It's not that I don't like people- I just like them more when there not around - Charles Bukowski
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Tagged > Real or hoax
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21991 Views
Religion Forum
Religion and Science are two very different beasts. One is faith based, the other empirical. They may not even belong in the same room. However, they are forced together because very real changes are...
THREAD A Little Bit of Everything
6 Posts • 2866 Views
Philosophy Forum
I value your feedback… Mostly I was just talking about the value of memory… And how, just about everything you've been through stays with you for every moment after, whether prominent or...
THREAD Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views
Psychology Forum
I used to prize love but then I got over it. The only thing of real value is cash. With money I can buy anything I want. You say money can't buy love? I don't want love, man. I want a...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
the only women I am really attracted to are women alot older than me like in the late 30's. I am not attracted to girls my age, that's why I have fantasies about older and younger (although...
THREAD world of war craft sux
3 Posts • 2186 Views
Talk Talk
This is an interesting thread! It seem to me that only obese nerds play WoW! Then they lose all aspect of reality and go around pretending to cast a Lvl13 Magic Missile at each other in the school...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views
Religion Forum
Appreciate your thoughts peoples. Just to add something else. Not only has the divinity of Christ been given up, but his existence as a person and his death is being more and more seriously qu...
14 Posts • 4154 Views
Philosophy Forum
there is a limited actual number of real images and a limited actual number of unreal events if you don't know what a LCG is go here harly/server/node3.html ht...
THREAD The problem with the Universe is NOT...
7 Posts • 2923 Views
Philosophy Forum
People, especially scientists, will always try to make sense out of the universe and the world around the. Things do have a "pattern" or a "flow" to them. However, as string theory...
THREAD Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16359 Views
Religion Forum
those who overstand the second comming don't refer to the bible for when it's supposed to happen. If you overstand the bible, it will be your last resource to show people the truth. this con...
THREAD BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10582 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Actually gmed food would or could be more nutritious than regular farmed foods, but not more nutritious than organic gardening. However, not all of us will have the luxury of eating just organic grown...
THREAD What is philosophy?
5 Posts • 5101 Views
Philosophy Forum
My experience with philosophy has been this : - words never mean what they mean in real life - philosophy involves redefining things to make them less contradictory - philosophy is reasoning from p...
THREAD Internet Vulnerability
11 Posts • 2828 Views
Talk Talk
How much of the stuff we share on the internet would we actually share with a person in real life? I'm referring especially to the poetry section. I was reading the beginning of a poem by OkCityK...
THREAD is a disgusting existence.
17 Posts • 5851 Views
Talk Talk
I have a myspace but I really don't talk to anyone on it, I only have people from school or family members on there...about three people to four people are either friends of friends or people who...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsIs Karma Real?
25 Posts • 24977 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was told by someone that "samsara" (or rebirth) is the natural state of human existence for those who have not attained higher consciousness. "Evil doings" only become "disr...
THREAD InventionFree Energy Devices
5 Posts • 2794 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I am just not going to argue this point with you. I will kindly point you to some facts (those things in science), about the topic. While my primary school of thought and education is social science,...
THREAD Mental IllnessBorderline Personality Disorder Advice
10 Posts • 3246 Views
Psychology Forum
Have you ever read the book Catch 22 ? Joseph Heller's book is on the surface is just an anti-war novel. But here is the real thing: The anti-hero, Captain John Yossarian, wants out. He can get o...
THREAD Too much "love"
28 Posts • 6488 Views
Talk Talk
"you need someone other then your partner to confide in." then there would be no real need for a partner.(except sexually.) believing that there is someone else you should confide...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64057 Views
Religion Forum
I'd just like to say something real quick. Those who call themselves Christians and say "I'm not sure," you're not really Christians. In order to be a Christian, you must KNOW...
18 Posts • 5726 Views
Talk Talk
But just bearing in mind that our closest friends and partners mirror some aspect of ourselves that we like (or dislike and are unwilling to see in ourselves...) And the anger is fine, it can be th...
THREAD Anarchy Online
2 Posts • 9288 Views
Jokes & Games
Hello ppl... i dont know if there is some1 @ here that playis this MMORPG ... but i think is the best game ever... the social aspect is 1 of the hiest advantages, but then the garafic and the role......
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24974 Views
Religion Forum
So why are you attempting to state it is illogical to refer to God with any knowledge of what he or she is? You have already done that, as everyone here has done that. I have not said any such thin...
THREAD BMW or Mercedes?
15 Posts • 19672 Views
Talk Talk
"the only reason they get looks is because everyone knows they are expensive." BMW is not very expensive. Mercedes is cheap? Ha, thats a laugh. Look at their website, for even the lowest...
THREAD Governmentdo you think the United Nations should....
17 Posts • 6967 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Agreed. The UN has little power compared to economic supergiants. The UN agreed that the war against Iraw was illegal, but did it stop the U.S or even reprimand the U.S in any way? No wonder people no...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
the only women I am really attracted to are women alot older than me like in the late 30's. I am not attracted to girls my age, that's why I have fantasies about older and younger (although...
THREAD An intresting Question handed to me
12 Posts • 3391 Views
Philosophy Forum
well some people believe that their purpose is to do good and go to heaven.. if theres people who believe in a purpose such as that then they seem to want to contnue living as long as we get pleas...
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