either. I don't like religion or brainwashing so I don't think "calling myself a christian" has much to d...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Hard Working Paradox
10 Posts • 4230 Views
Philosophy Forum
Primitive Anarchy or Anarcho-Primitivism is an anarchist critique of the origins and progress of civilization. According to anarcho-primitivism, the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsiste...
14 Posts • 3840 Views
Talk Talk
I havent thought about this until i read this thread, but i seem to be in the exact same spot. I just dont care about anything. Until now I looked at it like a center in me, a zen garden of sorts. I n...
THREAD BooksHave you achieved a sense of fulfillment?
21 Posts • 12157 Views
Talk Talk
I am passionate about a few things. I am passionate about identifying atheist ideals and beliefs. I work hard on personal philosophies and truth seeking and hopoe that one day I can help unify a great...
THREAD @tax cuts
22 Posts • 5539 Views
Talk Talk
No one should get paid millions of dollars to juggle numbers around at the stock marcket or to juggle balls on the court. In reality according to economic theory these individuals with talents that...
THREAD MIchael Jackson
0 Posts • 7487 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
The war, the budget, all things being debated in washington concerns Michael Jackson. Because while we are all busy watching Michael Jackson, our country is being handed over to Sadia Arabia and China...
THREAD War & TerrorismDecius B against the War?
55 Posts • 15036 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
bmx and walts: It makes me sad that you guys don't want to refer to logic, so I have given up on you two. Once you lose a family member in a terrorist attack then maybe you'll open your mind...
THREAD LawStatutory Rape
14 Posts • 4572 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The consent of a child is the choice to have sex period, if they are acting out, exploring, whatever. Its not a notion I find overly tasteful, but I too have been conditioned to respond. If a horny...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhores ruling the world
0 Posts • 736 Views
Psychology Forum
Sexcess is a value in pop culture. Especially in high school culture. How did Western puritanical society go from abhorring whores to upholding them? Some factors (I've researched this for years)...
THREAD I would like to commend
14 Posts • 3759 Views
Philosophy Forum
AHAHA ekimup ... You think your on top and im at the bottom becasue someone on the internet put you high and didn't mention me? get outta here.. i was going to write that i was joking.. but that...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionDrunken
27 Posts • 10379 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
And how do we control a potentially dangerous substance from being abused? You don't, you can't, or at least not the substance. That war on drugs has been going on for some time and they...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43058 Views
Religion Forum
God does not judge-only humans do this. And so only humans judge what is right from what is wrong. But the canny thing is that in order to be at peace, in order to know love, one has to transcend the...
THREAD Does Race Exist?
7 Posts • 3955 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have been drifting from one forum to the next seeking an answer to an obvious question, 'does race exist'. Surprisingly I meet staunch opposition from some 'people' somewhat insa...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132039 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hi Wooly Bully, I'm sure you already know about this link, but people new to VHEMT may not. otto.htm MOTTO ANALYSIS The values of the Voluntary Human Extincti...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60677 Views
Philosophy Forum
why do we exist..? an urge to resist saying "because" there&# 039;s a cause and effect principle... then we filter or siphon through the family and their own accomplishment accomp...
THREAD War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6703 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think we need to set some things straight here. It did not start with the crusades as the original argument stated. Muslim armies conquered Arabia, Syria, Egypt, the Persian Empire, the coast of Nor...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Meaning of Life
21 Posts • 8059 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe it may be useful to look at your meaning of life from moment to moment... As no two moments are exactly alike, the general meaning of life may be hard to get to... It may be possible to ha...
THREAD ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12728 Views
Religion Forum
I don't think that I am as familiar with history as you are. But I do remember reading how one of the Koran translators writes about being afraid of the poets posessed by demons and tried to imag...
THREAD FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views
Philosophy Forum
Number 1) But even if progression continues it is more likely that the world will end because of humans lack of compassion for something say the environment. There is an article out suggesting that 2/...
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