Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
how do i get a girl?
25 Posts • 7761 Views Talk Talk |
A year ago? Sorry, Oblivion.
Continuing anyway:
4. Find a way to gain all of her trust. Since I was your age, I have used many excuses on some girls, so I could keep their secrets: my main one... |
Three women and their daughters
2 Posts • 2289 Views Jokes & Games |
Three women are discussing their teenage daughters.
The first declares: "I was so shocked last week. I was tidying my daughter''s room and I found a packet of cigarettes under her pi... |
More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11273 Views Talk Talk |
I can see the angle from which Decius is approaching this. And he is right, but I don't think he's painting the whole tableau. I could be wrong, one stab would be I couldn't say what em... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41111 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Favorite comic hero...scratch Superman, Batman, Flash, ....Hulk is a bit cool. Fom X-Men, I like Storm and Xavier. Spiderman's ok. Wonder Woman!:D Oh yeah, she rocks, but she's dressed up li... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70947 Views Psychology Forum |
The difference between people with bad body odor and those who are overweight is that one can change his problem while another can not. Some people naturally just don't smell as well as others, b... |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18706 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
First of all you are fucking stupid, death penalty shouldn't be enforced on anyone second of all these people are sick people that need help, they are addicted to it like you might be to cigareet... |
Ask the question, know the answer
16 Posts • 5365 Views Philosophy Forum |
For instance in school people that will raise their hand and ask what is h2o and then before the teacher will answer they say it. Or they try and play stupid and pretend they didn't know. |
God in ReligionShow me there is no God
7 Posts • 2837 Views Religion Forum |
There is an answer for that asumption.
it's something like "The evil is the lack of god", wich I think it's and stupid idea, not to mention ilogical.
But I don't think t... |
Society & SociologyStupid people complaining about stupid things!!!
27 Posts • 15767 Views Psychology Forum |
Heh heh... I put it on my toast. Put what on your toast? The jelly, stupid! And you're pregnant? Yup, and I'm sueing! *lol* |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
people are bad, amongst every type of people you have the stupid mothafuckers, they will get what they deserve one day, wat goes around comes around. |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36760 Views Philosophy Forum |
how is anyone to know that.. who designed you? god? ok i believe in god but, perhaps god is a computer programer. mayb so mayb not. i don't think that the bible states that god is nor does it sta... |
Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70947 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm not implying that only thin people look good. Suki looks very cute and pretty from the show Gilmore Girls. It just irriates me when I see bigger people wearing smaller clothes that is not app... |
RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14512 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Through recent experiences it has come to my attention that my views upon sex compared to others is showing quite a contrast. Naiveity I know lol. My general concept was that you had men who sex was j... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Actually communism is good, just doesn't promote growth in a nation. It is great for a third world country to get back on it's feet.
No, not everything is the media. SNL isn't the me... |
Weird PM
3 Posts • 2680 Views Talk Talk |
I have heard this from quite a few members now. Let this be the official DO NOT RESPOND to it. Someone signed up to UG and then started PM users with a message about some stupid plan they have to get... |
40 Posts • 14965 Views Talk Talk |
Family guy is pretty good but all the new simpson episodes suck hard. Yeah, the simpsons just aint funny anymore.
Anime can be cool, but some (like DBZ) are really addictive even though they'r... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107406 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Alcohol is so much worse than Marijuana.
Point blank. This Untied States of America is stupid. Full of conservitive Christian Republicans who have their minds closed to anything new.
I really w... |
Habits & Behaviorbottled up
11 Posts • 3264 Views Psychology Forum |
my being paranoid, i would never write anything down or talk to any of my friends. so i found another way. Blowing stuff up. using molotov cocktails, m60's and other things. but of thankfully eno... |
AstronomyEarth like planet discoveries
7 Posts • 3021 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Interesting stuff!!
Hopefully in my life time they will of dicovered actuall living organisms on such planets as this. Fingers crossed for hyper advances in technology, lol.
Just out of curiosity... |
Non-gnutella downloading
4 Posts • 2457 Views Talk Talk |
Yah, I have bittorrent already but it was a little slow to my liking and I had trouble finding some of the cds I wanted. By the way, I found this site www.albumbase.com which is more what I was lookin... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8580 Views Religion Forum |
People crack under pressure especially when someone is threatening your existence. You can act tuff and pretend that you would just mention what you feel but likely you'll cry and say i don'... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views Psychology Forum |
The sick fucks out there really dont have a preference on the clothing being worn
I believe they do. Not that they all prefer provocatively dressed women, but I think on average there's a tend... |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6688 Views Talk Talk |
First, in response to zyphon, I don't think it matters how much you know about the person, more so that you're always wanting to know more. I for instance can answer every question you liste... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3143 Views Talk Talk |
Now don't get me wrong… I can't say I like wrongdoers, but I find it hard to say I hate them…
“Why?â you may ask… Well, the way I see it people are ‘victims of c... |
17 Posts • 7576 Views Talk Talk |
I only say that last part because I'm pretty sure that most of those people are absolutely NOT expressing any kind of love. Maybe it's different for some people but maybe I would record me a... |