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2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;) - Page 2

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 52yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Hey ChrisD... you responded in such an enlightend way that I had to retort... not "tit-for-tat" and a response still the same...

There has to be made room in any philosophy, (public or private), for the pursuit of excellence for excellence sake.

That is reason enough... And all foundations are not of stone and wood... there is a body of knowledge and a school of thought to which I prescribe that is focused on the infinite and the finite at once.

And to "her" -

Yes, all has been here before, there's nothing new under the Sun, and it all tampered with. All of it. And it's not.

Both are equally proveable, the more important thing is your intrest in these studies...

Yes to understand the bible it is best that you learn to read Hebrew some Aramaic and Greek (Latin too)...

Why? So you can infer deeper meanings from the CONTEXT

The same word that is used to say "Son of Man" can mean "Tree" in Hebrew.

Get a Bible Concordence... It lists the entire Bible verse by verse, and word by word.

All you have to do is look up a verse or word and the Greek and Hebrew Translation is cross referenced in the back so you can get the original meaning of each translated word.

Same thing for the Qu'ran... Learn Arabic written and spoken, and it may become necessary to delve into the coloquialisms of the period of time and various dialects which influence the eventual meaning of words.

Also effective in your studies would be a study on the prevailing acceptable societal morays for the time periods you are studying.

Again you will be able to go to the depth of the writer then, and get a feel for what they were getting at..

The New Testament is a stange commentary... the best thing to do is to arrange the New Testament in the order it was written which it does not appear in the Bible... (they weren't written: Matthew, Mark, Luke then John)..

Little know fact...

When you arrange them in chronological order they appear to be stories that escalate as time goes by... they get larger and more fantastic and finally larger than life....


Even more intriguing is the fundamental formula for building an organization... which is what the writers were doing all those years after the death of the Nazarene.

The Old Testament is actually the: Torah - Pentateuc... Why do the books of Moses appear at the begining of the Bible when he came long after the others?

Symbolic? or Systematic?

Studying the Bible and resultant Jewish based legal systems is interesting but it must fit into a context for practical application otherwise it is purely theorectical and should be treated as such.

Words are wind.

It would be wise to study the Thalmud, it is the treatment on Mosaic law by Jewish scholars... it kept the arguments over the law fewer while the Jews were disposessed of their Lands for so long...(and yet were able to remain a close-knit community)

It is called the Codefication of the Law.

You should be a great altruistic humanitarian, engaged in all manner of social engineering by the time you've finished that course of study.

Or you could just study Study Guide #18 and the Closing the Gap Series of Study Guides.

Still got to work.

Peace to "her"

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
 35yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that her is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I know arabic and Ive studied the Quran since i was eleven. The problem is that i want to study the other religious scriptures from their language but its a huge task. And i know i can get books but I want to learn the Gospels from a Christian, and veeds from a Hindu scholar obviously. ive studied the quran from teachers that were passionate about it, so i enjoyed it, the same goes for the other scriptures, rather then somebody every second explaining to me that they are not devine. i cant get into Cambridge becuase of my Gcse marks, wish they told me that earlier, what do you think i should take? I mean Im eighteen so i hope God gives me a couple more years to live and to accomplish my task. hey are paraphrased Bibles any good? Every time i go to the Church its closed, (why is gods house closed?), because i wanted to ask them if they did any studying or to get advice, but they are never around.

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"I have nothing to be proud of today but hopefully tomorrow I will."
 52yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sorceress is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
From a Christian pint of view, perhaps you could find your local Baptist church and take an Alpha course. A newer bible such as an NIV (New International Version) with an accompanying concordance might be useful.

I personally also like to read books on texts like the dead sea scrolls and another personal favourite of mine is the Egyptian book of the dead. The ancient Mesopotamian, Babylonian stories such as Gilgamesh are also good to read alongside. For example the story of Noah and the flood has many counterparts in pretty much all religions and ancient myths.

I'm not sure how realistic a goal it is to try and learn all the relevant languages, unless you are a bilingual genius and have a hell of a lot of time to spend on such a task. The moral messages and major links can be found through researching those texts that are already translated into your mother tongue and may be a little more realistic.

It may be a good idea to ask yourself - what is it I am really looking for in this research? What answers do I think I'm going to find? perhaps try and narrow your search down a little to start with and pinpoint the message or theme you want to concentrate on. I hope this helps a little.

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""Each child holds the world in an open hand to mould it into any shape they choose.""
 52yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Adam Seth God is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

"From a Christian pint of view..."

"...Baptist church ..."

"...I personally also like..."

"...I'm not sure how realistic a goal it is to try and learn
all the relevant languages,...."

"...unless you are a bilingual genius and have a...
lot of time..."

"...It may be a good idea to ask yourself -...What answers
do I think I'm going to find?..."

