Flip flop hipity hop, off your rocker and over the top, lifes a fiction the worlds a lie so put on some creedence and lets get high - kevosworld
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Tagged > Social media
4 Posts • 2949 Views
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It is difficult to judge your situation without seeing your budget, and I really don't want to see it, nor do I believe you want to show it to me. How much is enough? I had a friend in school...
THREAD I am not cool becuse another man makes me feel effeminate.
12 Posts • 4224 Views
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But defiantly I want others to look at a very very male man admitting human feelings. And to maybe relate to my humanity. Or have an answer for me. Chained Wings, I am very happy I read this, becau...
THREAD Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15359 Views
Philosophy Forum
hmm . . I know it may not be so today but in my youth, the lack givng respect raised social issues especially among minorities. The simple gesture of giving a nod as a sign of respect, acknowledging t...
THREAD @tax cuts
22 Posts • 5539 Views
Talk Talk
I dont think you have really understood my post. In canadian history it is recognized that a lot of social programs are inspired by socialist ideology. canada once had a million man march to the capit...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89349 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think if ever there were to be WW3 it would be; Allies; America, England, France, Germany, Denmark, Israel. The other guys (not in our team); Russia, China, Iran. It's nice how R...
THREAD Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11465 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think the time will be ripe for systems like anarchy and communism when the human race as a whole becomes more developed. Really, how many of us are unselfish? How many of us really love others, how...
THREAD Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9096 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Nor do they like God. Though out of principle they all clame that they do. " well these two assumptions are based on disclosure i dont think represents a bigger picture of every indivi...
THREAD Society & SociologyLeft out and confused
3 Posts • 2341 Views
Psychology Forum
Don't think of it so much as where you went wrong. Even if you did something wrong that would be very hard for us to discern from your point of view here on these forums. All I can really sugg...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67573 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think that a society free of our biggest current barrier would be the key to the future of logicall human development and evolution . But people are still way too locked up in the box by years of do...
THREAD ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3232 Views
Religion Forum
Well, I can't specifically respond to the questions I've posed and you've answered, but I can summarize what I was thinking when I read that post. I agree. :P While I still don�...
THREAD Society & SociologyIncrease in rape crimes and sexual freedom
5 Posts • 8423 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm presuming Attolia, that your refering to the increase of rape cases in your country- the USA. The reasons depend on the two types of rape- date rape and Acquaintance rape. Date rape reasons...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAllegorical or Literal?
21 Posts • 7201 Views
Religion Forum
ExplodingGopher said:I must agree with you that scripture should only be looked at as a series of parables intended to teach morality. But, if Scripture conveys what actually happened in time, should...
THREAD ElectionsA very good read.
8 Posts • 3589 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm glad you have faith in this country, did I say that everyone was corrupt, did I say I know everyone in government, although you seem to. My pessimistic views, as are often seen, are often...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6592 Views
Philosophy Forum
What's most interesting is that we seem to seek out the knowledge of life and death "outside of us," as if the external world is somehow more "truthful" than our own potential...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30365 Views
Religion Forum
To answer DumbTeen, I do not believe that God is omnipotent. Omnipotent means "being able to do ANYTHING," and like you said, if God were omnipotent, God could prevent things like the tsunam...
THREAD ElectionsCountry not mature enough for Ron Paul
0 Posts • 739 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Your point is somewhat valid but not ultimately. But for a reason you were unsure of and noted. In regards to maturity, again somewhat, but americans fear of change and taking responsibility is the...
THREAD War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7560 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm Confused posted 06/06, by Okcitykid I'm confused - How has torture become Okay? How do we launch an offensive, discover that we were wrong and yet still say we are right?...
THREAD ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15990 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Poli = many tics = blood sucking pests Stands to reason what it is all about. :D *lol* ANYWAY,,,,, The problem is, people don't know what they are voting on or who they are voting for, a...
THREAD Gender PsychologyIncursions in to girl space
22 Posts • 6582 Views
Psychology Forum
Recently a friend of a friend announced that for her birthday party it was her intention to have an all girl aromatherapy party. I asked my friend why and her answer was the usual unsatisfactory, ...
THREAD CelebritiesMichael Jackson and his new album
9 Posts • 7612 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
i agree. he truly is the "king of pop" and his hard work deserves every success that comes his way. the media has done a very unfair job of representing (and smashing) his reputation to t...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views
Philosophy Forum
2 of my own, and Ive witnessed about a dosen or so closely do to being forced into "family" social situations, From the first month of Life I'd say I watched about 6 and they all starte...
THREAD Economy'Bail out' or 'rescue'
7 Posts • 2560 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Paulson plan- the U.S. treasury to buy up to 700 billion dollars of assets Additions to the plan: • Limits on executive compensation • Oversight • Ownership stake • Some help for f...
THREAD What is worth death?
15 Posts • 4276 Views
Psychology Forum
What a question. Can I have three wishes? At my age, I feel so guilty for living! I am one those baby boomers that is causing a Social Security crisis, and if my death could resolve this problem,...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7052 Views
Philosophy Forum
Firstly, the thing needed is non-hating. Anger is a character flaw. Bitching is another. Its proof of being affected (weakness) by an environment. To teach people to be moral; you have to understan...
57 Posts • 10422 Views
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ooh CodeWarrior, you do make me laugh *lol* most especially because your anatomical appraisals are listed with such seriousness! (and you also make me need to learn to do this quote thingy, so let m...
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