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Tagged > Pictures of hitler
27 Posts • 9836 Views
Religion Forum
Sodom and Gammorah, two city's destryed because of animalt being sexually mistreated. I said sex wasn't bad, I said everything bad that has happent. Highest on the list is war, and I excplai...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33334 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Oh my lord. People. America isn't a democracy in any sense not because of this foolish argument going on, it's simple. In a democracy, everyone is required to vote. Here, if you can mus...
THREAD IslamIslam.
19 Posts • 7426 Views
Religion Forum
Islam is interesting, its a combination of Judaism and Christianity, the sunnah or hadiths make up the bulk of the muslim religion not the quran as the quran is general and explains what appears from...
THREAD Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3391 Views
Philosophy Forum
hehe I'm sure there's more. Those are just a few ideas, as you requested :P A very good way I learned how to hone the skill of lucid dreaming is keeping a standard notebook and a pen ne...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 16748 Views
Religion Forum
Abolition of slavery? The Church justified slavery for centuries and not until recently actually apologized for it! Same goes for the Church's role in doing absolutely nothing during World W...
THREAD Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 7937 Views
Religion Forum
The OP addresses Heaven's standards, and that the good should go regardless of their faith and in what we are shown that is in fact needed for such a venture. Put it this way...if we were goin...
THREAD This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 40387 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
John Woo to Direct & Produce He-Man Source: Variety October 4, 2004 Variety reports that Fox 2000 has set John Woo ("Paycheck") to direct and produce He-Man, a live-action film ba...
THREAD GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8393 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wolf look at you go. Alluding capitalism with Nazi "slave labor". 1. The majority of Jewish wealth obtained by the Nazi's was stolen. That money went directly to their army efforts....
THREAD DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 13930 Views
Psychology Forum
I have two main theories on dreams and lucid dreaming... post if you agree with either one, have a different one, or have something to add. 1. Our brain is the most powerfull calculator that will...
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3699 Views
Talk Talk
I recently purchased a bottle of crystal skull vodka. It comes in a really cool clear glass skull bottle. I,d like to make a water bong out of it. On the box that it comes in, they tell the story of t...
THREAD Is ideology the bane of intellectual sophistication in the US?
13 Posts • 4892 Views
Philosophy Forum
he is basically suggesting that all should be ruled by a higher class of critical thinkers No, he's examining the notion of ideology in the context of critical thinking. You're reading thin...
THREAD ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15033 Views
Religion Forum
There has been no official figure for the number of Iraqis killed since the conflict began 18 months ago, but some non-government estimates have ranged from 10,000 to 30,000. Lefty, I got that of...
THREAD Flash Tutorial
2 Posts • 2614 Views
Jokes & Games
I've made a tutorial on how to upload Flash games on to CaptainCynic. Look at the numbers in the pictures and follow my instructions for each number. Step 1(image 1): Go to Tools and then c...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 157026 Views
Talk Talk
My user icon, if anyone has noticed, is a picture of Gideon Yago. The reason it says 'take me seriously' is because about 4 or 5 years ago MTV had this genius ad campaign. The commercials wo...
THREAD I like girls!
24 Posts • 7975 Views
Talk Talk
"no problem. i admit i've a fear of queers... " "reason being is they are 'wrong' for one and i think it's a 'mental defect'' " i feel a ne...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
I hate pop-ups...really do...they are annoying! Joined this group a little over a year ago? Hard to remember except that the User Center doesn't list the right date. Started off in search of c...
THREAD Random PicturesPlaces I Want to Visit
8 Posts • 15058 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
I don't know when but I've seen that picture before and memory told me it was Greece. Did a google search for 'famous beaches in greece' and wala, here it is: Navagio Beach (Gre...
THREAD ArtworkThe Daydream Adventure Club
31 Posts • 12382 Views
Art Forum
I am thinking that I would love to take a ride in a hot air balloon one day. And I wish there were two of me, because I'd like to be on the ground and in the basket, taking pictures from both ang...
THREAD SocietyIf You Haven't Realized how Corrupt Politics can be..
3 Posts • 2080 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Take a look at all the good in the world, that you can see. Now multiply that by 100,000,000 times the biggest number you can think of. That's almost part of some of a little bit of a morsel of a...
THREAD Random QuestionsTrick questions
23 Posts • 208240 Views
Talk Talk
In alberquerque, texas, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why? answer: You take pictures with a camera, not wooden legs. How many time can you take 5 from...
THREAD Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 39907 Views
Psychology Forum
Love looks at everything. That is what is meant by unconditional love But love does not accept everything. You have to accept that there is evil in the world But that is different from accept...
THREAD Teaching
6 Posts • 2866 Views
Talk Talk
You know I often found in university the methods that skirted around the theory were the most confusing. I recall a magneto hydro dynamics course where they taught this method for solving an equation...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84665 Views
Science & Technology Forum
5 November 2012 Saturn's Moon Dione in Slight Color Image Credit: NASA, JPL, SSI, ESA; Post Processing: Marc Canale Why does one half of Dione have more craters than the other? Start with t...
93 Posts • 29972 Views
Philosophy Forum
Some really interesting answers- Thanks! My own philosophy- I Beleive that in everyone there is stuggle- to say between good and evil is an oversimplification - but that is close. We strugle with ou...
THREAD Milgram's Studies
2 Posts • 1841 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Just an interesting experiment i saw on BBC4 (a indie channel in the UK). Stanley Milgram was a Jew living in America not long after the Second World War and subsequently, not long after the Holocaust...
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