Child & Family PsychologyAwakendwraith's Pain
13 Posts • 5228 Views Psychology Forum |
This is my story. This is my pain. These are my thoughts... I don't understand them.
Part of the reason I am doing this is so that others can see what I have been through and what I am. Partly... |
Just For FunStories of true badasses
9 Posts • 3175 Views Talk Talk |
Third story guys. Enjoy.
This one I was told about by one of my friends.
He's telling me about 2 people he saw when he was on
a walk.
" I was on a walk heading up to a 7-11 because... |
War & TerrorismIsrael: Dirty Politics
0 Posts • 371 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I really dislike these type of conversations for the simple reason that regardless if you speak about jews or any other race or ethnicity or religious group... there is always the generalist attitude.... |
Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3402 Views Philosophy Forum |
My daughter looked down in her lap where the shiny object (toy) was - and then back up at myself and her female - parent.
She aparently wished to join us across the room but did not wish to leave t... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90709 Views Psychology Forum |
66. Turn innocent into criminal (5/20/2002)
On May 5, in World Journal's Week-ends Publish,(Chinese edition) there was an special report "Thousands eyes outside the door" which talke... |
ScriptsMultimedia - delicious oozing words!
1 Posts • 2511 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
An excerpt from Conversations with My New Friends at the Graveyard
Multimedia/Collage by Wolf Larsen
A Play/Novel/Poem/Musical/Sculpt ure/Monlogue/
Symphony/Mural/ Opera/Movie/Postmodern Dance/... |
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67556 Views Philosophy Forum |
By saying it is the best system, that sort of encourages people to do nothing to improve it, doesn't it? Why do you work? You work to get money, to buy things? Alright then, so what is money? Pap... |
GovernmentJeb Would Make a 'Great President,' Bush Says
4 Posts • 2214 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Neocon Gingrich Proposes Jeb Bush as Ruler
Kurt Nimmo | May 30 2006
Newt Gingrich, the neocon troll who put out a contract on America, is pushing Jeb Bush as ruler, not in 2008 but down the roa... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3808 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
621. Big plot in later January (1/16/2010)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the lone holdover from the Bush administration, will stay on his job for at least another year.
One year ago, I'v... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90709 Views Psychology Forum |
61. Resignation of FBI chief
About in early April, 2000, when I was still in panic mood of Thailand event, I read a news from a Chinese newspaper that FBI director Freeh would resign from his post,... |
War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3117 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Written to Veterans for Peace
I was thrilled yesterday to wake to an email from Micah. The last correspondence I had from him was the email on Dec. 26. Then 2 guys in his battalion were killed an... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90709 Views Psychology Forum |
101. Sniper case
I think the sniper case was done by government insider. It's a case similar to anthrax attack. I believe it was done by law enforcement agency. The anthrax attack was done to... |
StoriesThe Big Orgy on Capitol Hill
3 Posts • 4274 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Orgy of Pigs & Elephants & Donkeys in Uncle Sam's Whorehouse
part seven of a musical by Wolf Larsen
That's when the two political candidates (the ass & big fat elephant)... |
GovernmentEnd Welfare for the Rich!
4 Posts • 2601 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Capitalism Sucks! Down with Welfare for the Rich!
By Wolf Larsen
Under capitalism the working people pay most of the taxes. The rich people and the large corporations, on the other hand, hardly pa... |
Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12886 Views Talk Talk |
Gagged librarians break silence on Patriot Act
Larisa Alexandrovna / Raw Story | June 1st 2006
Connecticut librarians spoke about their fight to stop the FBI from gaining access to patrons'... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9369 Views Philosophy Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62723 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This is a partial list of people desperately trying to inform YOU!
Michael Springman
WHO: Twenty-year State Department veteran, and former head of the visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
CLA... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3140 Views Talk Talk |
I have a little folder I have watched grow over the last 9 months full of my thoughts I jot down for this site. And somewhere I had written a few similar lines to what your getting at.
It went somt... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12449 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |
Rush & the King of Pop: Two Peas in a Pod!
1 Posts • 3346 Views Talk Talk |
Rush doesn't like drug addicts. Jacko doesn't like child molesters. HELLO!
Rush Limbaugh AP story:
By JILL BARTON, Associated Press Writer
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Authorities... |
SocietyThe New World Order: The Final Showdown for America
7 Posts • 2704 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
CALLER: If the Federal Government would collect every Federal Reserve Note in circulation, would it be mathematically possible to pay the $4 trillion national debt?
SUPINSKI: No. (Note: Is this not p... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90709 Views Psychology Forum |
6. Looter and scapegoat
After I suffered from two hits from isotopic money, I asked myself:" Why they used that kind of money on me, an innocent man?"
In 1993(or 1992), my family had... |
War & TerrorismUday Hussien
5 Posts • 11272 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The oldest son of Saddam was one chillingly sick disgusting pup.
Uday was born in 1964, the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac, which means he ought to be "energetic, excitable, short-te... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4417 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well that's my point exactly, Innocent until proven guilty.
That's how a trial works, that has nothing to do with the fact of the matter, either someone is guilty or they are not, regardl... |
Awakendwraith's Apology
5 Posts • 2377 Views Talk Talk |
I was involved in a court case a few months back. This is the letter of apology I sent to my girlfriends parents. What do you think about it?
Dear Carothers Family,
I'd like to start this... |