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Save us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people. - Page 2

User Thread
 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that ChrisD is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I accept your apology Ophion. I know what you mean by it being exhilerating to come on strong in a discussion, but to other people I think it comes off as overly arrogant and unrespectful. A little arrogance however I think can help spark a bit of fun and challenge in a discussion.

I understand exactly what you mean about good and evil defining each other and giving each other meaning. A lot of people have trouble grasping this. I remember arguing on another forum that without white we wouldn't be able to percieve black (assuming it could exist without the other - which would make it inconsequential anyways in my opinion.) The person retorted, saying that you could distinguish black in reference to another color like blue - but I still think that would only be possible if the blue had pigments of white in it (or if the person has percieved white at some other point in time and compares it through his memory.)

I would like to get back to the original intent of this thread, which intrigued me enough to post - though I think you and I may be in disagreement on what exactly it's about. If it's possible even to condense the focus into 1 or 2 paragraphs, that would help out a lot.


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"The truth will set you on fire"
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't actually mind that I maybe perceived as arrogant or disrespectful. Especially here. I am thrashing and flailing around in my own self-discovery like everyone else here, I think.

And you've got to believe I'm doing the best I can in interpreting this archetype.

And I don't exactly know at the moment what I can add to my posts on this thread. Decius' post also.

You've asked for clarity a few times now, and I really thought with each post that I was responding to this. You ask about the original intent? Do I take this to mean the title of the thread?

Well, aside from the times I feel I have actually explained my pain in this regard, at having to endure the complacency of crusading 'greens', with views I find, though well meant, thoroughly egocentric nonetheless.......what exactly do you mean?

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 46yrs • M •
wonder wanderer is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Principal post; first impression;
So is this lowered mood you talk of, you, part of you, your puritanicle influence? meaning as you say deviod.
How much of you is internal direction, and how much is the external influence?
Is this self downer, self inflicted or self inpossition, which is both internal and of the external.
It come down or up to the 'invitation'. Are you asked the question or do you do asking, same model as well as knowing and understanding.
Puritan; person of extreme strictness in religion or morals.
You are right in that the word and effect of 'believe' is not used.
In a perfect world we would all believe and therefore own our moral, principaled, ethical behaviour. Something about the conscious, subconscious and unconscious.
Purity; freedom from physical or moral pollution. and exhibition of such in both behaviour and persoanlly experienced.
The fact remaiins we need to be taught not just the process of self actualisatiom(; existing; real; present; current), but we need to teach both process and substance.
To possess is to be possessed. We need to be the school as much as to be the pupil. Some schools are puritan most are not nowadays. thinkning that we need to choose what we learn and end up knowing.
How would you recognise 'soul' without some school confining it to expression and intention?, is not just down or up to the expressor it is rooted in the expression.
We realise more keenly ourselves throught the example; proof of others we see as part of ourselves,
We rarely choose what we learn but we certainly do our ignorance. is that what you are trying to say?
Does not the fact that 90% or so of people on the earth (and in their own world) having a religosity (regional though it may be) not dictate that this is part of our evolutionary selves (that part which is untainted uninfluenced) our souls if you will? Funny how athiests have to work harder not to believe.
We are all plagiarists, borrowed means you intend to give it back, (perhaps the school we talked of). All is stolen then perhaps? for it is kept with more pride than if you weren't evolutionary gifted it, refer to soul.

miselanious thoughts; You underestimate Puritan if you think they are primerily self forgiving, still recognition that you first must fall in order to climb up, self gifted ladder and all, you first need danation in place to fogive anyhting self , Christo, judicial por otherwise.
You yourself atribute A puritanical abreviationin the use of the word satanic. , the Puritans got your damned language as well as your mood.
Hope you are feeling better.
Green men and women have a better grasp on death dying and rot than most, they just believe and prove that nrew can come from the old goner, still belonger. The compost dont you know.
You are a fire breather i read.

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"pleased to meet,"
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Is it me? Or did that last post not reach even one moment of sense and clarity?

Wonder wanderer............

I remember writing more intelligible prose when I was on acid.

You've just stumbled your way through four or five paragraphs of incoherence. I'm sure in your mind it all worked, but like so many detractors on here you have immense trouble with eloquence - communicating so as to be understood.

This is not a personal attack. There are moments of lucidity in your post that look interesting. Unfortunately they seldom manage to complete a sentence.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
[  Edited by Ophion Roth at   ]
 73yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You've asked for clarity a few times now, and I really thought with each post that I was responding to this. You ask about the original intent? Do I take this to mean the title of the thread?