"...perhaps try and narrow your search down a little to
start with ..."

"...those texts that are already translated into your
mother tongue..."

To HER -







My personal approach is not one for the old or the lazy... that much is true...

Of course I believe anY 18 year old has more time
(theoretically) than a 34 or 35 year old like myself
or "SORCERESS"....

Also Science Backs Me Up.... Younger you are the better you
will learn a new language... don't put it off and keep

My name is Dwayne.... I claim no fantastical magical powers
that are not apparent in us all on a very human level...

I am as Narcasistic as the rest of the race of Humans

I also know that you need not be a "Bi-lingual Genius" to
absolutely MASTER multiple languages...

As a matter of fact a "Genius" that speaks only 2 languages (Bi-
lingual) seems like a complete contradiction. As a
Genius that is interested in Languages would most likely
master a few. I'm on my way to a fourth.

If you are indeed fluent in written and spoken Arabic, you are
well on your way...

Aramaic is a close cousing language, and one of the original
tounges of Jesus, (Isa ibn Maryam)... of Nazareth.

By deductive reasoning I will assume your parentage... and
refer you to Africa - West, North, South and East.... which
will include in its borders Egypt, Jeruselem, etc, etc.

Basically ALL of the Bible Story's mentioned

TODAY - as in the past -

All across this land, (you may remember)
there are found a hosts of ctizenry speaking well over 7 - 13 languages, organized under a single
TRAVELING language, (like Swahili).

Since you are communicating in English, (unless through a
translator), I will say you are well on your way to
understanding the Latin and Greek roots of the New
Testaments original printings.

So most likely, Hebrew will be the absolutely "Newest"
language to you.... for the "Old" Testament again related
to Aramaic and Arabic in a small family, like Spanish and
Latin. (Jesus also spoke the Arabic of the Day).

Not so big a task when one takes into consideration the
PERSON they are talking to., Huh?

As far as the "...answeres..." you are going to find... well, It
would seem you've already done this "...asking of

If I were listening...

Because every question under the SUN does exactly that.... ask
for the answers... it's usually the topic of the question...
you already asked your questions... and
got NO ANSWER in return - and then were told that the
task is impossible...

Oh yeah, as far as your "...MOTHER TOUNGE..." is considered.

I make no assumtion about which that is... English or Arabic...

Either way DONT STAY THERE---
It is the height of Arrogance for anyone to assume that life
will always be best interpreted through their own
language. It's segregationist, and nearly racist.

To exclude from your study, the source of the writings, the
people themselves
is to understate their


Consider Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH)... The first
revelation in the Cave was what?

"Read in the Name of Thy Lord who creates Man from a Clot..."

Not a tremendous Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds, that
is, to someone ignoring the

But if we remember that Muhammad (PBUH), was sent to a
people who had no written language at the time... for the
God of Abraham to command him to "Read..."... that's a
tall order! Read what? We don't even write! He could
have thought...

As a Matter of FACT... it was Muhammad's (PBUH) wife that
encouraged him that he was hearing from the
Messenger of God, not going crazy... so in effect she was
his first Believer....!

... ! ...

"Narrowing..." The scope of your study before you even begin
is one way of accomplishing the stifiling of any
Universality to what you will discover. You would be
skipping the

Not advisable when studying the writings concerning an
Unlimited Being, All Mighty GOD... (Allah).

Instead, approach it from the Broad Perspective and then
narrow according to your interests... keeping in mind,
that, one person cannot know it ALL...

"... If the oceans were ink and the forests pens, one could
never exhaust the wisdom of All Mighty God Allah..."

Now I will ask you to do something that should be automatic by
the end of this Reading...

Trust Me.

Peace and Blessing of Almight God be with You Always.

Ignore an Arrogant American who even would want you to for-go
the greeting of peace and paradise... without which you
would loose blessings...

Jesus (Isa ibn Maryam) and his disciples greeted each other
in peace all the time... is this a prerequisite of

And remember the ignorance that prevailed at the timing of the
terrorist attack against our country stirred people against

based not on the fact that in a foriegn tounge we'd agree...

Islam = Subbmission to do the Will of Allah.

Muslim = Is one who submits his/her will entirely to do the Will
of Allah

Allah = The God of Abraham, Issac, David and Jesus etc, etc..

"Our differences are the building blocks of the bridges we will
travel to one another in peace one day." - Dwayne

Read in the Name of God, who creates man from a... Woman,
and it's also a woman that Jesus is associated with in
his naming (ibn Maryam)... he's the only one in the Qu'ran
to be thusly identified... Important?

Learn the languages. To encourage you to Laziness for the
sake of difficulty is (Devil).... God enjoines struggle
on Man/Woman... Americans aren't the only ones that
want it easy, though.

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"\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear"
2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;) - Page 2
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