God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41849 Views Religion Forum |
Quoting is necessary to prove the statement was read before it was replied to, I have not written a scientific research paper nor a political essay not including references and primary resources. Yes,... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17207 Views Religion Forum |
I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with Mugen here. I am very much like you in that I am constantly confused about whether I believe in God or not. Most of the time I say absolutely, there is no doubt... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29179 Views Religion Forum |
I studied all the religions and thought once again - as I had done many times in the past - thought I found the one true one.
Then I had a dream one night were I heard a voice but saw nothing, expl... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58859 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid--"I think you are right, we will never agree, but it isn't sad, what is sad is that we think we have to all agree. Its a round world. You cannot see every side of it. But if you ca... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24357 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid and petesmith: Defining 'proven' is subjective. The God as first-cause argument is slightly undermined. If God can make plans, think logically or exist, then logic is an arch-power... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42284 Views Religion Forum |
I am not trying to convert anyone. I am just trying to change people's view on God. I am trying to show that he is good and that he actually loves us.
First, sorry for getting mad about sweari... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12237 Views Religion Forum |
I settled on the Gnostic teaching. They beleive there is a true God and a false god. The false god they believe created the body and the true God created our soul. Our mission on earth therefore was t... |
ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17329 Views Religion Forum |
1 Corinthians 15; 50-
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood can obtain no part in the kingdom of God, neither shall corruption have any part in incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery; we... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63842 Views Religion Forum |
Strongclad - I correct myself - part of your faith is evangelizing. So I guess if you continue to try to make me believe in what you believe you are being true to your faith. Those who bear much fruit... |
Science vs ReligionExcerp: Science and Religion
11 Posts • 3652 Views Religion Forum |
God cannot have emotion because if God is all then to make 'him' have emotion would mean another 'being' would have to exist, seperate of God, who could alter his character. Or, to... |
Society & SociologyValid Complaints
3 Posts • 2146 Views Psychology Forum |
'Are all complaints automatically valid simply because they are feelings a person has? And feelings cannot by refuted by another individual?'
Why not, if I want to stand around complaini... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12675 Views Religion Forum |
Okcitykid – I agree that Gandhi never claimed any one particular religion during his Peace efforts, but he was born and raised Hindu, and came to embrace it when he moved back to his native country,... |
Free Will
33 Posts • 9463 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Just a thought, but maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. Maybe its not really that we have free wil but that we achieve more and more free will"
An interesting thought... let&... |
IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23017 Views Religion Forum |
Around 250 AH, not AD. I'm not clear as to what AH stands for. As far as Mohammed claiming to be Jesus returned. Maby he was accused of that by a Christian historian who wrote the book I was read... |
At what age would you like to die?
35 Posts • 8862 Views Philosophy Forum |
To suecidal here. Stop beliving in God and you will never want to die. Death is fear. If it isn't then something is wrong. And even if you where religious, christianity will send you to hell for... |
God in Religionlife, Gods doing?
8 Posts • 3012 Views Religion Forum |
"Think about this now... If we didn't have religion and all these bed time stories about going to a fiery hell for doing bad things, how many out of control people do you think we'd hav... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24357 Views Religion Forum |
First off weither jesus lived or not is questionable was he the son of god is questionable but what is truth is we don't know nothing about nothing and never will.The more knowledge we get the mo... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16210 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
words cant express
what i feel when i feel like
im apart of you
cant forget
all we did
every bit i put you through
made me a happier person
and now i feel like
im finally learning
who you a... |
IslamContradictions in the Quran
62 Posts • 17055 Views Religion Forum |
So perhaps I could rephrase the question.
One of the thngs I do to comprehend belief systems is seek to understand the view of spirit & spirituality as a function of the system. A friend & I... |
ChristianityHomosexuality and the Bible
3 Posts • 3636 Views Religion Forum |
Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen have written the book: (After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s (1989). This book is American's gay movement guiding and... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58859 Views Religion Forum |
Proof was shown in politics....and graphs were shown with time lines, including the same info ABC news spilled back in 98.
Saddam and Osama were 'working together' with a common goal, and... |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12675 Views Religion Forum |
I believe you're discribing the current Christian threat against Islam. The Christians would tell you that the current threat is Islam against Christianity. It just so happens that Christian dome... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13217 Views Religion Forum |
thanks wandering...:)....I understand the being lost part because we fell out of where we supposed to be...:).... and murder is killing that's not needed...:).........but the dying is not what sh... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29235 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hi, aussie glad you joined the conversation, I noted new blood in the ranks probing the treads with some very sensitive issues.
www.religioustolerance.org/hom _marint3.htm :(
This proves that mora... |
1 Posts • 3148 Views Talk Talk |
by Max Gordon
November 23, 2004
There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in h... |