Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32932 Views Philosophy Forum |
Disclaimer: I do not believe that it is Veterans For Common Sense stand that we bring our troops home and end this thing, at least not yet - But stay tuned. It is my belief that we need to starte down... |
SocietyAmerica, Americans and Patriotism
0 Posts • 3112 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
There is another offshoot of our government, also influenced by corporate america, and this would be referred to as the shadow government, our secret government that makes up so much of our military b... |
War & TerrorismIraq = Terrorism?
0 Posts • 3769 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
LOL If I had known you wanted ONLY direct evidence on this matter, I would have answered with a simple no. Looking at the way things are going internationally right now, jakereanney is right on the mo... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12218 Views Religion Forum |
Ironwood you are just boring me to death now, you don't know what the hell you are talking about!
To make such a statement would mean that obviously you do know what I'm talking about, an... |
Can we escape our pre-conditioning?
21 Posts • 9829 Views Philosophy Forum |
Im not very good at getting my thoughts out in a logical, scientific way so Ive found this post very hard to write.
But this is my interpretation of Chiron's question, the resulting conversat... |
9 Posts • 4152 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It's hard to talk... |
Big Bang or A Stretch of His Imagination
4 Posts • 2446 Views Talk Talk |
The teacher
I have talked about this in other post. lets see if anyone is listening here.
For some reason, nobody is responding to my post.
Pay attention and try to follow me here. It... |
StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3673 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
As the man ran to his truck, the drunken woman stumbled back into its confines.
"Eewwwww! I hate ssspidersss! She complained. "Creepy, hairy bodiesss and all thossh grasssping legsss.&qu... |
SocietyI am of society and not society per say.
15 Posts • 4171 Views Philosophy Forum |
dead city, your post is a good topic for a new thread, that said.
I think huge inequality is due to class warfare of the elites vs. everyone else which includes corporations that have a responsibil... |
SpiritualityRandom quotes from a friend (long)
10 Posts • 4313 Views Religion Forum |
"The physical form is like an extension of the soul. Think about waves, there are big ones and small ones. Some go on only for a couple feet, some go on for miles, but they all crash eventually.... |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4420 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It's funny, you keep laying accusations against me. But when I look back I see that it is you that is guilty of them.
So first I'm going to get back to basics, then I might ramble.
Som... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32176 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worl d-us-canada-13700490
\Steri lisation: North Carolina grapples with legacy
By Daniel Nasaw
BBC News, Washington
Ms Riddick, now 57, suffered decades of depression a... |
Concerning African-American Decendants of Slaves
4 Posts • 4288 Views Philosophy Forum |
I truly welcome all views and hope to add the uniqueness in each point to my repetoir yet remaining detached and objective.
Physical bondage was not the only handicap imposed on the African in Amer... |
Society & SociologySolution to the Bushit. Well. Social bushit I enco
8 Posts • 3600 Views Psychology Forum |
So I'm sick and tired of these people around me that like free love and think sex is more of a physical relief than what I think of it to be, something quite emotional.
I present to you, being... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Now that the war is over (for a while, hey I didn't really find the thread till now.) it is easier to decide on whether the war was worth it or not. I would be 100% for the war. No because I enjo... |
Tear me apart
8 Posts • 2904 Views Psychology Forum |
As a very basic level, do you feel sexually attracted to your step-mom, or would you be satisfied at all if she took you in sexually?
My step mom is pretty I guess. It's very difficult for me... |
Mice eat cheese
3 Posts • 2697 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hey, I'm writing a story for my creative writing class, and I just wanted some feedback about it. My first post here, so I hope its good.
I sat in my grey cubicle, mindlessly drooling over the... |
28 Posts • 7158 Views Philosophy Forum |
"jesus is considered to be God......jesus is supposed to return to alleviate the world of pain and free us from all sin and unrighteousness"
------- ------------------------------ -----------... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43982 Views Religion Forum |
'...offensive is both perplexing and odd.'
Perplexed at the way you made your statement. Thank you for making your opinion clear.
---------------------- ------------------------------ --------------... |
Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts,
2 Posts • 3525 Views Psychology Forum |
Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.
________________________ ___
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `... |
SocietyPositive Discrimination and the plight of the White Male Majority (Needlessly Long First Post)
1 Posts • 8895 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, so, the British Parliament is currently voting on the new "Equality Bill". This bill concentrates the sweet juicy essence of all sorts of odd bits of anti-discrimination legislation, and... |
Emotions & FeelingsAn Emotion Theory
8 Posts • 22040 Views Psychology Forum |
Emotion theory is psychology but this one has a little philosophy in it. Tell us what you think of it!
Subject - a cross-utilized unit of a relation
Relation - more than one subject combined toget... |
30 Posts • 16472 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
328. London bombing (2) (7/17/05)
London blasts was planned by intelligence.
1. Government knew in advance.
Re: Israeli Embassy in state of emergency
By Associated Press Thursday, July... |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10986 Views Religion Forum |
I don't prescribe to either theory, I know that I have know idea and so make no claims.
Let me ask you this real quick, what purpose could the idea of an everlasting soul possibly serve, what... |
GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4562 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
To Defend That Shit Paper From All Enemys, Foreign and Domestic so the Commander In Chief Can Flush It Down The Toilet
And our soldiers take an oath to defend this - Well, we know Mr. Bush took th... |