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THREAD ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7811 Views
Religion Forum
ofcourse we can and should question each other's beleifs, but if you just go ahead and say UR RELIGION IS WRONG, AND ALTHOUGH I CAN GIVE YOU NO REASON-MINE IS HE BEST, then really it gets a bit i...
THREAD Top 10 People you wouldn't mind seeing dead
0 Posts • 3832 Views
Talk Talk
1. Cory Taylor's father 2. Pat Robertson 3. Jerry Falwell ....so I have a short hate-list. *if your son happens to be named Cory Taylor (because I'm sure there's more than one...
THREAD Myspace.com is a disgusting existence.
17 Posts • 5680 Views
Talk Talk
Uh... I know myspace is seen as a "dating" website, but my friends and I just use it to contact each other quick and easily. Also, a lot of people that I meet who are in bands have their ban...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6545 Views
Religion Forum
I agree the Pope was great indeed. One thing that stands out to me about him was the fact that he so graciously forgave the man who tried to assassinate him, the world could learn a great lesson the...
THREAD Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7409 Views
Philosophy Forum
Perhaps you are right - perhaps the mind is capable of answering the questions it poses, and my chagrin is just a result of my (implicit) knowledge that each answer indefinitely poses a new question....
THREAD Habits & BehaviorPerfectionists
7 Posts • 4378 Views
Psychology Forum
My sister just recently ended a relationship because her and her lover went together "too completely". Blended as perfectly as sugar in hot tea, so that the result was apparent, but the orig...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 140484 Views
Psychology Forum
*grin*I have been thoroughly enjoying myself alone and it is great until someone that is not like me makes me think I need to be surrounded by people all the time. It goes in my brain and makes me que...
THREAD Music ReviewTop 8 reasons why Superman's Bryan Singer should be beaten
0 Posts • 1916 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
So you didnt think it was mindlest entertainign....as to which 99% of the viewing public is? Did you enjoy anything about the movie? I thought there was a number ....what the fuck is that for......
THREAD ChristianityWas Jesus Black
31 Posts • 14195 Views
Religion Forum
There is no clear description in the Bible as to what Jesus looked like but there are some references. Revelations reference "for his feet shone like Bronze" His appearence did not st...
THREAD ChristianityExcerpt: Email From A Friend
3 Posts • 2364 Views
Religion Forum
S. A. Rahman From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Sheikh Abdur Rehman was a Chief Justice of Pakistan. He was born on June 4, 1903. He did his MA from University of Pun...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 15788 Views
Religion Forum
I gather you have guessed my faith. I prefer to stay in my same place of faith. My experiences are mine to keep, and my faith has grown over the years. I have read other religions, out of curiosity....
THREAD Societyshaun hannity child molester
23 Posts • 36400 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Who are you arguing with? No one here but the original poster, and FYI, that wasn't me, has made any accusations, claims, or defenses, other than those brown nosing Sean Hannity. The only...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyCenter of the earth and gravity
14 Posts • 5831 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I belive that in the center of the earth, there is simply so much pressure that any object pressurized at the surface would be be immobilized after a short slingshot, as Ancient has described. If ther...
THREAD How far will you go for love?
22 Posts • 5495 Views
Talk Talk
well if you show if that he "has you" when you're around him that's only going to give him power. the lesson here is to test your will power and see him just as another person in y...
THREAD IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 58178 Views
Religion Forum
There is a lady in my office that wears a headscarf. It's not weird. She's outgoing like the rest of the people in the office and nobody ever comments on it. I think it helps that it's...
THREAD Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views
Psychology Forum
If the miss understanding is due to my poor writing, I am sorry. I will try to explain what I meant. To start off I did not agree with you on your targeting of all woman. I believe men and woman bo...
THREAD PerceptionTypes of Perception…
6 Posts • 6460 Views
Psychology Forum
Your idea of ESP or intuitive perception is flawed. Perception is a process that requires both the internal (host) and the stimuli. That is not to say that if you are referring to more of an epiphany...
THREAD Religion & Humanityoxymoron
8 Posts • 3480 Views
Religion Forum
Ah... the original post. That's a loaded question... with so many possible answers. Religion by the definition in the dictionary I have means "quest for god" so from that perspective...
THREAD ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3684 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Picked up this from suspect bin so it is a little old news & may have been stated else where: The Pentagon announced just this summer it has been collecting and using data-including such sensitive...
THREAD Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31260 Views
Psychology Forum
A girl who can metemorphisize her body and mind according to what I want at the time. :D I am just kidding, feel free to show *yuck* In general, short, semi athletic and athletic looking, without...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22573 Views
Psychology Forum
Its all about personality. Lets cover the basics shall we : being funny, giving compliments on the way we look, what we r wearing, etc., being spontanoeus, being (or for those who arent) seeming 2 b s...
THREAD The Berlin Stories:The Last of Mr. Norris and Goodbye to Berlin
1 Posts • 2051 Views
Talk Talk
My AP english teacher bought me this book, which was surprizing. I usualy dont read social books, but Berlin cought my eye for Deutschland is my home country. Well once i strated i could not put it do...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 42953 Views
Religion Forum
I see the source of the confusion now. No one is saying that the 1st Nations people were not here first, or that there were no atrocities committed against them. In fact, there is a short debate centr...
THREAD Murdered or assassinated
7 Posts • 4099 Views
Philosophy Forum
We've perverted the word 'assassin' from the original 'hashishian' (a person on hashish). It was thought that hashish caused or at least permitted persons to murder. It has be...
THREAD Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 25937 Views
Religion Forum
In reply to the original question, we cannot apply our concept of logic to God because He is beyond our understanding. He cannot be proven or disproven so it stands that we must either accept Him on f...
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