What luck for rulers that men do not think - Adolf Hitler
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Tagged > Pictures of hitler
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39114 Views
Philosophy Forum
soooo. im just gunna throw this out and plzz tell me if this makes sense.. im trying to write a philosophy paper and i chose the universe and god and creation..that type of thing.. ok... god created a...
THREAD IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3757 Views
Religion Forum
Tazzlyn. i read that article long ago. After reading it i did a lot of research on Gerin Oil. There are no 1st hand accounts of the drug and there are no pictures or articles on it other than the one...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23239 Views
Philosophy Forum
What i reckon is, war is a necessary part of any modern 'civilization'. This is because, with the massive increase in productivity, luxury commodities and leisure time, the human race is fin...
THREAD Sex and Penis Size
14 Posts • 20998 Views
Talk Talk
So this is how males get their advice! Girls have Cosmo and the like to neurotically analyze and fret over relationship issues. And all those men's magazines are essentially just pictures of scantily...
THREAD Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5857 Views
Religion Forum
Surely you would love and do anything for your daughter without expecting anything in return, wouldn't you? I think altruistic love is a natural thing and just because a very small percentage...
THREAD Society & SociologyThe Psychology of Advertising
0 Posts • 1542 Views
Psychology Forum
i didnt find that the icons had any real effect on me, i stopped to look at them, and see what the pictures were, but i still looked for the same forums that i usually lok in. advertising is a very...
THREAD SocietyHolocaust Survivor Leaving U.S.
18 Posts • 6443 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Check this out! Holocaust Survivor Says He's Leaving The US "...I asked him where he was moving, and he said, "Back to Germany." I had been stationed in Germany for two...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 22726 Views
Religion Forum
"We are not that bad, neither is Israel. Israel even offered to help with the earthquake in Iran and they wanted no part of it. " Its politically embarassing to get help from your archenemy...
THREAD ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5578 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Vietnam shouldn't be an issue but your idol kerry has based his whole election campaign on that very issue!" Oh I don't think Kerry is any good at all. I think a sock-puppet look...
THREAD Mind "Lag"
6 Posts • 4531 Views
Philosophy Forum
I suppose the thought that the mind and body aren't in the present could lead one to question the nature of time itself. After all, by definition of the past, a life lived in the past has already...
THREAD GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 6922 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
[your point got lost....because frankly I didnt ask how many people switched parties] Your thread was based on the story of 2 Dems who plan to support Bush. I relayed information about a friend of...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 58246 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't agree with moral subjectivism or cultural subjectivism, so, instead of exhausting myself with a long argument why, I'm just going to copy my Ethics' teacher's handout on mo...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41540 Views
Philosophy Forum
" In the big picture there is no "blame"... everything can be classified as part of life. " Then call it cause. You believe in cause and effect dont you. I asked you what are jews...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84665 Views
Science & Technology Forum
5 October 2012 Aurora and Fireball Over Norway Image Credit & Copyright: Ole C. Salomonsen (Arctic Light Photo) What's happening behind that mountain? A convergence of variable sky spec...
THREAD IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 16748 Views
Religion Forum
"Re: the Reformation I don't think you realize the impact it had in destroying the authority of the Roman church to control and supress ideas." Look, I've said it was a step in th...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 18739 Views
Religion Forum
We're getting off subject, but what the heck - I like all your Hitler quotes. I am not a Christian, nor do I believe that the bible is the word of God. I am a religious man and enjoy the scrip...
27 Posts • 9836 Views
Religion Forum
JESUSLAND by Max Gordon November 23, 2004 There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in h...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 66294 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The glove compartment is inaccurately named And everybody knows it. So i'm proposing a swift orderly change. Cause behind its door there's nothing to keep my fingers warm And all i fin...
THREAD Posting Movies and Other Files on CC
1 Posts • 3300 Views
Jokes & Games
I\\\'ve been a member of CC board for a while, and I\\\'ve noticed people posting picture and movie files. Most of the hosts use they use allow only 100 MB, some even accept files only up...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 17812 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
bmx: 15 years ago he used mustard gas on the curds in conjunction with US support. If anything, this prooves that we have even less rights to go in and invade. walts: you live in a fantasy world. D...
THREAD Are man made things to be trusted?
15 Posts • 4641 Views
Philosophy Forum
Morals (cultural morals not absolute) serve to improve the stability of a society more then anything else. Lets take some of the commandments : 'though shalt not kill" "though shalt...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84665 Views
Science & Technology Forum
5 September 2012 Airglow Over Germany Image Credit & Copyright: Jens Hackmann Does air glow? It does, but it is usually hard to see. When conditions are right, however, a faint glow about 90...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33207 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Pictures don't see anything people wouldn't already be seeing while you are in a store or on the street, If you're in public and you are behaving like you are in public then a picture i...
THREAD Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views
Talk Talk
1. People who judge how athletes perform from their solid perch on the couch with a big gulp in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. 2. People who draw photograph-quality pictures and complain a...
THREAD Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8529 Views
Psychology Forum
You can work against a problem or with the problem; I prefer the latter. Lets just seperate cause from effect. Of course you are on the right lines with the causal connections and the reasons why p...
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