About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Well lets see I love to have a good time, I dont drink, Im 26, No kids, kinda crazy, hate being bored but, hey it brought me to this site! My fave. color is purple or lately dark green. I love to get... |
Saving Pvt. Lynch: The made-for-TV movie
15 Posts • 6004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Saving Privat lynch? What propaganda! Wow nothing like storming a hospital to 'save' her from the evil Iraqi doctors who were no doubt about to start some diabolical experiments on her! She... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132047 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm 'vehement' about VHEMT. :)
I agree with 'Deep Purple' (cool avatar) about having one spokesman for this Thread. And, that spokesperson should be 'Wooly Bully'.
It's easier for one person t... |
Kerry Faked HIs Medals
2 Posts • 2720 Views Talk Talk |
A discussion at theword. News & Political Debate Forum
_______________________ ___________________
Just heard some rumors and innuendo, but it looks like Kerry might have faked his third purple... |
42 Posts • 10552 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
show the world your heart
your love
to care and forgive
dont hold hate
revenge inside your heart
a heart turned black from despair
burned upon the flames of life
in cold testimony do watch othe... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We all are born with that spark
that ember of hatred glowing within.
It drives us to act in ways unacceptable to the world
(unacceptable to those with embers same as you)
and yet, as life drives o... |
SpiritualityThe aura
15 Posts • 4509 Views Religion Forum |
Bright Yellow – Golden, inspiration; Buttercup, focused on a course of action.
Purple – Lilac, spiritual balance; Violet, humility.
Ok...the color was more violet than lilac...
And she... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44068 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think we should stop looking for scapegoats and pointing fingers, there's 360 degrees to cover. Well...it's the way it goes. History repeating itself over and over. And the more we get hig... |
2 Posts • 2280 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Your love is like alcohol to my brain
That distracts me from all the pain
You shock every pulsate, electrifying my heart
I knew I loved you right from the start
As I drink in your potion
You con... |
ChemistryCleaning a Bong with chambers
7 Posts • 7997 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I see...yeah hot water does work for it....ive used boiling water and used pressure from my own lungs to push the water as fast as possible through the bong and its chamber, and it cleaned it out alot... |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10715 Views Psychology Forum |
Dreams are so awesome. Since I started practicing lucid dreaming almost a year ago, I find that I look at my waking hours in a whole new light.
I haven't been as consistent with it as I'd... |
Perceptionemotional perception
5 Posts • 2854 Views Psychology Forum |
im kind of confused by this post.. but yeah ive thought about this before.. like for instance... is my intake of the color red the same as anyone elses... or is it more like their pink or their purple... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm surrounded by images of life,
I'm scorned, torn apart from the inside out.
People bombard me with promises, and words I don't comprehend
Intertwine the thin threads of life.
T... |
Saving Pvt. Lynch: The made-for-TV movie
15 Posts • 6004 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Any soldier taken prisoner by the enemy desrves a hero's welcome upon his/her return home. Biker, I hope you never get taken prisoner and then return home with out the same support as was shown t... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25162 Views Philosophy Forum |
1 Corinthians 13
If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all myst... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40603 Views Religion Forum |
What I mean by the statment "most atheists are actually agnostics" is the following.
An atheist is - 'One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods' To deny the exi... |
93 Posts • 30411 Views Philosophy Forum |
It is not four pounds. The most commonly accepted value is 21 ounces. Also, they "lose" it. Im not quite sure if you can "loss" something, even if it is immediate. The interesting... |
Society & Sociologypeople bonding by discriminating..
2 Posts • 3093 Views Psychology Forum |
I guess its normal, as im human i probably do it to..
but its fucking annoying when others do it towards you.. when your by yourself and theres a pack they feeel so safe to be cocky casue they kno... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22667 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Would you say Kerry served loyally in the army?
I don't even believe Mr. Kerry thought he served honorably. He made a mistake flashing his purple hearts around, it was a political thing, a bad... |
I am a bodybuilder and have been thinking about taking creatine
4 Posts • 3165 Views Talk Talk |
I am a natural bodybuilder. I only take a whey protein and my essential fish oil and multivitamin, but have been wondering about which creatine is considered the safest? I have tried micronized creati... |
The Ski Date
32 Posts • 12151 Views Jokes & Games |
When I born, I black.
When I grow up, I black.
When I go in sun, I black.
When I cold, I black.
When I scared, I black.
When I sick, I black.
And when I die, I still black.
Y... |
Random QuestionsGirls with Tattoos
36 Posts • 65877 Views Talk Talk |
my girlfriend says she wants a tatoo on her lower back, but im not at all sure why. im the only one whod see it unless she goes swimming. i think she wants a rose or something, im not so sure about it... |
God in ReligionShow me there is no God
7 Posts • 2837 Views Religion Forum |
see, atheist doesn't belive there is absolutely no god at all, there is a possibility that some being you can call "god" might exist, who knows, but for those fashionable gods, aka the... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
"Your Heart Is An Empty Room"
Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
Home's face: how it... |
ArtworkIn response to: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
2 Posts • 4212 Views Art Forum |
"The girl was sprawled naked in the house, her torso and head burned by flames, and she had a single bullet wound under her left eye, he said.
He said he found Abeer's 5-year-old sister,... |