Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
141 Posts • 31183 Views Talk Talk |
I'm cynical of Females. Women and cats will do as they please – men and dogs are subject to their whims.
- Sex Kittens Rulership |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views Psychology Forum |
I recenctly spoke to a woman who I have never met in person, only met her through a cyber social network. During our lengthy phone conversation, she disclosed an experience she had that basically stee... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13808 Views Philosophy Forum |
I nearly fell of my mental chair when I found this site by accident because I found other people like me. I lived in a pretty sheltered environment and always went to private schools with few students... |
Lessons In Humility
8 Posts • 3242 Views Talk Talk |
when I use cuss words so frequintly is purpously intimidating. It isn't. It is simply the way I talk
It's still intimidating.
and if I change myself now, not know what the fuck I am, th... |
Gender PsychologyMen are sooo superior
9 Posts • 4212 Views Psychology Forum |
Dawg, I'm not sure if you were offended by part of my post but I wanted to clarify what I said about women having the ability to see more aspects and layers and men being more one track in their... |
Gender PsychologyThe Nice Guy Syndrome
4 Posts • 5165 Views Psychology Forum |
A typical "nice guy" is perceived to put the needs of others before his own, avoids confrontations, does favors, gives emotional support, and generally acts nicely towards women. – Wikiped... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15987 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So I think Pat was the closest to ever saying she was happy and sure of the information she had to vote with, yet she has yet to say one bad thing about her candidate of choice (even steve said he doe... |
Links to Good Internet Sites
23 Posts • 9368 Views Jokes & Games |
Very funny, shows you alot of crap bout making bombs, guns, weapons, drugs and stupid thigs for time wasters, pretty useful tho. |
SocietyOld subjects that still bug me
4 Posts • 2759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
obviously the terrorists are the soul reason and even if he had been tipped off he probably receives hundreds daily to deal with. I'm a bush hater too but i think you need to drop it, and save yo... |
SocietyAdvice for the youth...
20 Posts • 6282 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just because the majority does it, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do, follow your own moral compass and you won't regret your actions (well not for that reason anyway, you... |
No more duct tape?!
4 Posts • 2853 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No way..Just when that anthrax scare started, his brilliant duct-tape-your-windows-shut idea, at least I think, was a conspiracy to get 3M and Scotch stocks up because people were going to blindly go... |
EconomyMetric system.
10 Posts • 4007 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
exactally, you wouldnt have to do that if our stupid goverment switched. Feel sorry for you guys having to put up with Americans asking what a gram is. Side note, the CBC did a good job showing the ol... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When our president of the largest world power is so stupid, I would guess one can easily assume that there wa no intelegent life on earth
You'll like this one:
http://www.theonion.co m/conte... |
How to avoid a fight?
13 Posts • 3517 Views Talk Talk |
ok....this guy is retarded....why the hell would he want to fight if you've been broken up with the chick for a year???? it doesnt even matter anymore, your not even with her.....the whole thing... |
Rehab & AddictionGambling
6 Posts • 2899 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Stupid gambling meetings keep telling him that some people will never recover because of hormonal inbalance. He always explains it a mental kind of illness. Weve explained all these things but.. does... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views Psychology Forum |
Freedom of speech doesn't apply to mindless morons who whine about everything, people who post stupid ass pictures on every thread, and pedophiles. So you are shit out of luck my friend. |
The clock is stupid
10 Posts • 3075 Views Talk Talk |
please! dont consider yourself as one of the thinkers...! your head is still in your ass. yeah you were right... you do think differently than i do. you didnt contribute anything intelligent accept fo... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57897 Views Religion Forum |
I believe in God, I believe God created evil, and I think the idea of evolution is stupid, I don't believe I came from an ape.
When I believe something is a miracle, it must... |
EconomySix Principles of Global Manipulation
16 Posts • 6451 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I can not take advantage of U-Tub right now, however, the subject is very interesting to me.
I do not know the Egyptian ideas about controlling globalization, but do know before WWI Prussian gener... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15043 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, WOW!
I have not peeked in here, for so long...and finally decided to after running into an old friend on MSN...
Hi Lynniepooooooooh!!!!
I guess that it is hard for women to a... |
8 Posts • 3649 Views Talk Talk |
*Note: Do I turn off my account somehow, or will it just die off?*
Your account will never be deleted or die off, it will be a part of UGN forever. Quite frankly I can not figure out why people he... |
JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103724 Views Jokes & Games |
i know that this is an old one, but i gotta tell it:
ur momma is soooo stupid, that she shuved batteries up her ass and said "I have the power!" |
Marijuana Legalized In Canada?
52 Posts • 20821 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
See ya you stupid american im moving to canada so i can smoke pot on the streets even though canada sux ball compared to the USA |
SocietyRed Vs. Blue: Who Picks Who?
8 Posts • 2447 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Your communication skills are severely lacking.
I live in the biggest city in my county and would hate living in the woods. |
189 Posts • 73104 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Oh dear me, no way thats normal, damn it, I mean people like these can turn crazy from their lust and maybe your kid could become a victim, I truly hate paedophilia, I know that it's not their fa... |