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GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
>>>You don't react to something years after the act.
I agree. Clinton was a horrible President and should have reacted. By failing to do so he only emboldened our enemies, which lead... |
GovernmentKatrina and Bush
0 Posts • 3964 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"3:32 P.M. Ben Morris, Slidell mayor:
We are still hampered by some of the most stupid, idiotic regulations by FEMA. They have turned away generators, we've heard that they've gone... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
>>>>By failing to do so he only emboldened our enemies,
>>>>which lead to further terrorist attacks."
>>>This is nonesense. Terrorists are suicidal, THEY DON&... |
War & TerrorismFull Text of Bin Laden Tape - Comments of all flavors welcome
2 Posts • 2629 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/mid dle_east/2751019.stm
Bin Laden tape: Text
US officials say they believe the tape is real
The following is the full text of an audio message purported to be b... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7957 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Boy you love to write a lot...lol
>>When they see countless tyrants being aided by
>>>westerners who do little more than secure an area for
>>>their own interests, which... |
62 Posts • 22002 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Firstly, it is spelled "Iraq", with a "q"."
I'm sorry, I live in France and here, its spelt either way, much like Tsar/Czar.
"People are dying every day fr... |
Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7113 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have very little respect for human life. Or any life, for that matter. Do you? Do you know WHY you do? You know how easy it is to make a person? It's even fun. It isn't a very impressive a... |
Excerp: Depleted Uranium: Learn & Say No
14 Posts • 4640 Views Talk Talk |
Excerp: Britain, U.S. Using Radioactive 'Dirty Bombs'
World's foremost expert on the U.S. military's use of depleted uranium speaks out
By Dr. Doug Rokke
While U.S. and British military perso... |
Alternative BeliefsPieism
30 Posts • 11577 Views Religion Forum |
It's a new cult. But besides being an organized religion, it really contradicts itself, making itself out to be an anti-religion. Ironic, and not serious about itself. One thing remains true thou... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27261 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
To break the "social contract" requires on to reject the morality expressed by the social order. A society's moral code organizes individual relationship to the community.
As a fully... |
StoriesSelf Portrait
1 Posts • 2617 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The sky was that perfect sea blue, and the crops were gently being cajoled into swaying with the wind, a too-perfect backdrop for a childhood memory. He knew that the scene wasn't qui... |
Conservative Today VS Liberal Today
31 Posts • 7819 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Please read the whole thing before you reply.
Ok, what Im going to do is qoute something that you say and say something about it. It may seem like an attack and may actually be one but it is for... |
War & TerrorismOfficial Captain Cynic WTC 9/11 Thread
0 Posts • 6685 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The public lives a ritualistic life. Alarm wakes you then you eat breakfast, now off to work, lunch , drive home talk to wife and kids about their days, turn on the t.v. eat. sleep.
Think about how... |
Ethics & MoralityThe moral hand, a complete and coherent ethical theory
4 Posts • 3559 Views Philosophy Forum |
The moral hand is a metaphor of five basic ethical principles, one for each finger, summarizing a complete, coherent ethic.
-The thumb: the principle of universalism. You must (may) follow the rul... |
Biracial Racisim at Work
1 Posts • 4164 Views Psychology Forum |
***No I do not know you and you do not know me I am sending this mass email in an attempt to protect my sons integrity from a multimillion dollar company who stands by a white employee calling my son... |
Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5995 Views Philosophy Forum |
Who's to decide whats enough. Well I'll tell you who, people who have dedicated their lifes to educating children and have spent more time on educating them selfs and spent more time then bo... |
ChristianityThe Secret of Being Able to See and Hear God
6 Posts • 3715 Views Religion Forum |
It is my understanding that there are a great many people who want ‘proof’ that God exists before they will deign to believe in Him. I am here to tell them that God has no more need to â... |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15289 Views Religion Forum |
Well now I didn't think it was possible... but here I am. Pardon me if I seem disjointed this time around, but you've succeeded in bringing me out of positing retirement and I haven't p... |
Long one act
5 Posts • 2768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Here it is... the fifth and final piece... let me know what you guys think of it.
Scene 5
(One week later. JUDY is, yet again, on the phone with Cheryl. This time, however, she sits in her c... |
GovernmentTop Eight Reasons To Impeach Bush
15 Posts • 4885 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What is a bad job to you then.
You question the motive for war, but cling to your own propaganda that its all for the best.
You point out what will undoubtedly turn into a huge scandal if or whe... |
ScriptsThe New Social Realism
1 Posts • 3774 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The New Social Realism
An interview with Wolf Larsen
(for Albrecht Durer – yes I interviewed myself – yippee!)
Question: So what's up with this new writing style Wolf?
Wolf Larsen: Pa... |
War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3120 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Written to Veterans for Peace
I was thrilled yesterday to wake to an email from Micah. The last correspondence I had from him was the email on Dec. 26. Then 2 guys in his battalion were killed an... |
ChristianityWhen Same Sex Marraiges was a Rite
1 Posts • 2091 Views Religion Forum |
When Marriage Between Gays Was a Rite
As the churches struggle with the issue of homosexuality, a long tradition of gay marriage indicates that the Christian attitude towards same sex unions may n... |
PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Moments of Weakness.
Pain. My life at this time can be summed up in one simple word. How can such a small sound explain the oceanic torment I drown in?
We all feel this emotion. We all think our... |
28 Posts • 7158 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jesus didnt alleviate the world of pain, he didnt free us from sin let alone ALL sin. He died for our sins so that we may be forgiven for them. Pain still exists. He died so we could make mistakes and... |