Tagged > Long term memory |
Anti-Bush Jokes (or related)
9 Posts • 7846 Views Jokes & Games |
:DGeorge W. Bush has a heart attack and dies. He goes to hell where the devil is waiting for him. "I don't know what to do here," says the devil. "You're on my list but I have... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Solitary Streets illuminated by flashing yellow caution stoplights
driving home the night
Arms dead over the wheel from hours labor
I drive eyes wide with the yellow lines
solid or dashed, stay to... |
The Human Condition and Thermodynamics
3 Posts • 9825 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just in case anyone is not sure what I mean by the human condition I will give a brief explanation. All humanity feels that the right way to act is co-operatively, lovingly and integratively (if anyon... |
LawWar On Drugs
3 Posts • 3600 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I've seen numbers on Afghanistan's up in poppey production as high as 900%, not only is it a Pro-American Government, we still have troops there. And have plans for permanent bases.
Now,... |
30 Posts • 9565 Views Talk Talk |
Hey metalgiant, I too respect your opinions and like them because your intent is good; but I still think you're stance could be better directed.
I wrote a reply but I got logged off it took m... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42277 Views Philosophy Forum |
"DT, I could go into great detail regarding the work that I have done over the past 16 years and I could explain at length why I know the difference and what happens within me when I 'just f... |
Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12843 Views Psychology Forum |
Whatever. It's ridiculous to propose some suicidal destroy-all-humanity proposition to save the planet. That kind of destructive mentality already signals the death of hope of any kind of progres... |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10992 Views Religion Forum |
All emotions can be given evolutionary origins I use "good mate" as meaning healthy strong men, beautiful women or politically powerful/wealthy men :
- embarassment occurs when your rank in... |
SocietyPay Attention
14 Posts • 4233 Views Philosophy Forum |
My real frustration is where the drive of the invention is coming from and thats about making a profit instead of bettering life.
The technology you have listed, all make it convenient for us to fo... |
1 Posts • 2927 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wrote this two years ago,
not bad for a fourteen year old.
People seem to hate me,
I don't know the reason why,
And it seems to stay that way,
No matter how I try.
You... |
PhotographyTribute to Life
16 Posts • 9138 Views Art Forum |
I had thought long & hard about it and came to the conclusion that the gate to the drive had to be shut. But then the question of how ski came out to the gate became mute as I realized that it was... |
GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A better solution is to allow the people to vote on the declaration of war. I mean, people can't say our governme... |
Game Reviews!!
10 Posts • 3732 Views Talk Talk |
Just Cause
Xbox 360
In this game you play as Rico rodriguez (this games full of stereotypes), a latin secret agent on a mission to overthrow thecorrupt government of the Cariibean nation of Sa... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42015 Views Religion Forum |
"'God could not be good ... unless ... there was also evil by which to compare Him."
sounds like an excuse to me, especially when he is allowing this evil which causes US humans endl... |
1 Posts • 2750 Views Talk Talk |
So, im new to this whole thing.... but sought it out because I need advice or more so understanding/opinions. I have been strugling with the issue of judgements being placed on superficial ideas... i.... |
SpiritualityIn any Spiritual Text is there a way to give up Free Will?
5 Posts • 3144 Views Religion Forum |
Hey Vamp....
Well... as I have come to grasp... the Free Will of Humanity is the actual difference that God Makes between mankind and all other of the Creation... it is sooooooo important in fact i... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27269 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Society: an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships
Notice the plural of patterns and relationships.
Choosing to be homosexual remo... |
SocietyTaboo words you use with your friends
0 Posts • 582 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I usually try not to censor myself and I don't usually discuss important topics with total strangers. So if we substitute the word stranger with the term " a bit short of being a friend"... |
New World Order: Illuminati
6 Posts • 4315 Views Talk Talk |
Dan Brown, I have not, I haven't read many books on the subject actually, I try to find the information from interviews of inside sources.
"Tell me what do you want to do about it and wou... |
GovernmentOur "Leaders" Caught Lying
5 Posts • 2537 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How long will we continue to allow those in posistions of authority, as granted by us, to lie to us?
This isn't about lies that can break up a relationship, home, or job, its about lies from l... |
StoriesSex Ed
1 Posts • 2583 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sex Ed
a short story by Wolf Larsen
It was the first day of our sex ed class in high school in some typical American city.
Many of us were hoping we were about to learn what we had been doing... |
GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ultimately, if we were absolutely pedantic, there is no factual reality.
However, there is factual reality in terms of we as people have made so many things from our principles in science. The comput... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30366 Views Religion Forum |
I believe death is not evil. And I do not believe that there was ever a time when life was not intertwined with death. To be alive is to be mortal, and to be mortal is to die someday.
In order to u... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27269 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
But this only seems to be a problem within their mind.
Where do you keep getting the notion that homosexuality is in any way harmful or negative? It is completely unfounded and displays irrational... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10023 Views Religion Forum |
This statement is inaccurate; because when people decide they want something they simply change the laws so that accountability is negligible.
And be held accountable to whatever degree of accounta... |