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Tagged > Hate people
THREAD DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16731 Views
Psychology Forum
To Inmate, "Why am I still a smoker? Simple, because I'm addicted to nicotine." I never met anyone who could not give up Pot at the drop of a hat. I don't think pot is particu...
THREAD Cliqueless
0 Posts • 5643 Views
Philosophy Forum
so assuming two "intelligent" people encounter one another and have conflicting views, what exactly happens when they come up with two or more answers/solutions to something? each would be a...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15247 Views
Religion Forum
"A confidence in the existance of heaven and your ticket into it can "free" you to do a lot of things, and be hopeful in a lot of situations." Is this the love and freedom that...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious Interview
24 Posts • 6622 Views
Religion Forum
i chose that way becouse it had made my life better. Care to elaborate on that? I am highly skeptical of Jesus' story and validity. I can see why someone would be sceptical of the exi...
THREAD social mobility in the class system
15 Posts • 5418 Views
Philosophy Forum
as far as the lotto winners go, the already poor people will generally just blow all the money and simply become poor again, while the rich dont need the extra wealth, so it really doesnt affect their...
THREAD Woman is the Nigger of the World
0 Posts • 339 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Great find. Although it was a Lennon concert I bet there were a lot of people feeling really uncomfortable during that number. Just a plain good song too. I loved the part where he just yelled "D...
THREAD Law & GovernmentCivilization and government
26 Posts • 7828 Views
Philosophy Forum
Aright, all I know is that "aristocracy" has almost always been referring to the nobility. That is, people with hereditary priviledges, often owning hereditary lands. Extremely powerful in m...
THREAD God in ReligionGOD
23 Posts • 8880 Views
Religion Forum
For one it seems that according to it first we are supposed to love people but then is like go kill those darn Muslims. God never wanted us to kill Muslims. The crusades were not His idea. So if yo...
THREAD Too much "love"
28 Posts • 6483 Views
Talk Talk
yes, staying faithful isn't looserish. But theres a line between staying faithful and becoming obsessive with the person that your with. Would you let your b/f or g/f go to visit one of their fri...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7776 Views
Psychology Forum
"But eventually (if you are lucky) you learn to live with it, even get good at it. Then you actually start disliking people that don't fit into that structure even though you were once one o...
99 Posts • 21683 Views
Philosophy Forum
Laws, rules, regulations, organizing conduct must tell people what they can do, not what cannot be done. Further, these laws, rules, regulations, are acceptable only if it is generally believed that t...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59290 Views
Philosophy Forum
*lol* you dont. and just because it has, doesnt meen it will. how long have people been thinking. honestly. not that long. i feel like we are finaly breaking free of the cycles. do you assume i thi...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23061 Views
Religion Forum
I heard a news report that there were Israeli air force pilots who were dishonorably discharged because they refused to fly into the occupied territories and shoot innocent people. I think these pilot...
THREAD Society & SociologyBoo Micrsoft, Yay Apple
7 Posts • 3487 Views
Psychology Forum
When an Apple fan sees someone using Microsoft they say, "boo boo! EVIL Microsoft" When a Microsoft or Linux user sees an apple fan we say, "Aww" *pats them on the head and wa...
THREAD DrugsWhats so appeling about drink?
15 Posts • 3259 Views
Psychology Forum
The reason people get drunk is to escape reality into another reality that has no worries, no problems and no cares. Another reason which, you will probably find out later, is that girls are more i...
THREAD Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41296 Views
Philosophy Forum
I figure a buddist response to the riddle to be something like, "It is unimportant how to get the chicken out, only that the chicken is alive is important." "all people are in bottles w...
THREAD Relationships & LoveThe likable facade
6 Posts • 4835 Views
Psychology Forum
I think maybe we all make a choice like this but for a lot of people it's a subconscious choice. And no, you're not bad, if you were 'bad' you wouldn't be wondering about this...
THREAD Children Ruin Lives
25 Posts • 8471 Views
Talk Talk
"People on either side of the opinion must stop criticizing each other." - Is someone criticizing you? "The fact still remains that children do ruin lives." - Are you sure about...
THREAD Forgiveness
16 Posts • 7268 Views
Philosophy Forum
so does the 3rd time rule apply to members of the family ? do you forgive them more ? like do we just tell ourselves : " 1st time let it go, 2nd time well maybe you fucked up again shit happens...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33929 Views
Religion Forum
You know how religion is discovered? Word of mouth and the religious books/ teachings, word of mouth, by other people. You know how science is discovered? Observation and intelligence.
THREAD Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9187 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, I agree with all of you, and I got the idea from a book. It's about antibodies and stuff. The antibodies kill people by dissolving them. They help us kill viruses, but in the book it seems...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131942 Views
Philosophy Forum
TO: KGB The following is my evaluation of your April 23, 2009 post. You want to argue linguistics? [ind]Are you spoofing me??? :( Did you know I have an English PhD, and I'm the hea...
THREAD Elections2008 Election
13 Posts • 3460 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Update on Ron Paul stories. Since I have interest in the candidate I have watched some of the goings on with his campaign as well as reactions to it. The most interesting part comes with somethi...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10656 Views
Religion Forum
If you have found some 'Christians' who do not believe in the God that is dipicted in the Bible then I am afraid to say that it would not be very accurate to call them Christians. Christ...
THREAD a moral dilemma
11 Posts • 4228 Views
Talk Talk
if i were you i would tread as softly as i could around this .bi-polar people take every thing as an extreme is there any way the two of you can remain friends??if so that would help soften the blow t...
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