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Tagged > Real or hoax
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views
Religion Forum
Santa Claus is not a story you can pose against peoples beliefs in God. It cannot tell us whether God is real or not. For one thing, every sane person (excluding gullible children) knows that Santa Cl...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89306 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
And to specify on your statement, it must be reiterated that people in general inherently do have that mentality, but they are obviously being frightened into feeling the need for continual aggressive...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyGod FOUND by Scientists!
6 Posts • 4075 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Well, God particle actually. :p The Higgs Boson is indeed real scientists at CERN claim. I still can't understand the significance of the discovery. All the discovery does, from what I'...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views
Philosophy Forum
"As I said earlier, if more people are saved than the amount of people who die - then its a good war" wow okkid, that was a real ass-hole thing to say. your saying that everyone is the sa...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7052 Views
Philosophy Forum
Alright, I'll agree to give you my results in a week's time but it should be understood that I live on a college campus now which is obviously more liberal than 'the real world'. D...
THREAD GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9780 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Bush gets waaay too much flak in my opinion, but trying to compare his shit to Clinton's shit... Yeah, Clinton got a blow job. Big deal. Bush foolishly got us into a war without having a real pla...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReal Religion Or Cult?
5 Posts • 4939 Views
Religion Forum
I like what Decius said - but add. A religion inspires you while a cult controls you. They will use fear, pier pressure and intimadation. While I'm not real familiar with Rastafarian. My wi...
THREAD Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7901 Views
Psychology Forum
I think it should be done by a firing squad. Have 20 shooters there all un-identified, randomly pick a bullet out of a jar, 19 will be fake and one will be real. Bang, no ones knows if they did it...
THREAD PerceptionMake Believe........?
5 Posts • 2801 Views
Psychology Forum
Look around at everything that we think in terms of, our concepts and our systems of social structure, right up to metaphysical philosophy where is the line drawn between whats exists and what our bra...
THREAD GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views
Philosophy Forum
Would you recieve a spanking for calling your parents liars when they tell you Santa and the Easter bunny aren't real, or just for questioning them if Jesus and their equally claimed and unaccoun...
THREAD Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4348 Views
Psychology Forum
maybe if you zone out a lot you start seing things in the real world that are not there =P...as in seing the invisible in the visible. now this is too *sleepy** O.o mehem maybe it's not a matt...
93 Posts • 30410 Views
Philosophy Forum
Melkor - I believe in heaven because I believe I've been there. I remember before I was born. But I could not stay there, I had to come down here. I had a dream that I was a bank robber, after...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorWhat Star Are YOU?
42 Posts • 17224 Views
Psychology Forum
I am an astrology guru... When people doubt astrology I laugh and don't take it personality. People just don't understand what astrology it, ebcause it has been tainted with misconsceptio...
THREAD adjusting from high school to college
10 Posts • 2176 Views
Talk Talk
Why bother with people like that? But, he does have a point about the assignments. If you are late handing in an assignment you should get zero because in the real business world a late report is usel...
THREAD vampires
24 Posts • 7661 Views
Talk Talk
Im going to have to disagree with the comment that vampires don't exist. Or werewolves. I know they exist. Ive been reading on them for ages. Almost an obsession, really. And Im going to tell you...
THREAD Sexual Psychologywhat's the deal with porn?
9 Posts • 4822 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
porn. we all love it. so, what is porn and what does it represent in human beings. i have some suggestions! is it: - 1. a fantasy relationship. 2. an essential need. (ie. testicles overflo...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27643 Views
Religion Forum
Ok, I read the Quran, and I read the Crusades... The Muslims have very little more than giving Christ a Prophet's honor. BUT what gets me is Muhammad lived by the sword, killed by the sword,...
51 Posts • 20008 Views
Philosophy Forum
As I read I'm persuaded back and forth. I think that there are different ways to look at being fake and none of them are 100% correct. In one aspect of it you could say there is no such thi...
THREAD IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27643 Views
Religion Forum
Ok, I read the Quran, and I read the Crusades... The Muslims have very little more than giving Christ a Prophet's honor. BUT what gets me is Muhammad lived by the sword, killed by the sword,...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionTrue Love is not a Myth.
5 Posts • 4141 Views
Philosophy Forum
True love.. meh, who is to say what is true love and what isnt.. if love only lasts a few days it doesnt mean it was some fake emotion... just means it didnt last. Love is love the way hate is hat...
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7041 Views
Religion Forum
While i must admit that it is tempting to not belive in God i must also admit that i have seen and heard demon poseesed people things that make your blood go cold and i was once a critic. You mi...
THREAD Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views
Philosophy Forum
^^lol...it's not messing with...I want people to start using their heads,look for answers not questions...why search for so many theories??....lmao...it's funny actually.. don't be a sl...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainEmotions vs Logic
30 Posts • 15117 Views
Psychology Forum
Hedgehog, this is for you whenever you may get around to discussing this with me. Apparently we can have intent without emotion. When I asked the person who proposed this, to explain this logica...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeEnilightenment
23 Posts • 7751 Views
Philosophy Forum
when i lucid dream i can consume psychedelics and have the congruent experience. however, that does not make it real. i can also accomplish this feat, to varrying degrees, through deep meditation. how...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57906 Views
Religion Forum
there are other questions that need to be answered: 1. if there is a God(who by definition created all that there is except himself) is God then not able to define good for man and all His creation?...
  51    52    53    54    55    56    57    58    59  
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