IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 16931 Views Religion Forum |
Anything can be used to promote evil. Yes I admit religion may be the most powerful tool to aid those implementing evil. It allows the despotic to claim a divine right to do their harm.
However I... |
Spiritualitycurious question..
10 Posts • 3808 Views Religion Forum |
ok so you believe i that i have to believe he saved me, if i dont believe that part then i cant get conneted to god... hmm ill try it out.. but to me i think i get the 'source' that might te... |
God in ReligionIs god real?
16 Posts • 5213 Views Religion Forum |
My belief is that people have no idea how to explain life so to cope with their inability to find an answer, either by coincidental things or what have you, they made up this perfect character to go t... |
'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9761 Views Philosophy Forum |
Gosh, I feel like someone with low intelligence when I can't understnd what people are saying. Maybe Dawn sees farther out that I do. Who knows. Or maybe I'm just tired. My self-esteem wants... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18658 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree we have gone far astray of the origin of the thread, the void.
i think the "void" in humantiy is a quintessential part of being. Man is driven to act, to think, and to be. We as pe... |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13831 Views Philosophy Forum |
I guess it depends on how you look at it. I a sense, you can buy happiness. For example, you see this dog that you wanted, and then you end up caring for it and become really happy. But it's not... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22523 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Would you say Kerry served loyally in the army?
I don't even believe Mr. Kerry thought he served honorably. He made a mistake flashing his purple hearts around, it was a political thing, a bad... |
27 Posts • 9913 Views Religion Forum |
Quite the opposite Animated. Our natural urges are not our main reason for living. Every thing we do has limits, everything has laws. If we did what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, our... |
30 Posts • 8296 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would have to say that if there is a hell, people like hitler go there. You got to really screw up. I mean - to earn eternal damnation in the eternal flames. If such a place does exist - You got to... |
About You / IntroductionsProblem with knowledge.
3 Posts • 7235 Views Talk Talk |
It is not a simple matter. I can explain to you, but never since I have been part of this forum, and with every person for the last 3 years, up to a year ago, that I have tried to explain it to, have... |
Its 6:51am
7 Posts • 3622 Views Talk Talk |
Thank you lynnz...that really hit home, and it made me feel a little bit better about everything...I think I am realizing that too, people have been telling me..."move on, you'll get over he... |
SocietyTogether we are TRULY incivible It's a fact.
2 Posts • 2326 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =i9FMOTvNB5s
edit also this band ACTUALLY has musical talent unlike the SHIT we are forced to hear now and for a different theme behind a song hes a newer trendy song... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17191 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, mountains have beauty, but I don't think it has nything to do with me lacking something... although that may well be the case on other scenarios, like with houses, people etc. But dats not... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11299 Views Psychology Forum |
Wyote, both sexes seem equally affected to me, no matter what they both feel they are getting the shaft. It's also obvious that women do get the shaft (pun inevitable) due to a traditional subser... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46018 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
What people don't consider is that the acceptance of same sex marriage actually stops heterosexuals from marrying; this causes children to grow up in a more unstable environment. Marriage has alr... |
DreamsWhat do you think of dreams?
15 Posts • 3846 Views Psychology Forum |
Well the basic Freudian idea of dreams and dream analysis is that our dreams show us our desires or fears... But not rationally. So a hill in a dream isn't a hill, but a representation of an obst... |
Reality & MetaphysicsReality does it have meaning?
12 Posts • 6624 Views Philosophy Forum |
I hear some people say "my reality is a illusion". My thoughts are if I can see feel hear taste it, it's reality. If you do not want to accept your reality, then you create your illusio... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
"If everyone was intelligent, you wouldn't have to dissregard anything, which means communication would be far quicker and more efficient."
Hey decius what about the senate and congr... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8771 Views Religion Forum |
Certain people who claimed to be a part of our church was persecuting fundamentalists online, I fought with them and felt like I was loosing. But their site was taken down. I feel better.
Indian re... |
62 Posts • 21903 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"- the Iraq war will probably have good consequences"
Only if we get a Democrat in office. Bush scares me. I mean everything could be going ok - and he'll mess it all up. He has alre... |
Religion & HumanityWe as the experiment of aliens
11 Posts • 9056 Views Religion Forum |
let's just see, 3000 years ago there was almost no religion involving just one god. take the Egyptians for one moment here, they worshiped not one but many gods, which they do not tribute one spe... |
God in ReligionProblems with God
55 Posts • 12119 Views Religion Forum |
That is because everyone seems to choose to ignore the point as well the debate.
What kind of people tell others not to question someone or express dissagreement on a debate forum?
Religion is s... |
DepressionLoss of Passion
9 Posts • 7165 Views Psychology Forum |
relationships start out passionate...then there is the middle bit where passion dies down into either nothing..or becoming something deeper...companionship love. Most people don't experience full... |
SpiritualityA Sense Of Humor
9 Posts • 3771 Views Religion Forum |
I call myself Dreamer for a few reasons. One being my dreams.
Another I dream of Utopia on earth. Impossible I know, but still that's another reason why I am a dreamer.
I am glad that helps you... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34093 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Teen, what I am saying that democracy is the right of the people to decide, in this case by voting. One person, one vote the senate is a counter-balance in our system, so no the senate is not a democr... |