Love is like fire. When you have it lit, it's warm, and mesmerizing. If you suddenly thrust your hand in it burns. But when the fire's out you are left cold, and wishing for it to come back. - Christina Marie Power (myself)
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Tagged > Ricoeur society
THREAD PhotographyDownTown
5 Posts • 3229 Views
Art Forum
Hmm . . . nobody jumping on the statement? As some may have noted I tend to like understanding aspects of technology especially older technologies . . . their advent in society is directly related to...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24269 Views
Religion Forum
For the better, and if you found out you were worthless what would you do aboujt it? If someone proved I was worthless than I would simply go and prove that I wasn't. But if this is improv...
THREAD Theres got to be more
10 Posts • 3297 Views
Philosophy Forum
the problem with utalitarianism, is i feel a simple one. its main phiosophy is to utilise everything in a way that gives you the most pleasure and least pain. the problem is that this often results in...
THREAD A Thing Called Shame
19 Posts • 5936 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think she means shame as in these acts such as disrespect, prostitution and whatnot are regarded as unethical and immoral in other cultures, yet we freely practice it without a thought about the mor...
THREAD War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8569 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
if this movie sways peoples opinions as much as the media is making it sound like it will, then bush really doesnt deserve to be in office again... i mean its a freakin movie. movies belong in the ent...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107396 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Guys, it is not about the health regulations, not even about how much it slows everybody's brain in society. It is just alot of people cannot controll themselves on MJ. how can you run a country...
THREAD The "F" Word???
21 Posts • 6712 Views
Philosophy Forum
swearwords are little more than punctuation, but they are also words that for no particular reason have been deemed offensive. most swearwords are only offensive because someone decided they were....
THREAD TV Show ReviewsPuzzle after watching Gossip Girl
1 Posts • 3570 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I think the TV series Gossip Girl indicates the unfair phenomenon in society: the rich can trick, order, bully and take advantage of the poor, and the poor can't revenge. I wonder if the similar...
THREAD SocietyWill the Downfall of Society Save Us?
2 Posts • 2650 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think society as it stands today must fail in order for a new one to take its place, yes. There are too many people afraid of change, who will suffer through depression just because of the familiar...
THREAD The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views
Talk Talk
Booky, we don't need war that's a social issue. People don't know how to solve their problems without it and people think its good due to the way that are society is structured. That...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6144 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is a fact unless you are Mowgli. you are an involved member of your society and all of the mankind. The decision you take for yourslef will not only change you it will also change others around you...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46357 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
You poor, scared, feeble, weak minded trolls just look at you, wondering all sorts of stoopid stuff. Are people born gay?, will I go to heaven if I am gay? no wonder society is falling apart. It'...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24269 Views
Religion Forum
relying on nothing but herself, and will be stronger in doing so Why do people associate self reliance with strength? If you break your arm do you say to yourself "Self, I can get through this...
THREAD Modesty
1 Posts • 1549 Views
Talk Talk
Is it overrated? Modesty, what exactly is modesty and who has the right to define it? Do we need modesty? Should both women and men strive to be modest,is there benifit for greater society.... and is...
THREAD Conditon of the average American
36 Posts • 9089 Views
Philosophy Forum
Navin In my honest opnion I think you are wrong. Yes, some would say that killing makes them happy. We as a society know however , that people who think this are wrong. So then it is not "wha...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersLocke vs. Hobbes
11 Posts • 18467 Views
Philosophy Forum
man is inherently nothing. "evil" is defined by our own laws, rules and regulations. in nature man is neutral, simply surviving to the best of his ability. given todays society, man would be...
THREAD SocietyHorrible Things Happen, and I must be Okay with it.
0 Posts • 555 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
No, something great is going to happen... or not... either way the most prepared will lead or follow their way through the coming times... But the Bush / Clinton Era just goes to show that standing...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11363 Views
Psychology Forum
after i made my post i started thinking about it, and you are right - both sexes are equally affected (in terms of number of people). the thing is, women are generally more outwardly expressive......
THREAD Sexual PsychologyA backlash against sexual attitudes?
25 Posts • 6909 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Ok but the first question to this is how will we benefit from such practices. I personally think liberal is a good thing. If we all adapted a conservative life style we might as well go back to the 18...
THREAD What's Masculine and Feminine
19 Posts • 8553 Views
Philosophy Forum
if you think about it, alot of men in our society also compete to be "pretty". they work out to get big muscles, even if they dont use them. they wear stylish clothes and pay hundreds for sh...
THREAD Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16569 Views
Philosophy Forum
The problem isn't the self centered part, thats just a inevitable fact of life that has earned negative connotations due to strong cases of overboard self centered acts and practices. Like anythi...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7048 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is possible, probable, that emotional responces to environmental stimuli have been, and will continue to be, necessary to the survival of the organism and subsequently the species. Without instinct...
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70936 Views
Psychology Forum
i dont have a problem with overwieght ppl. i used to be a big girl growin up and i know what it is like. i never realized how big i actually was till after i lost wight and looked back at pictures tho...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40728 Views
Psychology Forum
i havent really said much on this thread because you guys seem to care much more than me but on nature, which leads people to being gay.... im not quite sure what the proof for that is. We have intuit...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67556 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, with no money, it'd be harder to maintain a society of hard working people. Mainly, in this world, people work because they're striving for more money so they can have a better lifesty...
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