ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10195 Views Philosophy Forum |
a freind said this
Thu human mind is capable of solving any problem it can think up.of course i think he meant philosophical. and problems in relationships and stuff like that. no. i think he meant e... |
Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views Philosophy Forum |
How will you make a computer dream? Are you sure you can do that. AI is a fun topic. There was a movie I remeber watching where they made a boy robot with human emotions, it was the first of its kind.... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64043 Views Religion Forum |
(not that I'm right and everyone else is wrong - just my theory)
I can believe in Evolution when it comes to other animals, but the Human Being Animal. Just doesn't fit, we're just n... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe science of a mother's love
3 Posts • 7269 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is no stronger human-human relationship. The child does nothing for mother until later in life, but she still takes care of her child from birth until whenever. Has science explained this phenom... |
Destruction of Life
8 Posts • 3262 Views Talk Talk |
Point 1: I've never seen anyone, even a good christian girl, give a funeral to a tampon. Though there is a 'potential human' somewhere among its weaves.
Point 2: The emptied egg is f... |
Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3450 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think in response to this question, one has to consider the fact that we don't actually remember the events of every day; in fact, I posit that no human has ever remembered the full events that... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24969 Views Religion Forum |
Decius- "Such a person, if a person ever existed, would be so devoid of humanity that they would almost have no capacity to empathize."
I'm not sure if I agrewe with this.. What if t... |
y is 90%
6 Posts • 3014 Views Talk Talk |
Actually, an interesting factoid is that porn is the general leader in most media formats.
Human desire for sex and porn have helped lead the way for motion pictures, home video, etc.
I watched... |
my problem with anarchists
5 Posts • 2018 Views Talk Talk |
Actually... anarchy is a type of government - that is - no government at all. Most anarchists (not the angry kids you're talking about who only have a vague clue of what it really is) today, alth... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
It appears that whether God exists for logical reasons or not a fundamental contradiction occurs. If God is placed "beyond logic" this is a contradiction. And if it is said that Human logic... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9629 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yes all messiahs were/are in human form but what I meant when I said "more human" was... "advanced" or "enlightened" to a lesser degree. |
Societyhuman condition
13 Posts • 5373 Views Philosophy Forum |
what is your view on the human condition within society? |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89254 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok why would anyone but teorist want to bomb the U.S They know If they bomb us there going to be blown off the face of the earth. And even though Russia can destroy us they cant do that whithout us de... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46370 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
the way i see homosexuality is that it's wrong not that it isn't possible or that it's not a legitimate issue that people have to deal with in their lives just that it's not right... |
16 Posts • 15602 Views Religion Forum |
From seeking the Lord Jesus with all my heart, I have found that being humble in the journey is a blessing. What I mean is, people try to understand God, but how can we humans understand the CREATOR o... |
ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
So you feel that is wrong for a healer (doctor or faith healer) to save the life or heal the sick or injuried? Hmm . . . wonder what is really troubling you about Jesus? After all when these things we... |
Feral Children
6 Posts • 9075 Views Talk Talk |
i found this site while browsing the web, and thought i should put it on here out of interest. it details the existence of several so called wild or feral children. children who have either been raise... |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23576 Views Philosophy Forum |
The human race alone isn't even civilzed. The more knowledge we gain the more dangerous and destructive we become. On earth we are all people,all one in the same with genetic differences. But yet... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20682 Views Philosophy Forum |
Discussions like these always seem so hopeless to me sometimes. Human thought is so diverse and opinions so varied. I do believe there is an absolute truth as opposed to a relative one, but believing... |
God in ReligionWhy would god need worship?
11 Posts • 6227 Views Religion Forum |
For I can feel the presence of god, but I do not wish nor do I think it is correct in attending service to worship by the accordance of an appointed human. Who Leisurly pass the collection plate to so... |
SpiritualityIn any Spiritual Text is there a way to give up Free Will?
5 Posts • 3143 Views Religion Forum |
I am listening to the Bhagavad Gita, I have read the Bible, I've browsed the Quran.
Just about every spiritual text talks about either worshiping god in full love, being a full devotee, or sac... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
THX wrote"Theory, please re-read my statement. I am simply pointing out that no matter what we do, good or bad, we are affecting human life. If we do not care for the planet, it will recover -- b... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13192 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The people being tortured in Iraq were the people under Saddams' regime.
There are people in Guantanimo bay who were american citizens who are being held without a single reason, and can'... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27092 Views Talk Talk |
My name is my standard username.
It comes from a two childhood book series. One is the Immortals by Tamora Pierce, in her universe black opals are the most powerful magic stone and can hold untold a... |
Discussion of the Theory of Human Growth
1 Posts • 6669 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Human growth can be affected in direct connection to the level of competence in education and/or intrapersonal intelligence of the being, and in the absents or extreme lacking of education and/o... |