Tagged > Guys lying to girls |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"listen the facts are we need to do what is being done. we both know that."
Your opinion is duely noted, along with your assumptiveness. Keep your words in your own mouth, I say legitimac... |
Random QuestionsFlatulence when is it OK?
16 Posts • 21479 Views Talk Talk |
Hmmmm when is it o.k.?? I think farts are funnier than SHIT. :D BUT.....we need to have that type of "relationship" first if you know what i'm saying.
Here are some of my thoughts of... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25330 Views Psychology Forum |
I think a lot of you guys miss the boat completely when it comes to suicide. Most likely because you've never really been educated about it, or you've never been seriously suicidal yourselve... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10867 Views Science & Technology Forum |
But nowadays, this is not the real purpose.
Maybe not for you and or a certain group of ideologist doctors. But that is the purpose of eugenics, race cannot be excluded. That would be another sci... |
StoriesChronicles from the Gutter.
22 Posts • 8594 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I ran across this poem from Paul Valery while i was researching about a quraan saying concerning the drunkness of the angels and hence the soul. I have to share this. So beautiful:(
The Graveyard b... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107336 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I dunno if you guys realize this, but marijuana has been around since religion. Most religions in India some way incorporate marijuana, and China was the first place in the world to use it and record... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57748 Views Religion Forum |
Lost another post grrrr.. *angry*
Oh well .. here it goes again.
"The way in which you worded your argument concerning priests and scientists led me to think that you were less inclined to... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59126 Views Philosophy Forum |
If we accept that the Bible/word of God is true, then in the original 'society of 2' right and wrong consisted of not eating the forbidden fruit. NO OTHER INATE RESTRAINTS. When society expa... |
DrugsBad Trip: The Worst Experience of my Life
0 Posts • 4337 Views Psychology Forum |
Again there's some parallels between your experience and mine. After these horrible trips (I think I've had more than one) weed did affect me differently. It felt more like tripping to me. I... |
Emotions & FeelingsAnother heartbreak post
4 Posts • 4312 Views Psychology Forum |
I read some heartbreak topics here so I figured I could write away my story here.
I always thought "heartbreak" was just an expression 'till I experienced the feeling and it's j... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62576 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
So no one here feels any information from this or any of the number of other private citizen investigations, films, lawsuits, and all of their questions and concerns don't merit some serious inve... |
Science vs ReligionEvolution vs. Creationism...Thoughts?
8 Posts • 3787 Views Religion Forum |
creationism is not information, it is theory
is not evolution theory? i understand what you are saying, but there is some disturbing evidence, information if you will, in the bible. i qoute, "... |
SocietyControlling the masses
10 Posts • 3605 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
my first thoughts are....
Few easily identifiable methods currently exist to control a population and get them to do your bidding. These are basics, lets break them down, and build our own.
Religi... |
God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12924 Views Religion Forum |
I am so pissed off right now because I just spent ages writing a response that I was really happy with and when I went to post it I had been logged off and I lost it all and I'm not sure I can be... |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5853 Views Psychology Forum |
My suggestion to you would be to focus on your own growth, on uncovering your own unconscious defenses which keep you from finding what you truly want .. which may or may not be a family.
Well, wh... |
Religion & HumanityThe Meaning of Living
103 Posts • 25054 Views Religion Forum |
if we didn't go to war they wouldn't have to use them. IN reference to strapping bombs on children...?
I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7709 Views Talk Talk |
First review the picture of this woman today!!!!
click here
http://www.lifesite.net/ ldn/images/2005/05031405.jpg
Here is her story...
Recovered 'Vegetative State' Patient Kate Adamson Speaks B... |
A Theory on Omniscience...
5 Posts • 2457 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is something I came up with today, whilst chatting with friends...
First of all, I noticed that the four of us chatting, and how if you looked at it the right way, it looked like a vector diag... |
Reality & MetaphysicsTwo Universes? Huh? & One Particle Theory…
9 Posts • 4471 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let's assume I am in one Universe looking out seeing the other Universe around me…
This is so because the Universe I am in cannot look at itself… How can it? How can something actually se... |
189 Posts • 72913 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
it is wrong, you made a wrong decision
The single most important principal of investigation, whether I am a philosopher, a detective, or a scientist, is: not to show bias. This is why I reserve my op... |
Robert Graves' Goliath and David
1 Posts • 3527 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Yet once an earlier David took
Smooth pebbles from the brook:
Out between the lines he went
To that one-sided tournament,
A shepherd boy who stood out fine
And young to fight a Philistine
Clad... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 6992 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
;)CHAPTER THREE â€' Visions And Visitations;)
I sat at my kitchen table feeling a little groggy from the Night-Nurse medicine that was now wearing off and I popped a couple of paracetamol in my... |
27 Posts • 9940 Views Religion Forum |
You got to understand what I'm saying. We live in the year 2005 now and people have in only the last 50 years changed alot. People call them selves christians but go around screwing people like &... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122771 Views Religion Forum |
Interesting, although not everyone thinks this thread worthy.
http://www.captaincyn ic.com/thread.php3/thrdid=2626 9-u-frmid=17-u-page=1
Dumbtee n
Well, we've seen the process occur with moths if... |
Random Questionswhat makes someone a douche bag?
16 Posts • 11571 Views Talk Talk |
Thats the crime.
When shallow ppl get together based purely on physical attraction, and have no concept of what a solid relationship entails, like you say, their relationships are doom... |