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Tagged > Images of heaven
THREAD ChristianityIs God in your church
18 Posts • 5577 Views
Religion Forum
Is God in your church. Well i was reading on a forum for catholics and this site has come to the conclusion that only ten percent will go to heaven. Now i havent found any mathematical equation that b...
THREAD War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8569 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I am so glad to read this review. Michael Moore is the reason my "quote" at the bottome is what it is. He frightens me because I fear his success will keep others complacent, content in the...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThought and Reality
26 Posts • 7613 Views
Philosophy Forum
i recal a site over astral projection, ancient egyptians, and the "heaven" or afterlife that eternal part of them was able to exist in. these heavens were created by the thoughts of the...
THREAD DreamsDreams
5 Posts • 4162 Views
Psychology Forum
dream (drçm) n. 1.A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. 2.A daydream; a reverie. 3.A state of abstraction;...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem with God
13 Posts • 3376 Views
Religion Forum
Well said, perfection just does. Who is the decider of perfection? I think that is left up to the individual. Couldn't we all be perfect if we stopped comparing ourselves to other things? If what...
THREAD God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14833 Views
Religion Forum
Only what they individually claim, many will say they are all the same, Christians (more fundamentalisticly) will claim their professed god to be the only true god and that others are just wrong, as f...
THREAD ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views
Religion Forum
No, Jesus body wasn't in the grave. Explain how he contradicted himself. All he said is that Jesus still has his body, which explains why it isn't in the grave. He, still in His body, ascend...
27 Posts • 9016 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Why do people hate the US? Try to imagine yourself not an American but belonging to a different country. You hear about the US deciding who is bad and who to go after. The US always seems to be invol...
93 Posts • 30400 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe in the Catholic Church teaching of a place we go that is not heaven or hell, from there, reincarnation, until we reach that place where we are able to give ourselves up to God. That would be...
THREAD What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15365 Views
Philosophy Forum
But if you are sleeping don't you also dream? Oh! What if heaven and hell is a dream that you don't wake up from? But what if this which you call life is the dream and what you call death i...
THREAD ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24276 Views
Religion Forum
for two no one knows for sure how god was created but no one knows for sure of how humans were created. And so for three, you have no idea of the validity of your own religious claims but insist...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8158 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Heavy drug use! they were always there but it reached it's peak three years ago but i think that the drugs helped me one way or another cause it made me open doors that i never thought i would......
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyKarma and such.
6 Posts • 3254 Views
Psychology Forum
surely thats counted as paranoia, or at least pessimism. Karma is a bit of a joke really, it appears to sometimes exis an othertimes not. many people do get what they deserve, but others appear to...
THREAD Universal laws
15 Posts • 3757 Views
Talk Talk
Yes, the word universal is an unfortunate word for it tends to conjur up images of the universe being material and infinite. Rather than loog at the large here; if you delve into precision what makes...
THREAD Best cars
17 Posts • 10013 Views
Talk Talk
nice car, finally someone actually modding a car worth doing it to. loads of people round my home town mod their cars, but mainly it is just body kit and exhaust, and it looks ridiculous cos they p...
THREAD Christianitywhy hell is not eternal
15 Posts • 4560 Views
Religion Forum
The Hell of fire & brimstone is not found in the NT. Jesus spoke of a rich man seeing the approach of Lazzarous (sp) on His [laz] way to heaven. It speaks of the rich man thrist and asking for wat...
THREAD Alan's Philosophies
17 Posts • 7152 Views
Philosophy Forum
It strikes me as being odd at how so many people consider themselves Christians and know so little of the book that is the basis for their beliefs. It seems that many christians are happy with the sto...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
It's a post apocalyptic world. All the cars in the world have been crunched except for 3 identical models of ford escorts. All red. All with out number plates. One takes the president around, one...
THREAD Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26718 Views
Religion Forum
I understand what Decius and Summit are saying... to a certain point... kind of hard to take in all at once but.. you both are assuming that God is either one or the other. Logical or Illogical. I...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36233 Views
Religion Forum
One way to prove something is true is by making predictions with it. Science makes predictions every day, from the trajectory of a meteor to the odds of having diabetes. If science and the Bible ag...
93 Posts • 30400 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'll be the party pooper here. When you die, that's it. There is no after-life, there is no heaven, no hell, there is the death of who you were, nothing more. Frightening isn't it?...
THREAD Religion & HumanityIs it wrong to be multi-religious?
40 Posts • 9267 Views
Religion Forum
I have the Mormons visiting me every week - I like their teaching - it is by the grace of Jesus's act that none shall parish, that all will be saved, that makes sense to me. According to their te...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10274 Views
Religion Forum
I agree. When someone does something wrong - it is easy to say, "The devil made me do it." The devil is an excuse I don't believe in. And the threat of hell is used to force people to c...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42256 Views
Philosophy Forum
Soul? if you dont know what it is why are you suggesting we have one? LABEL it a SOUL... what if its just our intense significant feelings, mental images, sensations, mixed with deep all types of feel...
THREAD ChristianityChristianity is dead, now what ?
23 Posts • 7410 Views
Religion Forum
I copied this from............ http://dissidentphilosophy.lif a-conversation-cocerning-light -t932-60.htm Quote: Doesn� 39;t Decius have a point when he says, "So...
  19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27  
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