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Tagged > On the genealogy of morals
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, lets look at this, how would you feel if a family member or spouse is or was the prostitute. Or your kid decided to become one. That's an emotional argument often made that makes more sense i...
THREAD BiologyEvolution
12 Posts • 3499 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I've read the site. You'll find that in any age its characterised by political correctness, the moral teachings of the day and their interpretation and the studies that are going around....
THREAD Godwill religions join with the returning of Jesus?
2 Posts • 3691 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is a fact that those centres of power that have religion and its moral values in their sights have combined the wide opportunities at their disposal and are acting in alliance against people who ha...
THREAD FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7050 Views
Philosophy Forum
If you've ever heard that saying that (can't remember exactly how it goes) 'A long journey begins with a single footstep...' and another that goes 'One small step for man... One giant leap for mankind...
THREAD Categorical Imperatives
2 Posts • 3082 Views
Philosophy Forum
So I was reading through this wikipedia article, and It really caught my eye. By a man named Immanuel Kant, from what I've gathered it's a deontological perspective of morality. In layman...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51788 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"if a person wants to have sex it's okey as long as the feeling's mutual." What if they want to exchange money for the event, as long as the money exchange feeling is mutual, an...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33941 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Received a book for Christmas, Differences Bible vs the Koran by Ben J. Smith After a brief skimming, I found it highly questionable as to why they sent such a book to me? NO, I don't totall...
THREAD Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10958 Views
Talk Talk
Ok i have played videogames since i was 10 or even younger. I was even called a gamefreak. I have played all types of games from the extremely violent Mortal Kombat to the Very Emotional Addictive fin...
THREAD Religion & HumanityMorals for sale
14 Posts • 4963 Views
Religion Forum
That's my moral standard, the golden rule, older than any religion for a reason. Well lefty, I sure would not treat you as you treat others...because I have seen the rude and crude if not nast...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28626 Views
Philosophy Forum
I will make reference to Christians and the Iraqi war, considering this is a hot topic currently and in the past few years. The evil Bush went to war in the name of the 'Christian God'. And...
THREAD PerceptionInsecurity
15 Posts • 4699 Views
Psychology Forum
Really though, this is something I have had a problem with for a long time. The West's obsession with youth and beauty. I guess because the need to procreate is our second strongest desire aft...
THREAD PedophiliaPedophilia
27 Posts • 17662 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I am trying to understand this, not justify it. If we look to older cultures, even in England, not just places like Arabia, women were likely to be married at a younger age, and and for it to be a...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43978 Views
Religion Forum
Ekimup, it is very refreshing, and welcomed, to have an intelligent debate. Concerning the rights of gays, we will have to agree to disagree. Our morals, though so similar in many ways, do differ s...
THREAD God in ReligionQuestioning his Behaviour
284 Posts • 50281 Views
Religion Forum
How do we define 'good' unless we have something to reference it against. If we have no fixed, unchanging reference point as to what 'good' is we cant define it. As secret07 sta...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4982 Views
Psychology Forum
Jacker_Jones>> I mean if you never feel guilt your probably a sociopath. Would it be good to be a sociopath? It would probably be pretty empty to not feel remorse or to have no morals Or, if...
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18057 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
WMD...You find info convincing me that the precursor chemicals to Sarin and VX can be used for other purposes than warfare and I'll concede that point. Until up! You are replying...
THREAD EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9650 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"The people spoke indeed, as much as the entire country hates Bush, " and then you come right back and say: "I never said all people hate bush" I see how you could be c...
THREAD ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7993 Views
Religion Forum
I don't know if you are in a position to answer this question because it is sort of posed as a rebuttal to PeterSmith's assertion that Christianity is the only religion that provides "g...
THREAD My opinion... by me.
3 Posts • 3117 Views
Talk Talk
Well, i'm finding it hard to have a conversation about my views with my friends because they have a tendency to reject everything i say and say i'm stupid... so heres my genral opinion on th...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64042 Views
Religion Forum
the aliens idea is possible. but tonloc think about what you have said for ten seconds, and possibly actually read what some of us have said. i said evolution an the big bang were gods method of creat...
THREAD Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10351 Views
Psychology Forum
Principal post; first impression; So is this lowered mood you talk of, you, part of you, your puritanicle influence? meaning as you say deviod. How much of you is internal direction, and how much is...
THREAD IslamIslam: oppression and hatred?
11 Posts • 4252 Views
Religion Forum
I recently listened to a talk on Islam which talked about the faith in general and not just the current terror threat from extremists. I found a lot of the talk quite worrying, their way of thinking s...
THREAD SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10058 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD GovernmentPower of the people
8 Posts • 2518 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
To Decius, 1. First of all, in you answered how to defeat those types negative campaining in your questions/analysis. Communication. To few people are aware of communication gaps, not just in the...
THREAD WE owe it to ourselves
9 Posts • 3360 Views
Talk Talk
I hate typing, more than i hate aids, so i thnk that i will find the shortest way possible to type this and as question arise i will adress them accordingly. ill start with my beliefs, my plan, and...
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