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Tagged > Mood sadness problems feelings restart
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25399 Views
Psychology Forum
Suicide is the single most selfish act on the planet. this thread is flawed though, lostdreamer didnt actually commit suicide, getting through their problems was good, but had they actually gone throu...
THREAD Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have hope that i get lucky and happen upon "nice" people. and it wouldnt really be a matter of choosing who gets what, more along the lines of divying up everything equally. since i am a w...
THREAD ChristianityWhen jesus comes hes going to be pissed
20 Posts • 6712 Views
Religion Forum
i agree, i can't see jesus commiting mass murder on his return. but the bible says that he wont have to, as he will return at the end of the world. and i agree with the rest of what you said....
THREAD EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9647 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
No turtle I didn't. I was a little too young for Vietnam but I share your feelings concerning that war. Both my uncles were over there and I sure was glad when Nixon brought them home. Now the...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersSocratic and Platonic philosophies
34 Posts • 10366 Views
Philosophy Forum
Sure, eat away--I mean, if you like that kind of stuff. Geez, Witt, I really didn't mean to upset you so. After all, it's just my take on the world. Relax. I do like your literary "witt...
THREAD Why has my life turned out this way?
10 Posts • 4311 Views
Talk Talk
I sympathise with people on a day to day basis, on many levels. I understand sympathy Im just choosing not to be sympathetic in this particular case. The reason for this is because I cant stand the m...
THREAD What is Heart Break ?
5 Posts • 7442 Views
Talk Talk
I just recently broke up with my G/F of 2 years and i'm filled with sadness. I'm thinking what is heart break? is it just an just my mind telling me to feal this or is it more than that ?
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25427 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Didn't anyone read where Dolly had to be destroyed like on Valentines 2002, because she was aging rapidly, and had all sorts of deformities,and diseases were attacking her body and the awful arth...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34648 Views
Psychology Forum
So you are saying that my fiance doesn't love me? Not know me or her, you are saying that you know she doesnt love me? He said nothing of the sort, if you were to infer any information that ca...
THREAD Relationships & LoveOpen Relationships and Swinging
3 Posts • 3086 Views
Psychology Forum
Is sex witthout feelings the point though? The point to me is feelings in regared to all actions. I think you can love, and even fall in love with all humanity. I don't think there are soul mat...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyFrontiers of Quantum Mechanics
10 Posts • 6593 Views
Science & Technology Forum
*devil* I *HATE* that paradox! I don't know why but it just isn't logical that the cat would be alive and dead at the same time *sobs quietly* Likewise the whole qubit processing doesn'...
THREAD Turning a Girl Gay
5 Posts • 2126 Views
Talk Talk
Had to have been the most crushing experience I have felt in awhile... My last Girlfriends admitted to me today that she was gay and she is seeing someone... We have been broken up for a week and she...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9672 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well I must say I'm rather disappointed in you conway.. hahah just kidding. but i thought you would be a little deeper when analyzing emotions and saying that "Sadness is the underlying emot...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI Hate Cheating
12 Posts • 7238 Views
Psychology Forum
Lately at my high school I have noticed guys/girls cheating on each other. And really, among people my age, this is actually starting to be considered normal and not such a big deal. BULL SHIT. To me,...
THREAD Relationships & LoveIs it really rude and bad behavior to assume in American custom?
4 Posts • 3524 Views
Psychology Forum
Yes, sounds like he has a problem with himself, not you. Interesting to see that the "keywords" suggested under your post include - anger management, bipolar, mood problem, attitude . . . T...
THREAD Books1984
9 Posts • 51846 Views
Talk Talk
I just finished 1984 by George Orwell.. It has got to be the most mood-affecting book I've ever read. Reading the end kept me depressed for hours. Excellent piece of work. Tell me your thoughts i...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14183 Views
Philosophy Forum
Please refer to the "General Motors" thread for elaboration: First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling. There is no evidence that we are conscious o...
THREAD Life & DeathThe reason of life.
30 Posts • 7318 Views
Philosophy Forum
thats genius conway. so gods reason for making us was cause he was lonely but if he made us love obey and believe in him then it wouldn't be satisfying.. thats why he gave us free-will but fr...
THREAD Random PicturesRandom Pictures by vigil
30 Posts • 6969 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
My honest feelings? Had you just said yes I'd have got my feelings hurt. :) "To live a life that I believe to be satisfying and beautiful." This is worded nearly exactly how I hav...
THREAD SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10054 Views
Philosophy Forum
Fine, but you have to realise its very frustrating to talk to someone who is presenting you a world panacea, but cannot justify except in step by step arguments who have no apparent relation to the pr...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionEmotional Intelligence
23 Posts • 6704 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well said, analytical. I've been trying to do that for years and will continue doing that. I'm getting better at feeling, controling my feelings, and using them to motivate me. I accept ever...
49 Posts • 13330 Views
Philosophy Forum
well i rather just live than keep reminding myself to live or think a certain way. if i have an emotion, im not going to go oh man.. and throw it away. sadness/hapiness/death whatever are beautiful th...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyGod's child...
4 Posts • 3771 Views
Psychology Forum
^^I love you guys...:)....i feel the same way.... It gets mad lonely in this cruel world.... I mean the simplicity of life is right there and nobody wants it....nobody wants the truth because it'...
THREAD DepressionHow do you know if your depressed?
2 Posts • 5353 Views
Psychology Forum
I've been pretty down lately. I have this constant feeling of sadness. I don't feel like there's anything to look forward to which is stupid coz I'm young and haven't really e...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167872 Views
Psychology Forum
Ive thought of killing my mom but in a exaggerating way, not realistically. My mom used 2 be on meth and would have these crazy mood swings. It got so bad that my dad and i had to get a restraining or...
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