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Tagged > Jesus
THREAD SocietyExcerp: 13 Year old boyfriend gets nude pics of teacher
2 Posts • 7925 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
In Tennessee a school teacher is given an additional 7 years in prison for sending her 13 year old boy friend nude pictures of herself. She's pretty good looking, the 13 year old I'm sure is...
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11975 Views
Talk Talk
***SPOILER*** I've skim read this book. Dan Brown seems to have the ability of keeping you in suspense. And I sensed this. I was more keen to try and get behind the story to the fecats though....
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29256 Views
Religion Forum
OK, I believe the Ceaser you're referring to was Constantine. He was the first to "convert", although it's still debated just how sincere his faith really was. He was more of an op...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10674 Views
Religion Forum
Your completely neglecting sin. If a human can't sin then why would you ever even care about what Jesus supposedly did in the first place!? If there was no sin then we would all still be in Ede...
THREAD ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20103 Views
Religion Forum
fiction, as 64.7 % of the bible is infact proven fiction, such as the parables, many of the stories, such as the loaves and fishes were over exagerated. Jesus himself not a proven figure, i would put...
THREAD ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12244 Views
Religion Forum
Religion is man seeking after God by their own works.. but, Christianity is God seeking after man. He came in a form of man, Jesus Christ, and died on the cross for us, sinners. He long to have a...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43025 Views
Religion Forum
But that doesn't explain how Jesus' death, which was caused by humans, somehow saved all humanity. It doesn't make sense how his death opened the gates of heaven if he was chosen to be...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6626 Views
Religion Forum
First and for most anyone who'd ask me this question is someone I wouldn't associate myself with. Their up there with the people that say okie dookie. I'd say that I believe that som...
THREAD Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7037 Views
Religion Forum
Myst, you have a severly screwed up perception of heaven. let me define for you heaven and hell. heaven is a place where we are completely in the presense of God and hell is a place where we are compl...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58952 Views
Religion Forum
Not according to the historians. Here's the strange part. The symbols in the catacombs, the Catholic church can't say for sure what they are? Now, if they were a part of the original church,...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24420 Views
Religion Forum
its illogical and thus contradictory as Zato mentioned. How is it illogical for God to lay claim to a body? Jesus died and His spirit left a dead body, then He returned to said body and was resurre...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17204 Views
Religion Forum
You know, I get really bored with people who cite the Bible as "proof". It doesn't work in school, it doesn't work in research, why should it work in life? Oh, and if you hadn&#...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19100 Views
Religion Forum
i disagree unless im one of the minorities on here in that respect.. but i guess I definetly believe in gosgifsglgblibdhffdhjk (words cant describe it) im sick of the word 'god' its played o...
THREAD ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20103 Views
Religion Forum
I believe the Bible is truth so with that being said of course it should go in non-fiction. The writers of the Bible lived & knew Jesus personally (Most anyway) so to say that the Bible is word of...
THREAD SocietySociety
5 Posts • 4118 Views
Philosophy Forum
Society for me, as a definition I suppose is the majority, their common ways of life and thinking that unites them all, if you can find any sense in that. Not in my intellectual mode at the moment unf...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40554 Views
Religion Forum
Actually, it's much easier to say God doesn't exist. When you're living for yourself you have only yourself and other people to admire and aspire to be like. Thus, your only models for...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40976 Views
Religion Forum
does the bible actually say you should kill gays? as well as telling you not to kill? or did it just they were wrong and a abomination, and I would want to see the text that does either. Once again...
THREAD God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3605 Views
Religion Forum
All things can be argued Decius, especially this excuse for a logic train explaining how we are God. We are not God. This explenation heyjme, implys that God is human, as we are. God is not human. Jes...
THREAD ChristianityMITHRA! (pt. 2)
31 Posts • 9034 Views
Religion Forum
throughout the old testament there are prophecies predicting aspects of Jesus's life. that he would be born of a virgin, that he would enter Jerusulum on a donkey, hundreds of them. someone could...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24420 Views
Religion Forum
So, what are we to make of his suffering? If Jesus was what he said he was, the suffering and death was faked, a massive guilt trip but nothing more. In what sense is the fake death of an immortal bei...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
quote: ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------- " But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them befo...
THREAD God in Religionunfair senario
12 Posts • 4434 Views
Religion Forum
I don't believe in hell and though the gospels speak of it, I'm not sure it was meant as a real place. People back then were different. They didn't have computers or TV and they didn...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122942 Views
Religion Forum
I found it the Bit with Judas first the Bible Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. They bound him, led him away an...
THREAD Spiritualitycurious question..
10 Posts • 3833 Views
Religion Forum
Heaven is eternity with God Hell is eternity without God. So naturally if you choose not to accept Jesus and God then you choose to be seperate from Him and that is Hell.
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21652 Views
Religion Forum
cturtle - I don't know how God could have ever become a man and still keep everything working. How can God even die. Father Fox who was a Catholic priest, but was banished from the church had a g...
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