Well, aside from the times I feel I have actually explained my pain in this regard, at having to endure the complacency of crusading 'greens', with views I find, though well meant, thoroughly egocentric nonetheless.......what exactly do you mean?
6:30:04 pm - August 18, 2009
"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
Hmm . . "Well, aside from the times I feel I have actually explained my pain in this regard, at having to endure the complacency of crusading 'greens', with views I find, though well meant, thoroughly egocentric nonetheless.......what exactly do you mean?" What are you talking about, you seem to put down those working & or encouraging the realization that any source of energy has it's limited supply side & should be used accordingly.
Reminds me of the guy I knew who seemed to be under the misimpression that running water (in underground piping) would purify it? Underground water is purified by passage through layers of the substrates of the earth's crust or is it because of the atmosphere in effect distills the (purifies) the water naturally?If you were to answer with the first then note that we can hardly change the filter medium.If you answered with the second then note that acid rain is a real consquence born of our abusive nature. While green worlders have it s share of radical thinking, the bottom line is that most concerns are real cause for alarm. A far cry from purtanical cult that you seem to feel they represent?

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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Look! i don't know about any green theory, c'mon i live in the third world. all i feel is that being green and nature "friendly" ( i'm always friendly to nature, i kiss the tree's hahaha) is not a choice but a duty.
you know! each generation has felt that apocalypse is knocking at their door and so are we now, but the difference is, is that we have threats from nature( i.e. global warming, pauverty, universal depression =) i wish i had teeth in this smile) sooooo babe stop nagging about how you are careless of this all cause it makes you a genuine asshole. and nitwit. i will say it again; it is your duty to care about the environment if you care about the survival of yourslelf and all the shit that comes with it.

tomorrow, my dad is making hamburgers and he's got the swine flue i think, i just hope he doesn't die on me and that he make's the best sauce out of them all.

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
and yes! eat what you can kill. i would defenitely kill a rat or a snake when i'm hungry but not a cow cuz it's too big and i don;t want to see what's inside of it...maybe we should eat starfish, they are immortal anyway

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
 45yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Wayback is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Being a third worlder, perhaps it would be better to point out the difference in attitude & its' dynamics in first world society?
Look! i don't know about any green theory, c'mon i live in the third world. all i feel is that being green and nature "friendly" ( i'm always friendly to nature, i kiss the tree's hahaha) is not a choice but a duty.

Which may not be as hard a summary as others would have you think . . Man (mankind), has long ago learned to craft boats in which to sail the seas. Don't know if it more of general thesis or a western philosophy, but the prevalent view revolves around man vs nature, instead of man in harmony with nature . . the nature world is something they war against, that it is an enemy that must be subdued, bringing nature under man's control.
The "teacher" would have to admit that the bible speaks of living in large concentrations (as in cities => houses being built one upon another is cursed (by God). The outcome of such lifestyle is certainly reflected by plagues that ravage western european nations of the old world order. (London as an example) In my own neck of the woods, people (small communities) started with clean running water which were able to deal with small amounts of pollution ( farm run off, factory waste, etc) but in time these increased in proportion to the point that they have become extremely harmful. Either they didn't recognize the problem or were (are) so intent on their own profit that they do not see such problems & therefore don't accept responsibility for actions . . the problem is nature's, not the nature of themselves.

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 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It is amazing to me how you all choose to miss the point of what I have written, and choose to imply that I am anti-environment. This is a silly projection on your parts, indicative to me of the very puritan mindset I speak of, that you spitefully lash out at other views. Views intended to push for a more complete picture on our actual place in these issues. You fear that I am debunking what you hold precious, and this could not be further from the truth.

It just upsets me that supposedly free thinkers can be so blinkered as to not listen when their stance is brought into question.

And Pupa Ria, though I'm sure we'd get along well if we actually knew each other, your abuse quite devalues your opinions.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 42yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that pupa ria is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Sorry Ophion roth i was really a jerk up there and yes y r right it devalues not only my opinions but the person i am.

the thing about green people is their determinism to be environmental on a daily basis...they r really into it, i respect that because it's really hard to accept to wake up from your comfortable alienation.
i gotta say, i really didn't get the link between the puritan's and the green people, can you reexplain it to me plz? or wait i'll read it when my fever is down to 37

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"I'm the mirror that will make you invisible"
Save us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people. - Page 2
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