Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
American footballers are pansies
42 Posts • 12475 Views Talk Talk |
i must say that i absolutely hate american football i cant see where they get the name from most of the time they are carrying the ball makes no sense to me |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31809 Views Talk Talk |
man it has been a long time since i have been on... GOD DAMN but anyways i dont hate vegies but i just think tofu is just plain nasty!!! |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160030 Views Talk Talk |
My pet peeve:
I friggin HATE when people gulp drinks down.
That noise drives me insane. |
JokesBear in the Woods
7 Posts • 8964 Views Jokes & Games |
Lol, oh like when you go to school with no pants on and everyone laughs. Yeah I hate it when that happens. It is embarrassing. Don't you think? guys?... you have done that right? ummm... ok sooo |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25219 Views Talk Talk |
in general i hate video games.....with a few exceptions....hey,enjoy them if you like.....i hust dont get it*confused* |
Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23581 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey, if an arab wants to do it, I won't say no. Though there is only one thing wrong with Al Queada people doing it, we kinda need someone that doesn't hate anyone, no matter what. |
Emotions & Feelingswhat are you afraid of
50 Posts • 13523 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm afraid of being on a country road in the dark with no relative landmark in eyesight. Surrounded by 20 men that hate me. |
Gender PsychologyMen are sooo superior
9 Posts • 4212 Views Psychology Forum |
Some guys are wankers some girls are bitches.
Though I do hate these pointless generalizations based on one jerk-off bf... |
Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18730 Views Science & Technology Forum |
isn't a thesis like a topic sentence or something? Sorry, but I hate words, they need to die. So please rephrase that in a way my tiny brain can understand. |
27 Posts • 6771 Views Religion Forum |
that was funny ( what if we are gods of ourseleves would you hate yourself) WE have the answers but some make it complex to not see what we hold, do you agree |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42426 Views Religion Forum |
I didn't say i'm like JESUS, I said:
If only you read the bible, then you'll know the names God call those who refuse to believe in Him.
Reading and quoting the bible does not ma... |
Society & SociologyChain mail
2 Posts • 3188 Views Psychology Forum |
Is it just me, or do other people also hate the stupid chain mail letters you sometimes get. my personal pet hates are the ones that say "send this to 9.3mil people or ull get charged for ur use... |
what do i do?
5 Posts • 2215 Views Talk Talk |
I guess my advice would be to talk,
Be careful with how you say things,
Perhaps speak to someone else at length before speaking with her and see if you can find out roughly how she may be feeling,... |
TechnologyNew technological advances
1 Posts • 3142 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I found this site using an addon for firefox called stumble upon, and have been flicking onto it every now and then ever since. Gizmag its devoted to the latest inventions in all fields from health an... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5867 Views Psychology Forum |
I think you simply need to find a woman who is more on par with where you're at in terms of depth and intellect. I absolutely do not feel weak in deeper discussions .. if anything, I feel weak in... |
SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 10060 Views Philosophy Forum |
"No blame = no guilt = no responsiblity"
Pretty much true if determinism is true. The solution as far as I know is to stop thinking in terms of punishment for the sake of punishment. But i... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views Psychology Forum |
If you were truly concerned about wasted tax dollars for publicity whores your head would have already exploded from the political abuses of said money.
that's your opinion and opinions are l... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotions Journal
7 Posts • 2988 Views Psychology Forum |
ITT I try and track my emotions and personal progress with an online journal.
I feel like I just want to try and be as honest and open as possible about the things I feel here. I am not going to sh... |
Gender Psychologywomen's history month
1 Posts • 4364 Views Psychology Forum |
well, march is almost over, but better late than never...
it is (was) women's history month. who are some of your favorite (good or bad) women in history?
Agnodice - disguised herself as a... |
IslamMocking Muslims and "Virgins in Heaven"
0 Posts • 4379 Views Religion Forum |
Both Islam and Christianity result in the possibility of the populace being manipulated for political reasons,
*clown* which makes them dangerous cults.
Budhism, for example, is a perfect example... |
Random Questionswhat makes someone a douche bag?
16 Posts • 11602 Views Talk Talk |
"yet confident enough to criticize those who are different than him in their ways of thinking and living"
So by your definition that kinda makes me a douchebag i guess. :)
Thats cool... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29266 Views Religion Forum |
they are
and that's one fucked up religion if you ask me ... so glad i wasn't stupid enough to believe in this.
anotherer screwed up fact - if you didn't know about christianit... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77266 Views Psychology Forum |
i was on my way to see my sister for the first time since she moved to south carolina and i picked up this little flyer on the way there and it has so many funny little stuff in it but this one suites... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40751 Views Psychology Forum |
the only reason that the arabs are out to get us is cause we fucked them long ago in a few wars and they are not a 9/11 times a miillion. What bush did in the mideast was kinda stupid becouse he screw... |
99 Posts • 21718 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, it's like, if I punch you a 1000 times, and everytime you feel pain, then consequently I'l presume that on the 1001th time, the same result will follow.
But keeping on philosphising o... |