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Tagged > Purple flames
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views
Religion Forum
I've read through this thread and found it very interesting, especially after I've been exploring the teachings of Islam and Islam's "extremist" element. Muslims in the Middle...
THREAD Inexperienced Curry Taster
1 Posts • 2516 Views
Jokes & Games
Notes from an inexperienced curry taster named FRANK, who was visiting Phoenix, Durban from the U.S. "Recently I was honoured to be selected as a judge at a curry cook-off. The original person...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
This cam to me unattributed so I don't know the original author, but I like it just the same as it captures the mythology of Christianity perfectly. >Top ten signs you're a Christian F...
THREAD GovernmentHumpty Nam Kerry Dumpty fell off the wall today.
13 Posts • 4384 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Swift Boat Veterans Condemn Kerry as Unfit to Command, May4th,2004 - In a standing-room-only suite at National Press Club, former 'Swiftee' John O'Neill, spokesman for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, t...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6756 Views
Talk Talk
Sorceress, I know you mean well. But youve mostly just reworded what I was pondering- then made it sound like the poor wittle kiddie is the innocent victim here. It was the puppy that was the victim....
THREAD So you think you know everything!
5 Posts • 2531 Views
Talk Talk
SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING? "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn'...
THREAD SpiritualityI need absolute Proof
26 Posts • 9815 Views
Religion Forum
"Dumbteen, this is not a debate about 'what if's' I am in need of where aetheists get their beliefs, or rather lack of belief. I need to be shown why they disbelieve. " I se...
THREAD Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9077 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
We had to describe a type of person with objects in junior year English. I chose intraverts and used the Nazca lines to represent them. The relation between the two may be total BS, but it was still s...
THREAD LSD- exprierences, opinions, questions.
6 Posts • 2472 Views
Talk Talk
my first experience i was 12 years old. my sister gave it to me. At the time i had no grasp on how wrong this situation was and how gravely it would effect my life in the future. so, i went down the r...
THREAD The most important thing we've learned...
3 Posts • 7299 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
guess the author. The most important thing we've learned, So far as children are concerned, Is never, NEVER, NEVER let Them near your television set -- Or better still, just don&...
THREAD Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59357 Views
Philosophy Forum
Let me tell you a story: A great wizard walks across a vast desert. He wears a long purple cloak and a high pointed hat. His white beard touches the ground. He carries a large bucket. He stops and...
THREAD Society & SociologyMorons, Morons, Morons...
5 Posts • 3492 Views
Psychology Forum
My and my friend Keith are in a Halo clan called Dark-Oni. We are pretty much the only people in it with any intelligience, and therefore on our message boards we have negative karma. Here just read a...
THREAD ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4110 Views
Religion Forum
Ch 18 1 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth became illumined by his splendor. 2 2 He cried out in a mighty voice: "Fallen, fallen is...
THREAD StoriesShort story on vampires: Part 1
25 Posts • 7134 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
[ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind][ind][ind][ind][ind][ind] [ind]Part Nine. The vampire stalked toward the bushes, eyes directly on the place Sharon hid. Moonlight i...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21784 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"I say jealous, frustrated and way too dependent." Now imagine how the arabs, consistently beaten, conquered, ethnically cleansed, puppeteered and humiliated feel. "Therefore, I expec...
THREAD ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4110 Views
Religion Forum
Chapter 17 Then one of the seven angels who were holding the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come here. I will show you the judgment on the great harlot 2 who lives near the many waters. 2...
THREAD Storiesstory i wrote a while back...
1 Posts • 2362 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Transcendence of the Ikhnaton Once upon a time I was walking down a crowded street and suddenly a tiger came and slashed the back of my head. I fell unconscious to the ground. I began to drea...
THREAD Wyote: Blitzer's Bargain
5 Posts • 2621 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Ace choked for a moment. Blitzer threw his head Back in laughter. "Idiot," he spoke seriously. Ace paused for an instant, then began convulsing violently while dropping to the ground. Blit...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21784 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"And where do you get your numbers? Blind optimisim? I compare to Europe. Europe, for the last 50 years the closest allies of the US, is today extremely suspicious of the US. " Gallup has...
THREAD Poetry that sticks
3 Posts • 2982 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I'm mostly doing this to show that I do care about literature but just think that most poetry is meaningless self pity. So this is a thread dedicated to encourage poetry that doesn't talk ab...
1 Posts • 2237 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Stony, stony crack in the wall You know your headed, headed for a fall Man runnin' No end in sight The boss screams “Take off tonight” Makes his way through the cloudy streets Wou...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62762 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I think this can provide a firm foundation as to why the issue is both existant and important. Excerpt: Why the towers fell: Two theories William Rice Vermont Guardian Thursday, March 1,...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7019 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I vaguely remember stumbling out of the shower, drying myself half-heartedly and collapsing onto my bed, rolling and wrapping myself in the comfy, cool duvet that did little to cool the burning fever...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5996 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wow, did you just snap like a twig. Iron I would like to start off by saying that calling people names is childish and that i take little offense to them but if this is your method of debate then i...
THREAD Wyote: Blitzer's Bargain
5 Posts • 2621 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Going to be working on this for the next couple of weeks. Any suggestions along the way are welcome. I'll put the whole finished product in a post when it's done, but for now I'm just t...
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