Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59358 Views Philosophy Forum |
You MUST justify behaviour without personal desires or the concept of "good" or "evil". You must justify behaviour by goals, and the means to attain them.
Goals are personal de... |
Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions"
1 Posts • 3014 Views Philosophy Forum |
Continuum is pleased to announce that Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time: Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong' is now available!
'Iain King's ambitious bo... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15655 Views Philosophy Forum |
alright ekimup I get what you'r saying.. I'll try to not contradict my own thoughts agian..
in my very effortful attempt to define morality I discover that we reference to an exter... |
Religion & HumanityMorals for sale
14 Posts • 4963 Views Religion Forum |
That's my moral standard, the golden rule, older than any religion for a reason.
As for the non human aspect, I'm really glad someone made that point, are you guys aware that Corporations... |
27 Posts • 17662 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
.For Attolia
If she hasn't long since stopped reading this thread
The direction of this thread seems to wonder into many different areas freedom off speech the morality of child abuse and... |
Tv Good or Bad
4 Posts • 8932 Views Talk Talk |
TV Stinks!
I find TV to be vile, I will watch for a few minutes then the commercils come on they go on for so long I forget what the hell I was watching so I get aggrivated and turn it off. If your... |
God in ReligionOkay...Why should I Fear God?
53 Posts • 11500 Views Religion Forum |
I can see you are angry (and who hasn't been there), but I am wondering why it is that when bad things happen we all tend to think that this is a sign of the worst things being the truest and mos... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17208 Views Religion Forum |
Also bored.
Science does require blind faith, but that is only in the beginning. In the hypothesising stage. Then, scientists go about proving their hypotheses using observations gained through exp... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21551 Views Religion Forum |
25Jesus called them together and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26Not so with you. Instead, whoever want... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13264 Views Religion Forum |
who ever said anything was wrong with killing for food??.. I said that it was obvious, food and sacrifice are two different subjects....lol.......food was never in this equation i'm talking about... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15221 Views Science & Technology Forum |
"Breeding" humans really comes down to morality.
Would I feel right killing a child that was born to be mentally retarded because it would be a /burden/?
The same argument is made aga... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8931 Views Religion Forum |
I do believe religion has a purpose on this earth, no matter that I don't believe in God. Religion is a very powerful support system for people. It can help them through very tough times, if they... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9194 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is having the intelligence and responsibility to make the good decisions worth being forced to make the good decisions for the good of the world?
I agree, people do have the ability to make their... |
Ethics & MoralityAre Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
5 Posts • 2696 Views Philosophy Forum |
Darwin informs us that the species that fails to adapt to its changing environment will soon become toast. If we lack the intellectual sophistication required to make a science of these two concepts,... |
Atheism & AgnosticismMy article in American Atheist Magazine
4 Posts • 2909 Views Religion Forum |
What a good read. To think that science could need theology..
I would describe myself as agnostic. I've come to dislike the the term "atheist." Etymologically, It seems to denote a... |
258 Posts • 67421 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Causes silence
Causes violence
"Its not, its not true."
I've come to
That I can feel it
In my blood
And in my youth
Prick, ow
My life.... |
Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views Philosophy Forum |
In the beginning my entire family would set out in search of more food/supplies. during that time if a person wants to join and use my resources i would require them to look for food and do anything e... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67562 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that a society free of our biggest current barrier would be the key to the future of logicall human development and evolution . But people are still way too locked up in the box by years of do... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
^^re read what you just said good sir and you'll realize that you need to "slap yourself"......I'm not for or against anybody...I'm my own person...I did state that all of thi... |
Religion & HumanityAllegorical or Literal?
21 Posts • 7196 Views Religion Forum |
ExplodingGopher said:I must agree with you that scripture should only be looked at as a series of parables intended to teach morality.
But, if Scripture conveys what actually happened in time, should... |
Ethics & MoralityDay of Yahweh
4 Posts • 2703 Views Philosophy Forum |
Morality was apply within only a particular tribe's agreements, and the rightness of action on its collective mood towards addressing other groups, it's individuated and localized to only particular g... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I will agree that capitalism fuels democracy. Our car gets us to work, we would be hard pressed without it. However our automobile has no virtue. Capitalism is like the soil for a tree. It is, it will... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics
1 Posts • 2179 Views Philosophy Forum |
Okay, I'm going to take a different approach with ethics, largely because it is now considered a sort of dead duck. While post-modernists like Jameson, Lyotard and Derrida revel in morality's new-foun... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21775 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm glad you can be so high-minded now but your country practiced ethnic cleansing and colonization when there were no threats to its continued existence. Oh yes, I forgot that was the past.
I... |
Gender PsychologyHIghly dissatsified with sexual stimulus
0 Posts • 3263 Views Psychology Forum |
one of the primary struggles for people in their twenties is seeking out and understanding the intricacies of intimacy. when searching for an appropriate mate, it is neccisary for a person to look wit... |