GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7517 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Open letter to John Kerry
To be an American is something more than an aspiration or an idea. Americans have a right to be led by a fellow American, not by someone who received a good part of his ed... |
AstronomyExcerp: Stars
1 Posts • 2826 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The stars are always there, even in the daytime when they are blotted out by the sun. That is something we do not understand as children. As the earth revolves in its yearly orbit, different parts of... |
258 Posts • 66891 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Happy Birthday
Its been a year now and its starting to show.
This is house was a new thing, but its getting old.
Its been a long ride and its starting to show.
I am tired and cramping and my fac... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4394 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I would really like to see an America where Public opinion isn't based on Political Correctness, fear of having different opinions, trendy internet video bashing, comedians jumping on a trendy ba... |
AstronomyMartian saltwater announcement
10 Posts • 5147 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I dont know why, but my instincts tell me that theres a huge secret about our past hidden behind the vail of prehistory that will reveal fanstastic revelations about our past and where we came from. A... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 89929 Views Psychology Forum |
81. "Mysterious blow"
In message "13. Microwave ray shooting and EM sleep wave(2)" I talked about how they combined two high techniques to hurt. They use EM sleep wave to stabil... |
Feral Children
6 Posts • 9035 Views Talk Talk |
Excerp: A review of 'wild children' was recently on a 60minutes program.
Heres the transcript:wild child
August 6, 2006
It's an extraordinary story. A little girl, neglected, rej... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5926 Views Religion Forum |
"From a Christian pint of view..."
"...Baptist church ..."
"...I personally also like..."
"...I'm not sure how realistic a goal it is... |
JokesWork Excuses
3 Posts • 13725 Views Jokes & Games |
1. I won't be in today. My fish is sick and I need to take it to the vet.
2. My neighbor's daughter got a round hair brush stuck in her hair and I need to help her get it out.... |
LawMartial Law Realities: With Only More Of Worse To Come
2 Posts • 2838 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State
Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast. | May 26 2006
Is the U.S. becoming a police state? Here are the top 10 signs that it may well be the case.
1. The... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15167 Views Religion Forum |
Christ was not married...
IF you read scripture, you will never ever find the term..."Mary of Jesus".
WHAT does that mean??
That means any woman married was called 'of' then... |
StoriesGENERAL STRIKE! (An American abroad)
1 Posts • 2355 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
GENERAL STRIKE, or an American abroad
a short story by Wolf Larsen
(Based on a personal experience)
He woke up. Where was he? The sun was out already! It's so quiet...
He looked around hi... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 89929 Views Psychology Forum |
121. Attempt to get hand writing note. (3/31)
In 3/21, I posted "118. The dead FBI analyst (2)" in internet. Next day(Saturday), same scene reacted. (see "117. Swift response (3/10)&... |
War & TerrorismThe Iran War
23 Posts • 8095 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: U.S. Government Uses Al-Qaeda To Attack Iran
Bush authorizes group formerly headed by alleged 9/11 mastermind to be bankrolled & armed by CIA for covert regime change
Paul Joseph Watso... |
Biracial Racisim at Work
1 Posts • 4141 Views Psychology Forum |
***No I do not know you and you do not know me I am sending this mass email in an attempt to protect my sons integrity from a multimillion dollar company who stands by a white employee calling my son... |
EconomyPetro dollar and Iran war
24 Posts • 9955 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
593. Payment to North Korea (3/15/09)
Similar to the bombing of a Syrian nuclear site on Sept. 6, 2007, Israel also destroyed a nuclear reactor of Iraq in 1981. One thing is very clear: the raids a... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 30442 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Revealed: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself After Objecting to Interrogation Techniques
By Greg Mitchell
Editor & Publisher
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
The true stories of how Americ... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10836 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Then what you say is that the natural population control for human beings is a good thing and that people should die?
Do you think all humans should live forever and reproduce indefinitely? Let... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5943 Views Philosophy Forum |
Who's to decide whats enough. Well I'll tell you who, people who have dedicated their lifes to educating children and have spent more time on educating them selfs and spent more time then bo... |
Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9003 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wrote this when I was 13. I was listening to a lot of Sublime back then and I was really into them. I decided to do a concept of listening to an entire dsicography of a band while writing a poem, so... |
GovernmentThe Profits of Genocide
1 Posts • 4409 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dear Senator Nelson,
So that you better understand my position on China and its state owned trading companies, I am sending you in confidence the copyrighted Chapter 2
of my forthcoming book below... |
ConspiracyThe Atlantean Conspiracy
1 Posts • 2658 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sorry i couldn't add the pictures
'In Spiritual Numerology, '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being."-Elizabeth van Buren, 'The Secret of t... |
GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4865 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What is a bad job to you then.
You question the motive for war, but cling to your own propaganda that its all for the best.
You point out what will undoubtedly turn into a huge scandal if or whe... |
ScriptsThe New Social Realism
1 Posts • 3733 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The New Social Realism
An interview with Wolf Larsen
(for Albrecht Durer – yes I interviewed myself – yippee!)
Question: So what's up with this new writing style Wolf?
Wolf Larsen: Pa... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 89929 Views Psychology Forum |
My American nightmare
New high tech weapons such like radiation material, microwave kill people without trace, leaving death look like heart attack, blood cancer, etc.
In 1991, because an acquai... |